Guterres must resign

Antonio Guterres, the Worst UNSG, Must Resign

United Nations (UN) is the most revered world agency of extremely high repute ever since its inception. It was expected to represent the entire world to serve a common goal towards peace, security and Human Rights. However, the foundation of the UN was on a shaky ground of uncertainties of the world emerging out of World War II. In the initial years the UN did experience teething problems most of which were resolved in the coming years and decades. However, the worst part of the erroneous approach of the UN was the lack of equitable and uniform representation esp those based on the representation of the homogenous and heterogenous populations represented by various nations. This suppressed the voice of the minorities whether religious, ethnic or on other considerations, esp in the non-democratic states many of whom suffered genocides that the world failed to take notice and impart protection. Today, the UN gives same weightage to a nation of few thousands of homogenous populations as well as a nation of >1.4 billion heterogenous population. Another injustice that the foundation group indulged was its inability to reform to the changing ground realities. Another blunder they did was to give have a select group of P-5 at the Security council on adhoc basis that didn’t represent percent population and arming them with criminal ‘veto right’. These blunders have been defeating the very purpose that the UN/UNSC/UNHRC were founded.

UN Secretary General (UNSG) is the head of the UN but his election is often marred with controversies. Strangely, the P5 have their ‘veto wielding powers’ in this election too. Worst is the scenario when a UNSG turns out to be partisan or marred in corruptions. There must be some guideline in the candidature of the SG to be representative of the world populace not only on the region but religio-ethnicity too. These basics in UNSG elections have been missing right from its inception. The result of all these is before us. Not only there were genocides and wars in the past, it has been going on in the present too…and worst…UN/UNSC/UNHRC watching it happening helplessly (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocide”, and (“International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of Genocide”, There is no justification to the existence of the UN/UNSC/UNHRC in the view of the ongoing and past genocides that could be neither be prevented nor the millions of the perpetrators could be brought to the books. The present ongoing genocide of Palestinians-Armenians-Ukrainians, the just accomplished complete genocide of Sikhs/Hindus in Afghanistan and the numerous on-going genocides in the world elaborated in the above articles, bear testimony to it. It also demonstrates that the UN bodies and the UNSG are useless, incompetent, and possibly partisan; unable to deal with the situations unbiased. Weaker section of nations and its population have totally lost faith in the UN/UNSC.

The present UNSG Antonio Guterres shamed the UN/UNSC when he tried to justify the heinous crimes of the Hamas Jihadists on 7th Oct 2023 after infiltrating on to the Israeli territories and murdering, raping, burning them and taking hostage of the innocent civilians including toddlers, children, women, elderly and school going boys & girls…all alike. Guterres rightly was trolled the world over for justifying Hamas’s inhuman acts and called to resign (read “Guterres blunders”, In spite of calling or attending splinter groups holding conferences with their hidden agenda, UNSG should have coordinated a security meeting with three logical agendas…of enforcing an immediate ceasefire in Gaza with concurrent unconditional return of the Israeli hostages taken on 7th Oct 23 and handing over of the indulgent Hamas Jihadists to the Israeli authorities to bring them to the books as per the law of the land (read “Beyond Hamas beast-hood: The Way Ahead”,

The Jihadists behaved as beasts and they deserved to be nabbed and handed over to the Israeli authorities for bringing to the books as per law of the land or done to death as far as possible with minimal collateral casualties. It is also noteworthy that the Jihadi beasts are successfully using the Palestinians as shields mostly with their ideological concurrences to Jihad. Today, it is difficult to segregate Hamas jihadists from the civilians as majority are part of them leading to collateral casualties (read “Who are innocent Palestinians”,

Whatever be the case, deaths of innocent civilians must be stopped forthwith by enforcing an immediate ceasefire…BUT…also doing justice to the Israel by unconditional return of their innocent civilians taken hostage and surrendering of the indulgent jihadists of 7th Oct 23. All these three actions must be done simultaneously, otherwise one group will appear to be victimized and the other as favoured. Guterres is seen as heavily biased when he is repeatedly talking of immediate ceasefire but not uttering a single word to nabbing & surrendering of the indulgent Hamas jihadists. It is shameful and unbecoming of a UNSG. It appears that the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is hostage to the Islamic nations whose ideologies of genocide of non-Islamic religions & faiths emerge from their unholy book Quran & Hadith. Today, there are over 175 jihadist groups having roots in Quran, spread all over the world that has marred the world with their Islamic terrorism both against non-Muslims as well as fighting against the other sects of Islam itself. They seem to have enough guns & weapons to keep fighting…BUT…need food from the UN to feed (read “Hey Foolish World, Feed us for free while we commit Jihad”,

Besides Gaza, UN/UNSC/UNHRC incompetence are also glaringly visible with their mishandlings in Ukraine, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kurd, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Niger, Sahel region, DRC and elsewhere. Almost all continents in the world bear the testimony to the incompetence and inefficiency of the UN agencies. Global warming has been going on unabated amidst activities by some nations that are extremely harmful (read “Climate Butchery by heavy Rockets”, and (“Climate Change: Some Divergent Views”, Similar are the global mishandling of the socio-economic issues, unchecked motivated migration and so on.

The Bottomline

Many world leaders also feel that Guterres is succumbing to pressures from influential groups in indulging in what he is doing. He is also incompetent to reform the UN/UNSC/UNHRC under the hegemony of dominant blocks, which is the need of the hour. He along with Dr Tedros permitted the world to be doomed under Covid19 pandemic without a credible and transparent investigation to bring the culprit to the books. Today, when there are almost a dozen of armed conflicts in the different parts of the world with a strong possibility of another world war, with numerous genocides going on, with the UN/UNSC/UNHRC mum as a mute spectator, UNSG must go. Antonio Guterres must resign or be removed from the chair unceremoniously.

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