Jihadist Terrorists

Growing Trust Deficit for World Muslims as Community & Nations

(Author makes it clear that the article making mention of Muslim community doesn’t take exceptions in view. It is acknowledged that there are numerous good Muslims too against an apparent stereotype in the article.)

Islamic Atrocities and Barbarism

The 7th Oct 2023 barbarism on Israeli territory carried out by Jihadists of Hamas living in Gaza strip, has made the world to shiver how brutal they may be against the civilians esp the toddlers, children, women and the elderly. This face of the Jihadist terrorists has not come to the public for the first time. In the recent years and decades they displayed numerous similar inhuman behaviour elsewhere some of which are shown in the text box below.

Ongoing Genocides by Islamists

These are only the barbaric attacks amounting to genocidal tendencies. The major jihadi attacks carried all over the world numbering numerous are enumerated elsewhere (read “Major Jihadi attacks in the world”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/major-islamic-jihadi-attacks-in-the-world/). Most of those violence have been carried out by Muslims in mob either in the recent times of social media or in past when mass media were unable to gather info at short times. Of course, Indian Muslims are largely peace loving owing their peace-loving ancestors (read “Indian Muslims Parts 1, 2 & 3”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/muslims-of-india-part-3-how-could-hindu-muslim-divide-be-narrowed/) vis-a-vis the Muslims of Arab origins whose ancestors were tribal, barbaric with violent social backgrounds. Hence, Hamas behaviour need not necessarily reflect Indian Muslims.

The hate and intolerance that Quran preaches, makes them behave like beasts against the believers of religions and faiths other than Islam (read “Is Quran a source of Hate & Intolerance”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/is-quran-a-source-of-hate-and-intolerance/ and “Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the disease, not Symptoms”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/islamic-hate-and-intolerance-treat-disease-not-symptoms/). These hate and intolerance started long back by Mohamed and other Caliphs of Islam through their war cries of “Convert, flee or die” against the non-Muslims in 7th century was inculcated in Quran and continues even today. Although Quran is an excellent example of inculcating brotherhood, empathy and cohesiveness among Muslims, the author is at pains in mentioning that numerous other verses of Quran are discriminatory, hateful, intolerant against non-Muslims whom they call Kaffirs (read “60 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran; Parts 1 & 2:, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-1/ and https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-2/ ). Since Muslims follow Quran in letter & spirits, they as community and nations are largely untrustworthy for the non-Muslims the world over.

Growing Trust Deficit Against Islamists

In the recent years and decades, terrorist acts of numerous Jihadi organisations are increasingly acquiring dangerous proportions. Almost half of the world is affected with Islamic terrorism. It may be recalled that while majority of nations and UN/UNHRC were avoiding giving any religious colour to growing violence and terrorism, it is now taken for granted that if there is a terrorist incident in any part of the world, it could be Islamic Jihad unless proven otherwise. Islamists are fast losing the trust of the non-Muslims esp after 9/11. Soon a sort of Islamophobia started that spread like an epidemic. The Jihadi attack on Twin tower in USA was not an isolated act. Numerous other Jihadi attacks both before and after 9/11 were glaring evidence of Islamic terrorism (read “Major Jihadi Attacks in the world”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/major-islamic-jihadi-attacks-in-the-world/). All these acts have been fuelling trust deficit against Muslims both as individuals and community.

Combined with the formation of ISIS/ISIL in Iraq and call for Global Islamic Caliphate by Al-Baghdadi, Islam and Muslims increasingly became suspect in the eyes and minds of non-Muslims all over the world. It is true that there is some amount of Islamophobia but that is not without reasons and every Muslim and Islamic nation must introspect the reasons (read “Factual Islamophobia in the World”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/factual-islamophobia-in-the-world/). Passing resolution against Islamophobia is of no use unless hateful and intolerant behaviour of the Islamists and their 175-odd Jihadi Tanzeems change. Jihadists are inhuman. They don’t need reasons to indulge in violence whether against the believers of other religions/faiths or own Sects.

The 7th Oct 23 acts of inhuman barbarism indulged by Hamas against the innocent civilians of Israel that included toddlers, infants, children, women and elderly by shooting them from point blank ranges and decapitating, cannot be justified by any means whatsoever. However, Iran and many other Islamic nations not only justified it but they threatened similar actions in future too. Even UN Secretary General tried to justify it which was appalling (read “Guterres Blunders, Justifies Hamas”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/guterres-blunders-justifies-hamas-shames-un-unsc/). These words of Islamic nations and UNSG have severely dented the trust of the civilised world against Islamists, Islamic community and Islamic nations as well as against the United Nations. The result is before us. Today, entire world is circumspect of Muslims as individuals, communities as well as nations.

Indifference of UN/UNSC/UNHRC to Islamic atrocities & Genocides

United Nations Human Rights council (UNHRC) founded in 2006 under the UNGA is the main intergovernmental body responsible for promotion and protection of the human rights in the entire world esp those of the 193-odd member states of the UN. It claims to prevent racial discrimination and protect individual and group rights under civil, economic, socio-cultural and some other categories, especially claiming to champion the rights of the minorities. The Human Rights bodies both under previous name (of Commission) as well as in the present form of UNHRC have conceived the above ethos right since the days of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). However, a glaring anti-climax is happening in the recent years and decades in that those conceived ethos should have given birth to a healthy child of Human Rights and grow thereafter, it is under the pains of abortion. Thanks to the flawed policies of UNHRC, the biased body of the UN/UNSC are unable to protect the rights of the non-P5 members esp the non-aligned and weaker states (read “Highly Biased Human Rights Council”,https://thecounterviews.com/articles/highly-biased-un-human-rights-council/).

Lot many individuals, communities and nations feel that UN, UNSC and the UNHRC have become hostage to the P5 hegemony as well as stronger groups of nations. These groups such as OIC, EU, NATO or the other unions of States seem to exert significant influence on them. Further, there are groups of weaker/poor member nations who are arm-twisted by stronger nations…on the basis of economic, geo-political or cultural influences of the stronger ones.It is well known that China has put several Asian and African nations under its ‘debt trap’ and does ‘arm-twist’ them to adhere to the Chinese civil and political decisions. Similarly, OIC nations numbering 57 are often seen standing together on their ideological platform even if it violates Human Rights. Europe and NATO are other power blocks standing together when it comes to voting at the UN/UNSC or the UNHRC. It is appreciable though that European nations have set their own performance bar reasonably high on the matters of Human Rights yet, aberrations do take place in their stand against countries like Israel, Russia, India, Myanmar etc. Similar are the actions of the UNHRC which passed the resolution on Islamophobia due to OIC pressure (read “Factual Islamophobia in the World”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/factual-islamophobia-in-the-world/) but chose to remain indifferent to the ongoing Hinduphobia/anti-Semitism (read “Hate against Hindu”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/hate-against-hindu-hinduism-hindutva/).

In the recent years and decades, UNSC has been made almost defunct owing to the Veto rights of P5. It has become a laughing stock on the matters of preventing wars, or taking tough stand against Rights violations while some of the power blocks are clearly indulging in biases. UN/UNSC helplessly witnessed human suffering in Ukraine, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Eritrea and several other nations demolished by the powerful military blocks (read “Failure of the UN in Ensuring World Peace”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/failure-of-the-un-ensuring-world-peace/). Violence against innocent civilians is being committed through wars, Terrorism or atrocities, either targeted or through collateral loss of lives, dignity or livelihoods. Several African nations are in tatters in the power play of the bigwigs.Clearly, UNSC has failed miserably in preventing or containing devastations from those wars (read “Showing Two Fingers to UNSC”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/showing-two-fingers-to-unsc/).

Human Rights of the minorities have taken a back seat in the proxy wars of the >175 Jihadi Tanzeems claimed as non-State actors by the Islamic nations but actively supported by their men, materials and funding. Today, nearly half the world is suffering with Islamic Terrorism promoted / sponsored by few radical nations. It has become a joke that many such terror-sponsoring nations have plenty of guns and explosives in most of their homes but claim their citizens suffering from hunger; expecting UN-sponsored World Food Program to feed them (read “O Foolish World, You Must Feed me for Free While I Mount Jihad”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/o-world-you-feed-me-free-while-i-mount-jihad/).

Under the above circumstances, while the UN/UNSC/UNHRC were expected to come to the assistance of the nations which are under continuous threats of terrorism, they find themselves almost abandoned. Israel and India are two examples of being subjected to state-sponsored Islamic terrorism for decades. In Israel, the neighbouring Islamic Terrorists and Jihad groups have been inimical to the Jews and in India, dis-united Hindus are under significant threats of both Islamic and missionary groups. They are covertly changing the religious demography of India at the cost of Hindus. In fact, India has been suffering under Communalism and Communism for long (read “India Diseased by Three Cancers”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/india-diseased-by-three-cancers-the-communalism-congress-and-communism/).

Coming back to the pain of abortion that UN/UNSC/UNHRC has been undergoing, lack of logical consensus among the stakeholders are clear manifestation of miscarriage of justice. The present conflagration between Israel & Hamas was initiated by the latter when their terrorists committed heinous crime on the soil of Israel with their barbarism. Hamas is only one of the 175-odd inhuman Jihadi organisations sponsored by the Islamic nations and the Muslim communities of the non-Islamic nations. Jews of Israel have been victims of most if not all wars waged against them…nearly all started by the Islamists. It is another matter that Israel has been able to inflict heavy losses on the attackers every time they were attacked.

Islam was founded by Mohamed in the 7th century on hate and intolerance against the non-Islamic religions and faiths. They have a single mantra of indulgence “Convert, flee or die” that the world has been tolerating painfully for long periods. In these period, several genocides have been committed against Arabian Tribes, Jews, Christians, Parsis, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Kashmiri Pandits and Yezidis alike. In some cases like recent genocides of Sikhs/Hindus in Afghanistan/Pakistan and Pandits in Kashmir, Fur-Masalits-Zaghawa African Christian tribes in Darfur (Sudan) since 2003 (ref Human Right Watch report “Darfur Destroyed”, https://www.hrw.org/report/2004/05/06/darfur-destroyed/ethnic-cleansing-government-and-militia-forces-western-sudan), yet the UNHRC continues to remain totally mum possibly succumbing to the OIC pressure. Not a single independent fact finding team have been sent by the UNHRC to these nations. On the other hand, several investigation teams have been deputed to Palestine to investigate the excesses and atrocities committed by Israel. Leave alone special fact finding, even the annual reports of the UNHRC are highly biased towards Islamic nations yet seldom challenged/reviewed (read “ https://thecounterviews.com/articles/highly-biased-human-rights-report-2022-india-vs-pakistan/). All these confirm that UN/UNSC/UNHRC will not come to the aid & rescue of the victims undergoing Islamic genocide but they will cry loud if the Islamists like Hamas suffer retaliation that we see happening in Gaza. Today, the communities falling victims to Islamic genocides have to fend for themselves as UNHRC has chosen to turn blind eyes (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/). It must be mentioned here that the world has witnessed other types of genocides too (read “ International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/un-international-day-genocide-/).

UN/UNSC/UNHRC a Platform for Miscarriage of Justice on Jihadi Issues

The latest miscarriage of justice at the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is on the Issue of Israeli retaliation against the barbaric crimes of Hamas. They killed toddlers, children, women and elderly in cold blood, from point blank ranges. They raped women at gun-points before the eyes of their near & dear and then burnt them alive. They took hostage of nearly 250 civilians. While it shocked the conscience of the humanity, Muslims around the world celebrated these inhuman acts of Hamas terrorists, taking procession of joys in several nations. It struck a deep blow to the self-respect of the Israelis. This made Israel to take firm resolve to wipe out Hamas so that they do not commit similar act in the future. All Islamic nations are now shedding crocodile tears when Israel is hitting hard the Hamas terrorists. Surely there are unfortunate civilian casualties too mainly because their Mullahs are telling them to stand with the terrorists serving the cause of Islam and Hamas is using them as shields. It is unfortunate that numerous multi-storey buildings, mosques, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, refugee camps etc are built on the numerous openings of the Hamas’s underground hideout tunnels. Despite a call by the Israeli forces to vacate north Gaza, many civilians who are family members and sympathisers of Hamas cadre, continue living in those buildings and are sustaining collateral damages.

It is also noteworthy that although Hamas/Hezbollah are the terror wings of Iran, entire Islamic world / OIC…be it Shia/Sunni or the other Sects of Islam, are coming to their help/aid/assistance but not condemning Hamas actions of 7th Oct 23. They were even able to pass resolution at the UNGA with majority voted condemning Israel. This shows that ideological block of OIC and nations under ‘debt-trap’ have voted under Chinese pressure. This is nothing but miscarriage of justice and Human Rights at the UN/UNHRC. Even UN Secretary General has been found wanting for uttering some words justifying Hamas acts of barbarism (read “Guterres Blunders, Justifies Hamas”,https://thecounterviews.com/articles/guterres-blunders-justifies-hamas-shames-un-unsc/).

It may be worth mentioning here that Hamas is not alone in committing terrorism against non-Muslims. Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M23 and the other Jihadist groups are all committing jihad against African Tribes and Christians in Africa; Al-Qaida and Taliban carried out complete genocide of Sikhs/Hindus in Afghanistan just 2 yrs back. The worst form of UNHRC indifference is visible in Pakistan/Bangladesh/Middle East where jihadists are currently carrying out genocides of their religious minorities enumerated above. It is highly condemnable that UNHRC has not undertaken even a single independent and credible fact finding inquiries against Jihadists in these nations. Of late, there is also a silent genocide underway against the Christians of Lebanon who formed majority in their last census BUT are believed to be minority by now but UNHRC is ill concerned. However, none of the agencies are keen to hold the Islamic bull by horn. On the contrary, Agnes Callmard investigation against Israel in 2019-20 Israel-Palestine war, was atrocious in condemning Israel but not mentioning Hamas which started the war (read “Biased and Shameless Amnesty International”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/biased-shameless-amnesty-international-part-1/).

In todays’ UNHRC panel, there are 20-odd members of the OIC (shown in the text box below) and another 10 or so among the nation trapped under the Chinese debt. In the same way, in the UNGA, there are 57 members of OIC, 40-odd members belonging to the Chinese block of debt trap and another 30-odd nations opposed to EU/American points of views. Hence, any resolution in UNGA or UNHRC that are against Islamic ideologies, Israel, US, NATO or the EU, are likely to be defeated. This is how the recent resolution on Israel-Hamas war condemning the former and seeking immediate ceasefire could be passed with majority without naming Hamas as attacker. It is unfortunate that the UN/UNSC/UNHRC has become a platform for the wrestling of various power blocks.

The Bottomline of Trust Deficit

It is no secret that Islamists have been overtly or covertly waging Jihad in the world thru’ their 175-odd jihadi organisations termed non-state actors but having full support of the 47 Islamic nations. It is also known that Islam was founded by the genocide of the Arabian tribes in the 7th century. Later it continued committing genocides of Jews, Christian, Parsis, Hindus, Buddhists in different time period. Even today, they are committing genocides in several nations to which the world community, UN, UNSC and UNHRC largely remain indifferent. Now when Hamas has waged an immoral jihad against Israel, they are feeling the heat of retaliation and several Islamic nations are coming to save them. Israel may be fighting Hamas/Hezbollah BUT world community have to fight the other Jihadi organisations elsewhere. It is a truth of today that Muslims as community or nations are increasingly losing the trust of non-Muslim world amidst widening trust deficit in the 21st century.

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