Choking US Democracy

Choking US Democracy

The oldest democracy in the world is choking. However, a better expression will be that Democracy in the US is being choked by its own political establishments. The world saw it happening during the previous general elections 2020 (read “World’s oldest democracy has flawed voting process”, Donald Trump’s genuine electoral concerns did deserve to be addressed transparently, but it was not. Apex court ruling on Trump’s objections were surely a subject of suspicion for the world democratic bodies. They might have done justice but that surely didn’t appear to have been done. One must remember that in political domains, justice done must also appeared to have been done unbiased in the public eyes. In US 2020 elections, it surely didn’t appear so. The 2024 US election is even the worse in which the ruling party has embroiled the opponent candidate Trump in several politically motivated cases, keeping him too busy to concentrate on the coming elections.

Having won the preliminaries, Donald Trump has hardly had any time to plan his coming electoral campaigns. Instead, he has been busy attending numerous court cases in various provinces. Most of these cases are being seen by the nationals as politically motivated ones the fabric of which were stitched much earlier during Nancy Pelosi’s time in the Congress (read “The US eyeballs of Bigotry”, Many feel that Joe Biden and his party has had a significantly cunning approach towards his electoral adversary with cases of treachery, possessing confidential documents, paying hush money and so on. It is another matter though that seldom US leaders have had a clean slate as far as sexual behaviors are concerned. Some are unlucky enough to have been caught (in the likes of Clinton & Trump) but numerous others going escort-free.

All trends and opinion polls in US clearly show Trump leading way ahead of Biden. This is possibly the reason why Biden and his administration including judiciary, have been after Trump, showing least leniency. On the contrary, the same judiciary has been showing reluctance to bring Hunter Biden to justice for an apparently clear involvement in corruption cases besides some others. There are numerous other pressures on the present US govt. Widening differences with China on South China Sea, Taiwan and Russia have been increasing. Political, defense and economic burdens of wars in Ukraine and Gaza have created clear strain lines. Shifting alliances in the Middle East and African Unions are becoming concerns for the future with both Russia, China and Iran proving tough nuts. Apparently, this is the worst of the times for the US administration handling world affairs in the worst possible way.

Many political analysts the world over feel that United States of America is no longer ‘united’. It is divided to its core along several wedge lines of political affiliations, race, religion, colour of skin, types of citizenships and so on. Some of these divisions became overtly glaring with appalling scenes on the US streets spilling the world over during the BLM protests (read ‘The Counterviews, Issue 2:16, Sep 2020; pp-12’). Human rights abuses are galore on the US streets that often look like a slum. USA showing itself as a champion of democracy has been rather brutal in handling the Palestine protests in the various university campuses. Muslim emigrants for US will pose more challenges for the administration with the American public already wary of their allegiance. Comparatively, Indian govt was much more considerate in handling the Shaheenbagh protests.

Presidential Elections in USA is just round the corners. The indications coming from US societies are rather bleak for democracy. Many citizen feel it is not going to be free and fair. There could even be attempts to bar Trump from the Presidential candidacy and it will be unfortunate if the US judiciary become complicit in this. Donald Trump could be troubled by the judiciary apparently at the instance of Biden’s Democrats with numerous restrictions and gag orders. Biden with the help of the black and Muslim communities may try to forge the voting process esp the postal votes. All these only shows that democracy in USA is being choked.

The Bottom lines

Rosy days of US democracy, the oldest, seems to have ended. In 2020 election, fingers were pointed at the electoral process. Judiciary was perceived to be complicit in whatever limited way it could. Four years of Biden administration has been anything but smooth. Opinion polls are pointing an almost certain defeat for Biden in 2024. Biden and his Democrat party has been working overtime to smear Trump and his electoral campaigns. Numerous cases have been framed against him. His followers and party workers have been even branded as right wing extremists. Writing is very much on the walls…Democracy is sinking in USA, the world’s oldest.

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