Protests in Tel Aviv

Could Israel be Defeated by Own People?

Current Israeli Offensive against hamas

The 7th of May 2024 may turn out to be a red-lettered day in the history of Israel when despite immense pressure by some of own people to sign deal with Hamas for the release of hostages, the ‘War Cabinet of Israel’ set-up by the govt chose to enter Rafah and go after Hamas terrorists. International pressures too have been intense by the friends and foes alike to sign a ceasefire deal. This decision by Israel has high chance of bringing Hamas terrorists to their knees. IDF tanks have moved-in Rafah and their fighter jets have hit several targets suspected of sheltering terrorists. Many of the terrorists are believed to be hiding and desperately waiting for ceasefire to be signed so as to escape the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). As reports are trickling-in, scores of Hamas terrorist hiding in Rafah have been neutralized on the first day itself and many have been arrested for identification. Israel has shown to the world that they live by their words. They had taken a resolve to wipe out Hamas from Gaza and they are going for it. It is other matter though that many Hamas cadre of terrorists may manage to escape in civilian garb or burqas. 

Right since its formation in 1948, Israel has firmly held its ground amidst adversaries and enemies…just like a tongue surrounded by teeth. There have been several attacks by surrounding Islamic nations but Jewish Israel only emerged stronger and stronger every time. The world opinion of the only Jewish State was one of the best-knit societies that stood together against any communal and national threat. However, the proponents of hostage release did put that notion is in serious doubt by compelling their own govt to give in to the Hamas terrorist’s demands for the exchange of hostages. World incl UN and UNHRC also seemed to have forgotten the atrocious events of 7th Oct 23 and its perpetrators while pressurizing Israel to sign ceasefire. A very legitimate doubt remains before the entire world whether Islamists will adhere to the terms of ceasefire agreements in future too. In past, they have not. Right from the Israel-Arab war of 1948, the Islamic nations have violated numerous ceasefires and peace agreements; some overtly and other covertly (table below explains it).

Untrustworthy Islamic Nations

A late appreciation for Govt Failures

The 07th Oct 23 Jihadi attack by Islamic terrorist organization Hamas was brutal to say the least. Both Israeli intelligence service and Israeli internal Security & Defence services were caught napping when jihadists descended on the boarder villages by all possible means of transportations to torment the conscience of the Israeli people, leaving a trail of destructions, inhuman behaviour and taking with them an unspecified numbers of hostages. A handful of Rapid Action Forces did swing in action to counter the jihadists BUT that was too little, too late. Damages were already done inflicting devastation and humiliation of the Jews. Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) swiftly started attacks on all known/suspected Hamas positions in Gaza on the same day with a prime aim to debilitate Hamas once and for all. The war has not gone the way Israel had wanted. Intelligence chief of Israel has already resigned for a clear failure for 7thOct 23 happenings, a nightmare for all Israelis. There is no reason why internal security and IDF chiefs too (incl the ministers for interiors, national security, defence etc) not own their failures in protecting the citizens all along the border in the need of hour. Muslims of Israel too, who provided intelligence assistance to Hamas on or before that day, committing treachery, don’t deserve Israeli citizenship.

A Crack in national Unity

All those who suffered the 7th Oct attacks, apparently tried to reconcile to the brutal reality amidst feeble cries to bring back the hostages. If the residents were strong nationalists, they would have stood by the govt to convey despite suffering, “Nation comes first, don’t give in to the Hamas terrorists bargaining with our near and dear held by them as hostages”. Their angers are visible, increasing day by day, spilling on the streets, often serving the cause of Hamas. This is not what the Israeli nationals are known for. Numerous many protests for release of hostages in Tel Aviv bear a clear testimony to the fact that Israeli people and govt are disunited. Even on 6th May when Israel rejected Hamas terms for hostage release, there were protests on Israeli streets. This is unprecedented in the entire history of Israel. Jewish unity of Israel is at a crossroad.

Hamas Succeeds creating Narratives

IDF had believed that they will bring the terror organization of Gaza to their knees to compel Hamas both to return the hostages as well as surrender the culprits of 7th Oct to the IDF to bring them to justice…BUT… the overall effects of the >7 month war is far from achieving its main objective. Largely radical society of Palestinians in Gaza incl their women and children have stood by Hamas terrorists by becoming their shields against IDF attacks and suffering many casualties in turn. As acclaimed by Hamas administration, the number of casualties is approx. 35,000 with more than half of the population translocated to South Gaza, facing acute scarcities of essential commodities. Clearly, the terrorists have exploited their civilians to create narratives in own favour.

Hamas terrorists played a trick in Nov 2023 by flashing the videos of some of the hostages that led to a chain of events leading to release of some and holding others as bargaining chips. However, this rapidly intensified the efforts of those whose near and dear did not return. This divided the erstwhile united Jewish society amidst growing protests and demonstrations within Israel forcing the govt to negotiate with Hamas for return of the remaining hostages the number of which remains unspecified. Protesters are believed to have numerous Islamic and political instigators, both Jews and Muslims, both from within and outside. Some Israeli Muslims are believed to have assisted Hamas in their 7th Oct 23 attack and they also want to pressurize the govt to cease attacks on Gaza. As the events unfolded later, it was clear that there are numerous terrorists have infiltrated into the ranks and files of UNRWA and other international agencies in Gaza, some even participating in the 7th Oct attack (read “UNRWA losing public trust”, It is worth mentioning here that Israeli Arab/Muslims often indulged in riots against Jews in Israel in their 2021 war too. This is the reason why Israeli Jews don’t trust their Muslim neighbors. In addition, Political opportunists want to see Netanyahu step down. However, most Israelis believe this is not the time for political unrest as long as the war is going on. 

It is a fact that numerous civilians are bearing the brunt of the sordid acts of Hamas yet, none is asking for the culpabilities of their woes (read “Gaza: Ignored accountability of Hamas”, However, it is also a fact that local Hamas administration and Muslim clerics were able to mobilise civilians incl women and children as shields for Hamas against IDF attacks. Thus, mounting civilian casualties becoming a propaganda machine and gradually, international communities are forgetting the Hamas acts of 7th Oct 23 and remember only the mounting casualties (that include Hamas cadre too) and destructions. They are able to pressurise them for more aid, a substantial part of which also goes to Hamas mixed with civilians in Rafah. Now with the IDF having moved in, this nexus is likely to be cut and majority of Hamas cadres are likely to be nabbed or killed. 

The Bottomline

IDF retaliation against Hamas to their 7th Oct 23 inhuman attack seems to be heading towards culmination of at least disbanding them from Gaza despite enormous pressure from the international bodies incl the UN, UNHRC and UNRWA. Progress to the IDF campaign hasn’t gone the desired way. Hamas wanted to create a narrative of mounting civilian casualties and they got it too. They have been able to evade serious blow by the IDF.

Today, the international community incl some of Israel’s allies, the UN-UNHRC-UNRWA…all are against Israel. Rafah attack by the IDF is likely to unmask several Hamas terrorists presently masked with civilian in Rafah. Where will the war move from here, is difficult to say. IDF is now in the control of Gaza-Egypt border thru’ which most of the aid trucks pass. This was bound to ruffle both Islamic nations and the UN-UNHRC-UNRWA. Luckily the border crossing has been open under IDF care for the aid trucks.

At a time when Israeli govt was under intense pressure by own people to succumb to Hamas blackmails thru’ hostage deal. However, that seems to be the past. Netanyahu govt has withstood it effectively and gone ahead with its prime resolve to wipe out Hamas. It can be expected that the War Cabinet steers the course of the war to achieve their primary aim to defeat Hamas.


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