72 Hoors

Busy God Supplying Hoors

Narrative for Recruiting Ideology-based Terrorists

There is a buzz in the Terror-World that their Gods will provide them with 72 Hoors to each of their jihadists on their deaths as promised by their clerics. None is sure when this buzz word was sounded to their clerics who started producing, training and recruiting terrorists to kill innocent human beings believing different ideologies. It may be realized that all live beings possess a soul which is a miniscule part of the Supersoul, the Almighty. Humanity all around the world wonders as to why should a God ask its clerics to turn innocent human beings into terrorists and also brainwash them to commit suicidal attacks to kill humans believing in other ideologies. These clerics claim that their God through religious books has promised to provide the slain terrorists with 72 hoors in heavens to enjoy after death. There arise few terms & conditions here. Firstly, why should the slain terrorists be permitted into heaven after committing sins of killing innocent human beings. Secondly, why should God play pimp by distributing 72 hoors each to souls of the terrorists; thirdly, will the souls of the slain terrorists be able to enjoy the company of those hoors? There is one more issue that the clerics don’t talk. If the male terrorists get 72 Hoors, what is the incentive for the female extremists & terrorists who sacrifice their lives for the cause of their faith on the instructions of their clerics. Let us consider those questions one by one.

Terrorist going to Heavens? Can a terrorist go to heaven after committing the sins of killing innocent humans that include women and children? Will the Almighty excuse an ideological hate monger for killing human beings of another faith? No, surely not. The killed terrorists will never go to heavens for committing the sins of persecuting, torturing or killing people only because they belonged to different faith. Killing a killer or evil-character could be justified but killing innocent cannot be. The acts of ideology-based perverts have been witnessed in the recent months & years in several nations. How can such demonic souls be allowed in the heavens? Not at all. All these hate-mongering souls having committed crimes in the greed of getting 72 hoors are likely to be burnt, deep fried and thrown before the dogs to feed in hell. They wasted their lives on the earth and will regret becoming dog’s food in hell too. Those clerics of a given faith must be questioned as to how a God can ask for killing of innocent lives. Either those clerics are lying or the God they worship is in fact demon.

God distributing Hoors? The perception made by ignorant clerics of a given faith is that their God will distribute 72 hoors each to the slain terrorists. Is their God a pimp, distributing hoors (or whores)? In the recent decades, thousands of terrorists have been dying while carrying out jihadi attacks through suicides or in encounters with Security/Defense Forces. It virtually means that souls of thousands of dead jihadists must be honored on daily basis by their God, busy distributing lakhs of hoors/whores; day and night, 24x7. Is it similar to the jobs that pimps do on earth? No, it can’t be. The pimps provide whores for getting a commission. But surely, that so-called God cannot be asking for commission. It is also learnt that this God keeps records of each hoors/whores, being absolutely careful in not providing the ones to the arriving souls of dead terrorists for decades/centuries/millenia who could have served pleasures to their father/grandfather/great grandfather…. Guess how busy that God must be managing trillions/quadrillions/quintillions of hoors/whores over decades/centuries that this faith has been in existence. One can imagine how complex must be the jobs of the God of the terrorists in maintaining records of the trillions/quadrillions/quintillions of hoors, both used and unused.

Is there only one way affair for those hoors to please the slain terrorists or even the souls of slain terrorists are expected to please the whores? Like the men/women on earth, there also must be unspecified numbers of slain terrorists/hoors-whores who could have received talaq from their masters. What if one of the either slain terrorist or hoor/whore is not satisfied? Will there be Talaq, Talaq, Talaq? And what does that God do with divorced hoors? That poor God of the terrorist must be pulling his hair as to why he committed of providing hoors and that too, 72 of them. One can imagine what must be happening to those trillions/quadrillions/quintillions of hoors/whores who get unsatisfied with their masters. Do they go back to the God asking for interchange or separation from their masters? That God must be cursing himself for the dirty job that he has to blame none other than himself.  

Can a slain terrorists enjoy the company of 72 hoors? Getting pleasure in the company of hoors / whores after death, is something to ponder. Once a terrorist dies, his body and mortal remains are separated forever. Souls are believed to have no desires for joys or sorrows. Firstly, none know if there are Hoors in the heaven/hell that their Gods are supposed to provide them and secondly, even if there are hoors, they are of no articles of pleasure for the souls of dead terrorists. It is believed that after social media ridicule, some terrorists realized that with their bodies and genitals separated from the souls after deaths, they will not be able to enjoy the hoors. Hence, some stupid terrorists approached surgeons to cut their genitals that they handed over to the clerics for it to be delivered to their God after they were dead. It may be a joke but does brings to the light the superstitions and fake narratives that they would enjoy the company of hoors after deaths, whether 1 or 72 of them. It must be a deep conspiracy run by the clerics to entice their followers to commit crimes in the name of their faith. The day those fool terrorists realise it, they could butcher their clerics.

What about slain female terrorist? Clerics of this faith also incite and brainwash their females to commit sins against believers of other faiths. They are often utilized as sex slaves by the terrorists themselves or often used as human bombs to blow up. What is the incentive for them? Do they get 72 masculine souls (Ahwars) in heaven/hell to fulfil their desire? BUT again, souls of the slain terrorists whether masculine or feminine will have no desires for joys or sorrows. However, clerics and men of this faith are selfish. In their lifetime, they keep upto four females having undergone khatna (genital mutilation) so that they don’t have to enjoy or necessarily experience satisfaction. It is only their males who are supposed to enjoy. God only known what they get after their death for their terrorist service on earth. No masculine soul will accept them in lieu of the hoors. Hence, in a nutshell, feminine souls of slain terrorists suffer lack of satisfaction even after death. So, why should they lay down their lives? Further, if there are Hoors(female) and Ahwars (male) up there in sky/heavens/hell, why should they entertain slain terrorist souls coming from Earth? In all probabilities, the terrorists will get the used hoors and clerics promising of virgin hoors may be all bullshit. As such the entire gamut of pimp-turned God involved in the business of hoors seems a crap. It is sheer promoting terrorism thru’ jihad by the clerics with myth of getting hoors after death.

The Bottomlines

There is a Universal ethos for the human beings…’live and let live’. It is surprising for the mankind as to how their spiritual books could provide incentive of 72 hoors, to commit crimes against fellow human beings believing in other faiths. The barbarism committed against other faiths in medieval times cannot be permitted in 21st millennia. Any book promoting violence against another human being belonging to different faith must not be allowed in civilized societies. Such spiritual books must be banned forthwith. There cannot be a God asking clerics to preach violence and distribute trillions/quadrillions/quintillions of hoors like a pimp to the souls of dead criminals. And, what about the slain female terrorists? What is the incentive to them?

If anyone claims of existence of such God, that must be a myth. In all probabilities, it must be a devil that preaches discrimination, hate, intolerance and bigotry based on one’s faith. God cannot be preaching hate for the believers of another faith/religion. For Gods, each live being enjoys His mercy. Time has come for the world community to believe in “Vishwedevah” or many Gods for the world community among which none is superior or inferior. It is up to the human beings to decide without fear as to which form of God they would worship. In today’s world of ideology-based faith, some clerics have apparently projecting their God as a busy pimp, having no spare time to perform divine duties. This is neither possible nor acceptable.

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