Tonsuring Tongue?

Does Rahul Gandhi Deserve his Tongue be Cut?

Agitated by the utterances of Rahul Gandhi in USA pertaining to his perceptions in India, Sanjay Gaikwad, a Shiv Sena leader of Maharashtra had called rewards of Rs 11 lakh on 16 Sep 24 for singing his tongue. A milder caution was issued later by another Maharashtra BJP Rajya Sabha member Mr Anil Bonde too. Both are Backward class law makers who were upset by Rahul Gandhi’s reasonable and fair remarks in USA about ending reservations in India. He meant that caste-based reservations can’t continue forever. Once the beneficiaries of reservations get parity with the general category, it should end. Although the statement was fair, it was untimely at wrong time, at wrong place amidst his many other anti-India rants that Rahul Gandhi has been a habitual offender on foreign soils (read “Rahul Gandhi’s Foot-in-Mouth Disease”,

Mr Rahul Gandhi belongs to a family which has given some top Indian politician like Nehru, Indira and Rajiv…all of them becoming PM in their times. He is widely known as Mr Pappu (childish), frequently touted as a novice politician for decades. He was first visible in the glare of the media after the unfortunate assassination of his grandmother, late Mrs Indira Gandhi in 1984. Then it was his reluctant father late Mr Rajiv Gandhi, a commercial pilot by profession who was pushed into politics at the highest level. Rajiv Gandhi was the saviour of the political dynasty of Congress that he could shape reasonably well within a short time and served well too. He was a young politician who brought a youthful approach in the Indian politics. It was another unfortunate occurrence in the Indian politics or rather Nehru family that he too was assassinated in 1991 due to dirty Dravidian politics. The pinching throne of Congress dynastic politics was then passed to Mrs Sonia Gandhi who reluctantly passed on to an outsider Mr Manmohan Singh but controlled herself remotely.

In the initial days of his career, Rahul was often perceived as a boy, born with silver spoon in his mouth, walking in the high corridors of politics holding the finger of his mother. He had very little political acumen but many people in Congress (including his mother), believed that politics was in his DNA hance, pushed him into it. He too indulged in numerous nonsense talks that made people to suspect as if he was under effects of opium/Ganja. He spoke on matters he had least ideas. In the mid to late 2010s, Rahul Gandhi frequently indulged in “Lies and Dis-information” against Modi’s politics both in Gujarat and Delhi. He called “Chowkidar Chor hai” against the most popular PM of India yet, escaped being punished. This made him believe that he can get away with all wrongs that he uttered. Of course, there was a big team of leaders behind him busy dousing political fires lit by him.

Rahul Gandhi is a dubious figure in Indian politics. He is a fraudster with different names in different countries. He has a family legacy of indulging in numerous scams right from Nehru days. Both he and his mother are presently out of jails on bails granted by the courts of law for financial frauds. A Christian-Parsi by birth, he often flaunts ‘Janeu’ to claim being Hindu Brahmin although persistently indulging in anti-Hindu rants and activities (read “I-N-D-I-A के“पप्पू-वचन: ‘हम हिन्दू-धर्म के ‘शक्ति से लड़ रहे हैं", It is widely believed that Congress party workers are indulging in anti-Hindu activities in the name of pseudo-secularism at the behest of his mother Sonia Gandhi. His party leaders have often fallaciously maligned Hindus as Taliban, Murders, bigots…little knowing that had Hindus been so, Muslims & Christians persistently indulging in conversions or anti-Hindu activities, couldn’t have survived in India. Surely, he and his congress leaders have been long testing the patience of the Hindu majority, trying to keep them divided on caste-lines; for if they unite, the politicians practicing “Muslim Vote-Bank Politics” will be extinct animals…BUT…there is a big rider of “if they unite”. Congress was formed by a British AO Hume and has given the DNA of “divide and rule” that has been effectively practiced by most if not all congress leaders. This is why India and Indians are divided today, even after 75 yrs of independence. In the current times, Rahul Gandhi has the maximum keenness and expertise too in divisive politics (read “'पप्पू वचन' : वास्तविकता वनाम झूठ और दुष्प्रचार”, 

Presently, most of the political parties in “I.N.D.I.A” block are the beneficiaries of ‘Muslim vote-bank’ politics. They have joined hands together and are reasonably formidable despite being anti-India and anti-Hindu. The recent Loksabha poll results reveal that Congress has benefited the most compared to the alliance partners. Rahul Gandhi and his Congress is able to indulge in the caste politics of ‘divide and rule’ game more freely since BJP and its NDA lack lawyers who can pin them down effectively or make them pay for their indulgence. Rahul Gandhi deserves severe punishment for both anti-India treachery and divisive politics esp on foreign lands…whether recently in USA or earlier in London. Similarly, he deserved stick on his knuckles thru’ courts of laws for several of his slurs and indulgence in India too (read “Rahul Gandhi: The best in Fabricating Lies & dis-information’, Although author of this article doesn’t believe in violence in any form, treacherous and divisive utterances of Rahul Gandhi surely calls for restrictions on his utterances. Shiv Sena or BJP leaders calling to tonsure his tongue, surely would not have meant in action but surely displayed their severe displeasure. Any statement pertaining to the backward classes or their reservations will not be taken kindly in Indian politics. 

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