Kolkata Protests

An Immoral Mamata Govt Shaming Bengalis and India

Turmoil in West Bengal

Bengal is being shamed time and again in the recent years. It is in repeated news all for wrong reasons. The land of Tagor, Bankim Chandra, Subhash, Deshbandhu, Aurobindo and lot many other elites of past is now being ashamed by the happenings in the recent years & decades that none of those great personalities would have even dreamt of. Leaving a few exceptions, the political class is highly corrupt, the professionals are hard to be found, the philosophers are difficult to be spotted, nationalists apparently gone underground, and few other classes must be trying hard to stand on the shaky soil to be spotted. Democracy is in shackles here (read “Threatened Democratic Rights in West Bengal”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/west-bengal-mamata-trinamool-tmc-democratic-elections-goons-muslims-bangladesi-rohingya/; and “Murder of Democracy in West Bengal”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/murder-of-democracy-in-west-bengal/). The author has no clear reason to explain such demoralization of the elites of Bengal. It may be the disease of Islamic cancer that is corroding the present world (read “Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/islamic-cancer-corroding-europe-and-the-world/), that was active on this part of the Indian soil and that could be one of the reasons if not the main one. Clearly that cancer could have weakened the immunity of the residents who were further diseased by the ills of Syndicate Raj earlier by the Communists and now by TMC goons, breaking the will of the people as a whole.

Bengal is in tatters. Politically it is the most notorious state in India where there are razing political violence not only before and during elections BUT even after the results are declared. Bengal is the only state where the party workers and the family members of political opposition has been made to feel insecure right from Communist rule. That fear has widened under Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress (TMC) to the extent that the workers and their families of the political opponents of the Ruling Party faces daylight intimidation, beating, torture, rape and exodus from the state (read “BJP’s Take Home lessons from 2021 Bengal Election”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/tmc-goons-brutal-cadre-mamata-banerjee-west-bengal-election-2021/. This is unprecedented. Why is this happening in a state where the Chief Minister is a woman who is supposed to be much sensitive to those very issues BUT in actual, she is much more insensitive than her predecessor male CMs. 

Political Overtures in RG Kar Hosp Rape Case

Some amount of insensitivity/shamelessness can be expected among most political figures if not all and Mamata Banerjee is no exception. However, her partiality towards perception and response is shameful. By and large, thanks to her political clouts among TMC cadres, she has escaped any major backlash till now. However, in the present mass unrest following rape and horrific murder of the PG Trainee doctor in RG Kar Hospital and an insensitive handling of the incident by the govt has made it a major flashpoint for Mamata Govt trying to scuttle the investigation by tampering the evidence thru’ her party goons. Firstly, the police tried to make the case as suicide which infuriated all doctors of the hospital to start the protest. It could be expected that home minister Mamata Banerjee’s concurrence could have been there in these innocuous police action. Secondly, she looked clueless when her 7000-odd party-goons invaded the hospital in the middle of the night to assault the protesting doctors and to tamper evidence…yet her police or she didn’t come to their rescue. Instead, she organized a march to showcase that students’ protests were misplaced, hijacked by political parties.

Insensitivity of Mamata Banerjee is not isolated. When there were allegations of mass rape and other atrocities of women in Sandeshkhali, she feigned ignorance till the time High Court and Supreme Court intervened. West Bengal (WB) is the sole state where atrocities on women, esp Hindu women, is maximum and strangely, FIRs are seldom registered (read “Plights of hapless Hindu Women in West Bengal”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/plights-of-hapless-hindu-women-in-west-bengal/). In the present case too, she tried to justify why FIR was not registered till the matter went out of hand. 

Culpability of Mamata Banerjee and her Govt

Mamata Banerjee has been indifferent to the numerous molestations and rapes in her state, remaining in the state of denials and often blaming it on to the victims itself. Her govt has been indifferent to prompt trials of sexual offence cases. In 2019, WB was authorized 123 Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs) incl 20 POSCO courts. However, Mamata has implemented only 11 (incl 7 POSCO) courts. In order to make headline, she shot out a letter to the PM in the present case but got a rebuttal instead. WB is one of those few states which doesn’t have telephonic Women’ helpline. As a result, women are suffering in WB the most. Further, police in WB seldom register FIRs for rapes & molestations unless a green signal is given by their TMC political masters. Hence, WB, despite being the rape-state of India, National Crime Bureau doesn’t show it. Mamata Banerjee either denies occurrences of such crimes or tries to find an escape route. In 2021, on the incidence of 15 rapes by TMC workers in 40 days, she went in total denial. As a result, most of the victims didn’t get justice.

15 Rapes by TMC goons in 40 days in 2021

Lawlessness in West Bengal is not a new happening. Syndicate Raj of Communist period (from 1977 to 2011) was a dark chapter in its history. In that period, illegal migrants of Bangladesh, Naxals/Maoists along with cadres of Communists and an-odd political opponents formed the major units of goon-raj. It was unfortunate that Mamata Banerjee acquired those very goon-tantra in her administration in 2011 election forcing her to hand-over major stakes to those very goons making it the darkest period of WB. Further, her DNA of Congress has given her an additional “Muslim Vote-bank Politics” that has made her govt to behave as pro-Muslim. This approach of her govt by default, has made it look like anti-Hindu. This is why SC/ST Hindu women of Sandeshkhali suffered for long with her police behaving indifferent. This is also why radical Muslims of Bengal disrupt almost all Hindu festivals. This is why majority of illegal Muslim migrants of Bangladesh or Rohingya find shelter, given fake IDs to acquire ration cards and other documents for citizenship thus becoming Mamata’s ‘Muslim vote-bank’. She has been riding the evil tiger fully knowing that the day she dismounts, she will not survive. Hence, she has to gulp all evil acts of her party goons/ministers including the increasing Islamic radicalization, religious hate crimes and rampant corruptions (read “Bengal at the Heap of Corruptions”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/bengal-partha-ssc-cow-smuggling-coal-scam/). She has no choice but to keep dancing to the tunes of the rogue elements in her party. It is also unfortunate that despite increasing lawlessness in the state, Union Home Minister, the PM and the President of India are indifferent in pulling the Mamata Govt or imposing art 356 to get rid of the atrocities by her and her TMC cadre. The Union Govt seems more concerned with the electoral repercussions if any, than dealing with the lawlessness in the state.

The national Trends

Not that molestations and rapes are not happening in the other parts of the country, but callousness shown by Mamata (WB) and Gehlot (Rajasthan) has been the worst. Routinely, Mamata tried to look the other way on rapes by numerous rogue elements incl her TMC cadres. On the other hand, Gehlot’s police was reluctant to register FIRs against ‘Muslim vote-bank’ rapists. Although Sexual Violence against women are invariably surrounded in politics (read “Politics of rapes in India”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/politics-rapes-india-murder-causes-factors-socio-etiological-prevention/), approaches of a few state govts have been atrocious at best. Various steps have also been suggested towards minimizing the evil of rape both by social scientists (read “Preventive & Promotive Steps against Rapes”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/politics-rapes-india-murder-causes-factors-socio-etiological-prevention/) as well as by the govt esp following the Nirbhaya case in 2012 (as recommended by Justice Varma Commission). However, approach by the state govts have been far from satisfactory and as a result, there is hardly any significant reduction in sexual violence against women.


It is unfortunate that sexual violence in Indian states have become a regular phenomenon. Although central laws are stringent in the newly enacted “Bharteey Nyay Samhita”, the approach by many states are deplorable. Among these, callousness displayed by Mamata Banerjee is highly deplorable. WB doesn’t have a Women’s Helpline and its police seldom registers FIRs on molestations & rapes unless approved by political leadership. Mamata Banerjee herself has been guilty of blaming the victims for the crimes committed mostly by her goons. In the present case of the Doctors rape & gruesome murder in RG Kar hospital, her police tried to dispose-off the case as suicide. Next, she tried to scuttle the investigation by letting her party-goons to tamper the evidence. She also tried to lump the anger of the doctors as politically motivated. Mamata Banerjee and her WB Govt is undoubtedly immoral and needs to go. Neither the people of WB nor the nation trust the law & order machineries of the state. That is why CBI investigation was sought.

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