Shameful Guterres

Guterres Blunders, Justifies Hamas, Shames UN/UNSC

UN Secretary General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres made a blunder in the UNSC on 24 Oct 23 where he tried to justify Hamas barbarism in Israel on 7th Oct 23. While he did condemn the “horrifying and unprecedented” acts of terror by Hamas he also tried to justify it by saying “it did not happen in a vacuum”. He further extended his arguments to justify the Hamas attack by saying that the Palestinian suffered 56 years of suffocating occupation with their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished…”

Guterres possibly forgot UN/UNSC declaration that the no acts of terror can be justified for whatsoever reason. His statement in the UNSC on 24 Oct 2023 shamed his own chair of “Secretary General” when he tried to justify Hamas acts of barbaric terrorism. His statement could encourage all 200-odd terror groups in the world out of which over 175 are Islamic terrorist groups alone. Most of them are pooh-pooh with Guterres statement.

It is felt that Guterres brainwashing in justifying Hamas Terror acts inside Israeli soil on 7th Oct 23 came after his visit to the heads of the Islamic nations in that region. It is no secret that all Islamic nations support various Jihadi groups overtly or covertly. This was also apparent on the peace summit meeting in Cairo on 11 Oct 23. In that meeting too heads of all Islamic nations condemned Israeli attacks on Hamas positions but none openly condemned the inhuman & barbaric acts of Hamas on Israel in as many words. Guterres to was in that meeting.

It must be noted that UN/UNSC has been erring time and again on the issue of Islamic terrorism being inflicted in the world…whether by repeated Jihadi attacks by Pakistani Terrorist groups; 9/11 attack on US by jihadists of Saudi/Afghan/Pakistan; Jihadists targeting people in Nairobi or Bali; Istanbul or Mumbai, New York or Kibbutz Be'eri….by ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hamas, Hezbollah or any other of the over 175 Jihadi groups formed and fanned all over the world. UNSC/UN Secretary General has been having soft corner for Islamic Terrorism for long. This is why they have not been able to define Islamic terrorism that is distinctly different from the others. Just recently Afghani Taliban carried out their act of complete genocide of their religious minorities of Sikhs & Hindus but no condemnation came. UN/UNHRC have even closed their eyes from the ongoing Islamic genocides of Hindus/Sikhs/Christians in Pakistan, Christians in the Middle East nations, Christians in Kosovo, Hindus in Bangladesh, Christians & African tribes in CAR, Nigeria, Niger, Somalia and Sahel regions (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocides”, 

UN/UNHRC/UNSC sympathies for the Jihadists/Islamists are not isolated but it is even extending to support their acts of “Hate & Intolerance” fanning out from their Quran for centuries. It is only recently that some of the affected nations are saying “Enough is enough” and beginning to show retaliation esp post 9/11 Jihadi attack on US. Of course, USA had the might to mount credible attack on the attackers in Afghanistan BUT who cares for other nations afflicted by Jihadi actions who don’t have credible capacity to attack the Jihadists who are invariably supported by most if not all Islamic nations…just like the present scenario of Israeli retaliation to the 7th Oct Hamas attack.

Instead of initiating deterrent actions against the numerous Jihadi Tanzeems, UN succumbed to OIC pressure in passing a resolution on the emerging “Islamophobia” in the world on 15 Mar 22. If Mr Guterres believes that Hamas act of terror is not in vacuum, he should also believe that the nations affected by Jihadist actions also have rights to speak out and retaliate the unending jihadi attacks on their soils (read “Factual Islamophobia in the world”,

It is a fact today that there is only one radical faith in the world called ‘Islam’ that has phobia against most if not all other religions & faiths, be it Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhism or numerous other African Tribes. Their sordid acts of terrorism are unmatched in history, worse than Nazi holocaust against the Jews. Not that the UN/UNHRC are unaware, it may be worth an eye opener for them to acknowledge the Jihadi atrocities in the world (read “Major Jihadi Attacks in the World”, Christians in the Middle East and African nations and Hindus in India have suffered the most (read “Hate Against Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva”, Yet, UN and Mr Guterres have maintained a deadly silence in condemning the numerous Jihadist organisations or initiating a fact finding commission as to why Islam is Hateful towards most if not all other religions & faiths (read “60 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran”,, “New Islamo-Fascism in the world”,

It can be concluded that UNSG Mr Guterres has blundered in his address in the UNSC on 24 Oct 23 by trying to justify the Hamas Jihadi attack on Israel. It is no secret that the UN/UNSC/UNSG have long been partisan in turning blind eyes to Islamic Jihad in the world. Their partisan actions are further fuelling Islamic genocide of the followers of other religions & faiths. Such horrific act of UNSG is highly condemnable. It may be a just call by some nations for Mr Guterres to resign.

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