Ukraine & Gaza

A Comparison of Ukraine and Gaza Wars

A Glance at the Problems

Ukraine, an erstwhile State of USSR was gradually made anti-Russia by the vested interest of NATO members in the region thru’ various orchestrated events that included pro-Russian govt to anti-Russian. The anti-Russian govt started committing atrocities on own Russian speaking citizen of Crimea and Donbass regions. Crimea subsequently decided to join Russia BUT people of Donbass started facing discrimination, economic hardship with social security stopped and atrocities committed by the Ukrainian forces (read “Russian gameplan in Ukraine”, The outcome was on predicated lines. Russia started a war essentially to liberate Donbass besides some other objectives. Story of Gaza (and West bank) is slightly different with radical Islamic Arabian neighborhood acquiring a distinct orientation against the very existence of Israel.

Escalations and Conflicts

Conflict on Ukrainian territories has now been raging for over two years resulting in deaths and devastations the quantum of which is immense but not being acknowledged by its government. Conflict in Gaza has been raging now over 6 months causing deaths and devastations the quantum of which is alleged to be highly inflated. There have been extensive damages to the habitats and infrastructures in both nations because the defenders operated from them in former. Important Air Defence system laid within those townships that drew Russian anti-radiation missiles. In the case of the latter, an extensive underground network of tunnels operated by Hamas opened under private and public buildings, schools, mosques and even UNRWA facilities that are being targeted to eliminate the terrorists and their networks.

In both conflicts, the civilians are falling major victims for varied reasons. In case of the former, the relatively untrained civilians had been asked to pick up arms to fight against the aggressor while in latter, the radical administration and clerics (Mullahs) are deliberately asking them to become shields for the terrorists. Therefore, the civilian casualties are relatively high in both cases. Civilians coming to the aid of the fighting forces whether Ukrainian army or Islamic terror networks, are the reason why none of the nations qualify for genocides of their civilians. No doubt, UN, UNHRC or the ICJ came under sharp criticism of slapping charges of genocides in both nations (read “ICJ betrays Humanity, overlooks genocidal acts of Hamas”, 

Current Flare-up

Both Ukraine and Gaza had protracted grievances against their aggressors that flared-up to full-fledged wars following sparks of different kinds though. Under the NATO/EU narratives set over nearly a decade of the happenings in Crimea and Donbas regions since 2014, Russia was compelled to intervene. Gaza war on the other hand, followed a flashpoint by the terrorists of Hamas, United Jihad Council and some Palestinian hardliners, by indulging in heinous crimes of 7th Oct 2023. Both aggressors had their own reasons and narratives to feel aggrieved. Russia had long been tolerating the Ukrainian atrocities on their erstwhile Russian speaking citizens in the areas of dispute seldom reported by EU-controlled local media (both print & electronic/digital); whereas Israel had been facing a prolonged Islamic hatred towards Jews. Ukraine was hell bent on the NATO membership to threaten Russia whereas Gaza Administration had been running a long campaign to dispel territorial authority of Israel under their control since decades yet administered locally. The latest flare-up that resulted in the two wars was Ukrainian artillery attacks on Russian controlled positions of Donbass whereas the flare-up for Israel-Hamas war was the Hamas terror attack of 7th Oct 2023 that almost amounted to genocide.

The current state of the two wars is anything but a lull. On 10/11 May 24, border villages of Kharkiev were invaded by the Russian forces apparently to eliminate the missiles & Drone threats mounted by Ukrainian Forces. It has been reported that almost about 900 sq miles of Ukrainian territories have been captured by Russia. In Gaza on the other hand, a gradual shifting of the civilians from Rafah region are being ordered by IDF to ‘Khan Yunis’ and adjoining areas to neutralize Hamas and other terrorists. Israel considers it essential to achieve their objective to eliminate Hamas terrorists. 

Flawed Leaderships

Before starting the last flare-up acts, both leaderships of Ukraine and Gaza knew that retaliation would follow. Both also knew that they stood no chance of winning the war against militarily superior forces of their adversaries. Instead, their population, habitats, major infrastructures would be at a very high risk of being decimated. There came the lack of political maturity of the leaderships of the two. The Comedian President of Ukraine with inflated ego pushed the armed forces and citizen alike into the war without exploring possibilities of a diplomatic solution. In the case of Gaza, the citizens are facing decimation, paying price for murderous, lustful and genocidal acts of their few Hamas and Palestinian terrorists. It is even further deplorable as to why the two civilisations are not questioning the respective governments/administrations for their accountabilities for their perilous state (read “Zelenskyy Sacrificing Ukraine in NATO Gameplan”,; and “Gaza: Ignored Accountability of Hamas”, While Russia may not have had a solid reason to start the war, Israel had a firm resolve to decimate Hamas for their inexcusable crimes of 7th Oct 23 and cowardly hiding among the civilians. It is other matter though that there are hardly any innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza (read “Who are Innocent Civilian Palestinians?”, Clearly, both leaderships are at flaws, the latter (Hamas) more than the former (Russia).

The Comedian president of Ukraine compelled their civilian women and children to flee to other EU nations where numerous many of them were exploited sexually (read “Zelensky Sacrificing Ukraine for own Ego”,, whereas the radical Hamas administration of Gaza compelled their largely radicalised civilians incl women & children to become shields for the Islamic terrorists being haunted by the IDF (read “Gaza of Jihadists”, Thus, both administrations became enemies of own citizens responsible for their woes, exploitations and deaths. Gaza has the extreme of civilian exploitations where even UNRWA supports terrorists (read “UNRWA of Jihadists & terrorists”,

Both wars have been inflicting serious damages to their respective territories, the former through their own indulgence but the latter through their anti-human indulgence. The civilians of the former state had been a peace-loving population whereas the latter has traditionally been a radical society with fewer exceptions. Surely the Comedian President had a big question mark on his ability to govern largely an innocent populace amidst NATO/EU incitements while Gaza is under the administration of Hamas radicals & terrorists, duly supported by their radical populace, Mullahs and Islam, remote controlled by Iran.

Legitimacy for the Two Wars

When Russia started attacks on Ukraine, most nations felt it was uncalled for, expressing it as unnecessary aggression. They all felt that dialogue was to be given adequate trials before starting the so-called “Special Military Ops”. However, in the case of Gaza, an immediate action was needed where Hamas terrorists along with others retreated after committing heinous crimes on Israeli soil and carried innocent civilians incl several women & children as hostages. When Israel started hitting Gaza, most nations felt that Hamas fully deserved it. The ruling Hamas administration of Gaza, instead of prevailing on the culprits to surrender, stood by their sides. Not only that, radical Islamic clerics and Hamas admin incited civilians to stand as shields to the terrorists to discourage Israeli Air Force from targeting them. In addition, Hamas had made several private and public dwellings incl schools, hospitals and mosques as opening of their tunnel system of which, IDF had a draft blueprint, hitting with precision.

War of Narratives

In the Ukraine war, the news and views only by the European reporters were permitted to come out into public domain, often significantly edited by the govt of the moderator. Only those news came out in public which either supported European narratives or negated the claims of the Russian media. Of course, many of the news of Russian war equipment being destroyed had a stamp of truth BUT many of the damages inflicted on the European military hardware were concealed from the camera. Narratives being created in Gaza war are even worse. After the initial period of ISF invasion, Hamas administration and the radical Islamic organisations have imposed a total ban on reports being made by either unfriendly media houses or non-Muslims. Now only Palestinian Muslims in Gaza are permitted to report and that too only on matters that suit their narratives. Till now no reporter has been able to air a single ‘video byte’ where a question could be posed to the Hamas administration as to why numerous civilian lives are put to stakes for the crimes of Hamas Jihadists in Israel, the root cause of the ongoing IDF retaliation in Gaza. Obviously, most of the reports coming out the either nations may not be reliable or unbiased. In addition, reports prepared by the Islamist of Gaza incl those of UNRWA are often heavily biased and edited.

Achievement of the Objectives of the Two Wars

The mission Objectives of the Russia-Ukraine war were as follows:-

  • Territorial: Liberation of Donbas and integration of Crimea with Russia to be incorporated in the Ukrainian Constitution.
  • Demilitarise Ukraine and decimate neo-Nazi forces in port city of Metiopol.
  • Prevent Ukraine becoming NATO-puppet in the Russian backyard.

However, as the war progressed, Russian gameplan started blurring with:-

  • No effort to demilitarize Ukraine nor a plan to topple the leadership.
  • Inability to prevent NATO Eqpt, supplies & forces getting in Ukraine.
  • Inability to prevent Ukrainian military inflicting losses on Russian forces.

Objectives of the Russia-Ukraine war has been achieved partially thru’ accession of the major parts of Donbas extending upto Zaporhazia and also forcing neo-Nazi forces to surrender but the territories are unsafe from Ukrainian shelling. Other objectives have not been met. Consequentially, Russian forces too have incurred heavy price thru’ unprecedented losses of both men and machines.

Israeli war on Hamas has been focused yet difficult to achieve its objectives as the terrorists assimilate among mostly radical Palestine society. The war has been continuing over six months allegedly with heavy collateral civilian casualties. IDF is unable to liberate hostages or to neutralize Hamas terrorists who have reportedly fled to Rafah. Mounting international pressure for ceasefire to minimize civilian losses and unrest among the families of the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas is coming in the way of achieving objectives. At the time of writing this report, US Secy of State Mr Blinken is trying to facilitate negotiations for the release of hostages. If IDF intends to nab or neutralize hundreds or thousands of Jihadists, Rafah is the place. Several gun fights between IDF and terrorists in Rafah as of 10 May 24 confirms their presence among civilians. Of course, Islamists all over the world will try to make heavens fall to avoid such possibilities. It is unfortunate that even the UN/UNHRC/UNRWA are partisan (read “In Israel-Hamas war, UN-UNSC-UNRWA losing Public Trust”,

Spill-Over of the Two Wars

When started, the Russia-Ukraine war was limited within the territories of Ukraine and Israel-Hamas war within the territories of Gaza. As times passed over and advanced NATO weapons (both in striking range & accuracy) started getting into Ukraine, military bases in Crimea, Russian Ships in Black Sea, oil depots and other facilities in nearby cities of Russia in the likes of Belgorod etc increasingly came under Ukrainian attacks. However, the spill-over in Israel-Gaza war has been much wider. Hamas/Hezbollah targets in West Bank, Lebanon and Syria have come under regular attacks incl the Damascus Iranian Embassy. On the other hand, Iran and its proxy in Hezbollah (in West Bank, Lebanon & Syria), Houthi (in Yemen) launched several attacks on US and Israeli targets in Iraq extended the theatre of war to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden drawing retaliation. Several commercial, merchant ships of western nations have been hit. In retaliation, USA and UK aircrafts and missiles have repeatedly hit the Houthi targets in Yemen. It was for the first time in history that Iran mounted a strong aerial attack directly on Israel through some 350-odd drones and missiles most of which were intercepted by Israeli, US & ally air defence systems. This time, Israel retaliated very meekly owing to pressure from USA. Iran may repeat such attack when Israel may retaliate strongly. In that case, there are strong possibilities of other nations being drawn into the conflict. We must remember that most of the 175-odd jihadi organisations in the world are covertly supported by one or more of the 47 Islamic nations, some of which are allies of the US too.

Human and Financial Costs

Any war brings devastation both for its people and their nations. The two wars being highlighted in this article are no exceptions. The cost of Russia-Ukraine war has been phenomenal both in terms of men and materials. The citizens being injured, killed or displaced and the destroyed infrastructures be it habitats, cities, education infra, roads/bridges/ports/power generation units/economic centers and so on. Ukrainian economy has crumbled, and its existence is almost purely on NATO/EU aid and assistance. Human suffering is evident in almost all homes. The present generation of Ukraine is devoid of any and all socio-psychological supports be it education, social upbringing and so on.

Human cost of Israel Hamas war is no less BUT with a difference. Leaving few exceptions, Gazan population is radicalized to Islamic values. For generations, children given mandatory Quranic education have been ingrained hate & intolerance against non-Muslims and lay down lives for the cause of Islam. Children and adolescent become stone pelters, suicide bombers and Jihadists that we witness emanating from numerous refugee camps in Gaza and West Bank. Girls & women (incl adolescent & minors) willingly become objects of sexual pleasures of the Jihadists who are widely praised by the Mullahs considering it as part of their religious war of ‘Jihad’ to root-out the Jews from their vicinities. In addition, the serial flattening of the dwelling units and constructions give the impression that Israel could be trying to eliminate any and all tunnel systems from where jihadists run their covert activities. It could also be to relocate the Gazans somewhere else, thus getting rid of them once and for all. This will eliminate another jihadi threat in future. Whatever may be the reason, the cost of rebuilding could be several billions of dollars.

Effects of Sanctions

Partisan approach of the international communities is evident in applying sanctions on the aggressors of the various wars, both ongoing and past. While Ukraine and Gazans/Palestinians escaped any sanction for their initial aggressions that led to the retaliations, OIC dominated world seems more keen to focus on the effects rather than causes. In recent past too, the biases have been overtly glaring. ICJ gave verdict in Ukraine war without hearing the other side. ICJ has also erred in not implicating Hamas, the cause of the current conflict. The same have been the approach of UNHRC too who implicated Israel in 2018-19 aggression but ignored the culpability of Hamas that started it all.

As far as sanctions are concerned, Hamas has not been proscribed by the UN/UNSC for its 7th Oct 23 inhuman acts. Even Israel has not been implicated for destructive treatment of Gaza. US President Biden has been trying to cut a balance with Islamic nations to keep them along and in that effort, has withheld supplies of some ammunitions to Israel to discourage it from harming Rafah. However, Israel seems undeterred in finishing Hamas.

NATO/EU had applied numerous many economic sanctions on Russia expecting their economy to crumble within weeks BUT despite 2 ½ yrs passed by no clear impact is visible. On the contrary, the EU nations suffered a lot of economic impact thru’ energy bills and unending military aid to Ukraine marred in deep corruptions. It is assumed that the war has already caused Ukrainian-NATO-EU losses of over $100 Bn. The Russians expenditures are even more with no end in sight. Cost of rebuilding the destructed infrastructures is over and above, extending by several hundreds of billion dollars. However, USA and the UNSC has been able to prevent Russia from pressing N-button while USA had exercised this option in Japan for a much lessor reversal. In the Israel-Iran context, both nations have covert nuclear arsenals. It is quite possible that if pushed too far, this option could be fearful for the world.

The Bottom-line

World is at the brinks amidst several raging wars most of which were initiated by the Islamic cause except one (Russia-Ukraine war). There are many similarities in wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Numerous civilians have perished in the two wars owing to the immaturity and miscalculations on the parts of the two govts. Their infrastructures have received significant destructions, civilians have been put to severe hardship that will impact the current as well as next generations of their respective populaces. Both administrations at the receiving ends seem to be hard-headed, insensitive to the woes of their public.

The comedian Prez of Ukraine is refusing to come to the negotiating table whereas Gaza administration refuses to hand over the Israeli civilian hostages and criminals of Hamas to IDF. International agencies incl UN, UNHRC and ICJ seem to be partisan in their approaches in both cases. It is unfortunate that UN aid thru’ UNRWA is being used by Hamas terrorists. Both wars are being remotely supported by several groups of nations: Ukraine by NATO & EU and Gaza overtly by Iran and covertly by several Islamic nations. Both aggressors are having nuclear buttons at their hands. If pushed too far from achieving their objectives, either of them may choose to press N-buttons just like USA did against Japan in past. Both wars have potentials to escalate when other regional or global powers may like to jump in. The impact areas of both wars are extending with spill-over, more so in the latter case. The most unfortunate part is that the UN, UNHRC and the UNSC are seen as defunct powers, somewhat acting with biases. This is the most unfortunate and dangerous period in the world when the several ongoing wars, genocides, and territorial/radical ambitions of some of the nation may engulf the world in World War III.

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