DGH conference

Hate against Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva

The second week of September 2021 saw a unique conference “Dismantling Global Hindutva (DGH)” jointly organised by apparently many groups of Universities and individuals in USA. It was a very eye-catching event, something totally unexpected in the times of global turmoils by the ravaging pandemics, by Jihadist violence in many parts of world, by Chinese hegemony and so on. Afghanistan has been on the boils with Taliban teaching some lifetime lessons to the US-led NATO forces; Pakistan becoming a champion of double speak, double-crossing US Administration by carefully manoeuvring Talibani Jihadists and ISIS-K and in turn, becoming a 'Jihad-Guru' of the world. Taliban has also been busy committing genocide on the fewer left-over Hindu & Sikhs and issuing dictat to the Afghans esp the Kafirs, to hand-over their 15-plus yr daughters and 40-minus yr widows for serving as their sex-slaves...something similar to what ISIS did to the Yezidis in Iraq and Mohamed, founder of Islam, to the Arabian tribes. International community has been expressing grave concerns over Taliban persecuting women in most if not all professions. Gross Human Rights abuses by Taliban has been a matter of intense discussion on most of the platforms. The Middle-East has been on boils with Jihadist forces causing famine in Yemen and Syria. British Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s report of genocide of Christians in the middle-east has been gathering dust for years while the UN bodies have apparently closed their eyes under the pressure of the OIC. The Human Rights have been at perils for Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, Buddhist monks in Tibet, civil population of Tigray and common citizen in the DRC. Jihadists in Sahel region and the African continent have been committing heinous atrocities.

Jammu & Kashmir has been in the news for a long for many reasons. Pakistan wants to grab it on the pretext that the instrument of accession signed by the Maharaja was illegal while similar instrument of accession signed between Baluchistan and Pakistan has caused immense resentments amongst the Baloch, undergoing genocide for decades in the hands of Pakistani army. Some radical groups among the Muslim majority in Kashmir are being long incited by Pakistani Jihadists to wage war on Hindu living in the valley and the Indian State. Kashmiri Muslims along with their radical Muslim militants committed genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in past but none of these find expression in the international intelligencia.

Today almost daily abduction of Sikh, Hindu & Christian women is taking place in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It was highly expected that the Rights group will raise this matter but all have remained silent to their plights. There Hindu temples are vandalised and destroyed, Hindu & Sikh women are abducted, converted and forcibly married to Muslims on almost daily basis. Fairly large numbers of Hindu in those nations are compelled to convert to Islam. There is also a burning problem in the American society of the White Supremacists recently agitated by the electoral fraud committed by the Leftist-Black Biden-Kamala candidature. The BLM of US is still running ruminant symbolic protests to seek justice. The 20th year of Islamic terror attack on America is under close focus and…Pakistan has been threatening that if US and others don’t recognise Taliban terrorist govt in Afghanistan, there could be another 9/11 type of attack. China has been threatening Taiwan of its expansionist intent of launching attack on any day. China is also threatening the entire South China Sea and war of words with regional & Quad nations are on. So, one might have considered that the Human Rights agencies, the liberals and the intellectuals of USA have woken up to their plights to hold a conference to highlight it before the world but that is not the case. The organisers of the conference seem to be running an anti-Hindu propaganda. In principle, there were several burning issues on world-stage that deserved to be discussed and debated in a conference, Hindutva being the least, if at all; but that is what this conference appears to be all about.

The organisers of this conference are least concerned about the immense problems of Rights violations, intolerance, ethnic & sectarian violence, genocides being committed the world over by various groups but instead, chose to focus on the rising Indian nationalism under BJP and Modi govt. These ill-informed intellectuals consider that the nationalism in India is due to Hindutva as a root cause and hence, needs dismantling. They go even a step further to name and shame Hindutva globally as if the docile Hindu of India were going to launch another 9/11 type of attacks so as to be dismantled on priority. Hence, very rightly this information about the conference caught the eyes of everyone in India and most Hindus the world over. It possibly suited them. So, when the US based groups of ‘India bashers’ and ‘Hinduphobes’ chose the topic of the conference, none should be surprised. They have a very clear agenda…to put Hindu and the present Indian Govt on the defensive, to shame. One may like to do a little research to explore the backgrounds of these organisers, speakers and moderators. It will surely reveal them of being India bashers, left-wing activists and the ‘Hinduphobes’. Most of the individuals will have their allegiances to some or the other groups or parties which are out to put Hinduism and India to shame. It has never been in the history of holding international conferences that the organisers sought letters of support for the subject but the DGH organisers did it. There seems to be a syndicate of evils working behind the scene.

What is Hindutva?

Hindutva is an adjective form of noun ‘Hindu’ by adding a pratyay (a Hindi/Sanskrit connotation added at the end of a word) with ‘tva, त्व’. For Hindu the adjective become Hindutva, for Dev (God) it becomes Devatva, for the ones having acquired eternity (Brahma), becomes Brahmatva and so on. However, some ill-informed Indian politicians wanted to show the activism and uprising of Hindu in poor light, loosely used the word ‘Hindutva’ for demeaning them as intolerant.

Hinduism per se has been tolerant and peace-loving from the teachings of Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads and Geeta. Someone who works against those principles of humanity, need to be confronted. If the inhumanity continues, they deserve punishment as emphasized in Geeta. Since the word Hindu originated only after other faiths had taken origin, the largely devotional community has different conjunction…like Arya for general people having respect in the societies, Yaksh for saintly people, Dev for those having Godly conduct and Asura for the devil characters.

The concept of Hindutva came first from Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) in 1951 when one of its senior functionary Shri Malkani wrote in the magazine ‘Organiser’, “unity of the country is to be made stronger and more integral, through reinforced and suitably modernized ancient foundations ….the principle of this reorganization in Hindustan can only be Hindutva… Communism inimical to Hindu values can be combated and conquered only through Hindutva”.

As mentioned earlier, centuries old docile nature of peace-loving Hindu, gradually started changing to a reactionary, retaliatory approach that was not to the liking of the ruling elites. Towards the end of Islamic rule in the late 19th century in India, the ordinary Hindus were almost spiritually and morally decimated, with no will to stand against their long oppressor, the Muslims. Many Hindu groups were persecuted to the extent that having lost self-esteem and honour, they accepted Islam for their survival…just the way we see such happenings in Pakistan and Afghanistan in recent times. Many Hindu reformers and leaders of those days came forward to revive and re-establish their faith in Hinduism. Acharya Dayanand Saraswati founded ‘Arya Samaj’ way back in 1875 to assist the demoralised Hindu Community to understand Hinduism, Hindu values & ethos and remove some of the unwanted ills that had cropped-in gradually. His team also helped many to revert back to Hinduism. This angered many Muslims as well as some Hindu leaders in the British administration. That was the time when the word ‘Hindutva’ was referred for any activist who worked for the upliftment of the Hindu community.

British rule also brought some hope among common Hindus that cruel Muslim rulers will no longer be able to persecute them because of their religion. It gave them some voice. On the contrary when some of the British laws discriminated against Hindu community in their land and voting rights from 1901 onward (thru Panjab Land Act of 1901 and subsequently Minto-Morley reform act of 1909) to give preferences to Muslims, this ignited Hindu protests even if feebly. Muslims had formed their own welfare group “Muslim League” in 1907 to look-after their own interests. Indian National Congress, largely an extension of British rulers, was unwilling to take-up the cause of Hindu with their masters, the British. That is the time when ‘Hindu Mahasabha’ was formed in 1909 adopting Hindutva to look after the Hindu interests.

There has been a string of Hindu-Muslim violence and riots in independent India too that started in the late 50s but major conflagrations took place only after the late 60s. At that time there was neither Modi nor a proactive RSS. The reasons for the initiation of most of such riots have been often a trivial Muslim attack on Hindu who retaliated and that led to the riots. Although every loss of life is tragic, Indian history is full of Hindu-Muslim conflagrations causing death(s), most of them caused by trivial issues or even rumours. Numerous many incidents are not even properly documented. Some of such riots/violence that caused deaths of >10 people, are listed below.

Hindu-Muslim riots in India

The sole aim of putting forth the above incidents is to show that substantial numbers of them were related to Ram Janmbhoomi movement. Muslims in India must acknowledge that after Pakistan was created for Muslims, what was left in India was primarily for the non-Muslims and denying Hindu rights to their most revered temples destroyed in past by the cruel Muslim rulers, is untenable. Luckily for India, its Supreme court has corrected one historical mistakes of the Muslim rulers but Kashi-Vishwanath and Krishna-Janmbhumi temple restoration is still pending. Actually there are several grudges of the original natives of India, the Hindus. Their sacred land of Bhagwan Ram, Krishna, Mahavir Jain, and Buddha were invaded and desacreded by the Musalmans / Mughals of Arab origin. They committed heinous crimes against peace-loving Hindu the deep mental scars of which remain even today. The organisers and the speakers at the conference should have known that the religious problems in Indian societies extend to many centuries…to first the cruel Muslim rulers from 13th century onwards and later the British. They should have known that right after independence Hindu have been expressing their religious discomforts…to own evils & contradictions; religious conversions; continuing denial of restoring the most revered temples; of inequality of civil laws among different religions and worst, the changing religious demography at the cost of Hindu dwindling. Most riots in India have taken place due to these issues. Those sufferings were never redressed whether in Islamic, British or Congress India. The basic reasons for the Hindu-Muslim discord in India are enumerated in the box below.

Hindu grudges in India

‘Hindutva’ terminology came under increasing use after the ruling Congress party was getting worried of the increasing BJP clout in the nation esp after the Ram-Janmbhumi movement started gathering wind. After 10K-odd Hindus in Godhra retaliated the burning of their 59 fellow Kar-Sevaks by the radical & Jihadi Muslims in a train coach in Feb 2002, the politicians riding on ‘Muslim Vote-bank’ found it convenient to use the term to defame BJP. It was done in the hope of garnering some Muslim votes but in turn, they were abusing, denigrating the entire peace-loving 1.5 billion Hindus the world-over. In the last 15 yrs or so, Congress, Left-wing and other political parties doing ‘vote-bank’ politics have used ‘Hindutva card’ freely… at times comparing them to terror or Taliban. The polity of the ruling Congress has stooped very low.

Organising the conference

Let us glance through at the actual ‘Dismantle Global Hindutva’ conference. It was spread over 3 days (10,11,12 Sep 21). The author of this article heard all speakers of 2nd and 3rd day. Most of the speakers were apparently faculty members or representing some NGOs; they were either the foreigners having hardly any link with Hinduism or those Hindu/Muslims/Christians settled abroad for a considerable period, unaware of what India is today. The entire theme of the conference was based on the following assumptions: -

  • The BJP and RSS have induced Hindutva unacceptable to democratic norms.
  • Hindutva activists are threatening Indian minorities through lynching.
  • Caste discrimination, atrocities on minorities and lower caste Hindu.
  • Modi Govt policies of NRC, CAA, Ram Mandir, Article 370 and Farm laws.
  • Hindutva blamed for adopting Ayurveda.

BJP, RSS and Hindutva

Most of the speakers were confused what Hindutva is. They didn’t even bother to cross-check the genesis of the problems that they wanted to discuss in their conference. They tried to relate Hindutva to the recent year’s resurgence of BJP, the Modi Govt and the RSS. No one knew that Jan Sangh, the forerunner of BJP was founded by a Congressman Shri Shyama Prasad Mukherjee who was disenchanted with Nehru’s westernised policies and protested ‘Nehru-Liaquat pact’. In spite of being a cabinet minister, he resigned in April 1950. He met with several intellectual thinkers and nationalist leaders to form Bharateeya Jan Sangh in Oct 1951. The party had nationalist agenda right from the beginning and grew-up in strength from time to time from having just over 3% vote share in 1952 to the present 43%. There is nothing undemocratic about Hindutva. RSS on the other hand, has been working for the Indian mass at the grassroots levels since its inception and of course, they extended their support earlier to Jan Sangh and now to the BJP. Hindutva is their basic ethos, a way of life not a militant mind-set, not at all. The day Hindutva adopts an extremist approach and acts as a militant wing, civil war will start in India that will end-up only after the radical groups of Islam and Christians either change their attitude to Hindus or flee altogether. It will be in the interest of the world community incl those within India not to incite the mostly peace-loving Hindus. It is their tolerant nature that alien religions like Islam and Christianity have not only lived but even flourished in India. If likened or compared as Taliban, they may be compelled to behave as Talibani Hindu. One can only hope that the elite groups of learned people know what Taliban is. They better refrain from it.

The organisers of conference and the ignorant speakers did not even want to cross-check that all recent decisions of Modi govt that they were criticising, were taken in the national interest not only by the BJP or Modi but a coalition of nearly 40-odd political parties of India called NDA. Hence, all their barkings were based on misplaced notions. No Hindu should get perturbed due to biased mind-set of the speakers and the organisers. They clearly tried to run their agenda of naming and shaming Hindu. For them, other radical and Jihadist communities ravaging the world with violence, were acceptable.

Mob Lynching

The incidences of mob lynching have increased in recent times and every death is a blot on our society. BUT…Hinduism or Hindutva does not teach lynching. The cows are regarded sacred in Hindu Ethos. There is strict ban on cow slaughter in many states; yet Muslims frequently indulge in it with some of the State Govts turning blind eyes. The Union Govt of past (mostly Congress and Janta coalition) had never been strict in imposing the law. In Modi’s India, handful of rowdies became cow-vigilantes and few Muslims taking the cow for slaughter, were beaten-up, some killed too. Such behaviours are being dealt strictly by law & order agencies but it is a fact the state govts could not prevent many such incidents.

It may be worthy asking the Hinduphobes of the conference whether they have heard of Hindu Lynching? They will show blank face, ignorance or shrug-off. There are numerous such happenings, not only in Pakistan/Afghanistan/ Bangladesh but in India itself. Have a look at the report as referred in the text box below. The idea here is not to justify lynching but it is not a one sided affair for which Hindu alone could be singled out. The day Hindu becomes intolerant like what Muslims are in radical Islamic states or in their dominant areas in India itself, they cannot remain safe. In the Hindu majority India they are not only safe but flourishing and rapidly growing too, as elaborated above. They compel Hindu to flee from own lands in Muslim dominated area. Ask any Hindu women in those area how insecure they feel for their honour. They hesitate venturing out of home alone. Kashmir valley, many Kairanas, many Telinipara are burning examples of Hindu insecurity. The news paper clip below shows the many Hindu lynching in India itself that seldom raise eyebrows.

There are other types of mob-lynching too. As an extension of ‘Love-Jihad’ many Hindu are very sceptical of any Muslim boy trying to cosy-up with Hindu girls. It has been found that they try to befriend as Hindu and reveal the real identity when it became too late. Vice-versa too are known. Several Muslim parents have killed Hindu boys in relationship with their kins. In addition, the new anti-Love jihad law passed in many states has now made it difficult to entice a girl from the other community. Several cases have come to the light where vigilantes have attacked Hindu-Muslim pair of men-women. In fact, the list of Hindu boys lynched by Muslim relatives of the girl far exceeds those of Muslim boy lynching. It is a complex issue and Hindu cannot be singled out as some of the speakers in the conference tried to lump it upon.

The speakers in the conference tried to exaggerate the isolated Muslim lynching attacks…not mentioning of Hindu lynching at all. They had no problems with attacks on Hindu…whether in India, Pak, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. While they minutely recounted every attack on Muslims, none could remember of the Muslims burning 59 Hindu in Godhara or Muslims committing genocide on 5 lakh Kashmiri Pandits, attacks on Hindu families in Telinipara or the Muslims burning the entire Dalit village in Purnea.

Caste discrimination, atrocities on minorities

Problems of Hindu societies have been in the public domain for over a millennium. The caste system in its present form is undoubtedly discriminatory, grossly unfair to lower castes that needs urgent reform. Manusmriti, advocating the Hindu caste ecosystem has been banned in India itself, that surely needs amendments if it has to have relevance in the modern times. Caste discrimination, occasional atrocities on dalits that come to the light, are condemnable. There are strict laws, yet such incidents take place. It has been seen many times in the recent years that the Muslims and leftist-Congress tried to make a wedge in Hindu society by forwarding an extraneous narrative that BJP is against the dalits and the lower caste. In fact, this is most absurd. For the first time in Indian political history, the President, Prime Minister and the Chief Ministers of many states are from lower/backward caste. Modi govt has gone out of the way to constitute backward commission through a constitutional amendment. Modi govt is the first to have ensured that the benefit of the national development reaches the most backward and downtrodden through their program “Antyoday”. Despite the apex court of India striking down some of the oppressive clauses of the ST/ST law, Modi Govt has re-enacted those laws through Constitutional amendment, and in turn, earned the wrath of many forward castes. Modi Govt has even enhanced the reservation of the SC/ST and OBC in to education and job. Hence, this is a very absurd allegation; an absolute lie. However, the caste system is not only in Hinduism. Caste system exists in Islam and Sikhs too. Christianity that boasts of homogencity, has numerous sects, some inimical to the others.

Sikhism came on the principles of getting rid of some of the ills of its parent religion, Hinduism. However, it carries on the legacy. They too have Mohyal (Brahmin), Rajput (Kshatriya), Ahluwalia, Labanas, Ramgarhiya, Saini (Vaishya) and Jat, Kumhars, Majahabi & Chamar-Chuhra Dalits (Shudra). Undoubtedly, caste brings discrimination and Sikhs too have plenty of it although they don’t acknowledge it for the apprehensions of being condemned like Hindu. The lower caste Sikhs don’t marry their daughters to lower castes. They have got rid of untouchability with their dalits to large extent.

Muslims too have Ashrafs (the Brahmin equivalent), Ajlafs (the Vaisya, Shudras equivalent) and Arzals are the Atishudras or mahadalit equivalents of Islam. Hypocrisy of Islam is in wide open that boasts that Islam does not discriminate. This is the pretext/argument they forward to the lower caste Hindu while enticing for conversion. On the contrary there is very high discrimination among the above Muslims. In addition the various sects of Islam (like Shia, Sunni, Wahabi, Ahmediaya….) bring gross enmity to an extent that they don’t mind killing each other. Intolerance in Islam is of highest level. In addition, Quran also advocating gross discrimination against non-Muslims (Kafirs) and preaching intolerance and jihad that also needs to be amended. However, no one is even talking of banning Quran.

Christians have been the worst hypocrats in India. They have converted the huge numbers of the schedule caste and schedule tribes to Christianity on the pretexts that they will be all equals but the enigma continues. In many instances in Catholic churches, members of distinct caste sit apart for worship. There are many Dalit Churches. Like the Sikhs, all Christians may sit and eat together, but the upper caste Christians don’t marry the lower caste Christians. Besides, there are numerous sects in Christianity who don’t see eye to eye just like Muslims. Hence, discrimination and discord in Islam and Christianity are of the highest order BUT pseudo-liberals of the world don’t talk of it. They are happy committing bigotry against Hinduism.

It is, therefore clear that the speakers who talked of caste discrimination in Hinduism, were either ignorant or culprit of advocating lies or highly biased narratives. The discrimination of the lower caste Muslims and Christians have gone to the extent that they demand either separate reservations or for their inclusion among the SCs & STs.

Religious Conversions of poor and innocent Hindu through allurement and other nefarious methods by Christian and Islamic radicals have taken such ugly proportions that some Hindu groups have started retaliating. Bajrang dal came to existence essentially to safeguard Hindu values and stand against religious conversions through unconstitutional means. Religious Conversions by the Christian missionaries have been exploited excessively through money power of allurement…of aid, education, better-life and so on. Mother Teresa worked her life time in this. She served the Hindu down-trodden alright but at the cost of converting them to Christianity. Christian Missionaries were vehemently indulging in this act in Orissa that resulted in Bajrang dal attacking Australian missionary, Graham Staines in January 1999, in Keonjhar district of Orissa. There were several such attacks in past when BJP was not in governance. It is of dismay that most of the North-East have seen nefarious activities of Christian missionaries indulging in mass conversion of the Hindu to the extent that the entire religious demography has been toppled. The author in no way suggests attacking the missionaries undertaking mass conversion but…which religion or country will tolerate it?

While percentage population of Indian Christians remain unchanged, decadal Muslim population growth being 150% of Hindu over last many decades have raised many eyebrows. Muslims in India have grown from 9% in 1951 to 17% by now. Hindu percentage in India has dropped from ~85% in 1951 to 79% in 2011. They are increasingly becoming minority in several districts (12 to be precise) despite leaving Muslim majority J&K out of this purview. One may argue that there is a religious freedom in our constitution to choose religion BUT…no one has given authority to anyone to change the religious demography of India. It is seen so frequently here that whenever mass conversions of lower caste Hindu are taking place, all pseudo-liberal and Cong-Left combine become deaf and dumb but when any attempt to re-convert them back to Hinduism takes place, the same gang starts barking tirelessly day & night, taking the matter even to the Human Rights commission. Arrest of Stan Swami of Elgar Parishad was for preventing him from waging a possible attack against Modi and his govt. His death in jail though unfortunate, must be seen in this perspective.

Everyone must remember that while all major religions in world have own State Religions (as shown below), Hinduism being the 3rd largest religion, does not have any. Hence, if RSS has kept its ideology of a Hindu state, if some Hindu groups are talking of a ‘Hindu or Indian Religion State’, it is certainly not out of place. Large number of Hindu had aspired of Hindu state after partition but Gandhi and Nehru did not heed to it. Hence, historical injustice or prejudice by Nehru / Congress cannot be let continued. If needed, Modi govt may bring in a Constitutional Amendment to either make India a State of “Hindu or Indian Religion” or make it imperative not to alter its religious demography. This will certainly alleviate the Hindu apprehension of Muslims making India a part of possible Global Islamic Caliphate by sheer increase in numbers as per the call given by Al-Baghdadi.

Attacks on places of worship. There have been genocides of the Hindu and desecration & demolitions of their revered temples in the hands of cruel Islamic rulers of India for centuries; termed as the worst genocides in the history of humanity, remains as deep scars yet to be redressed. The places of worships are vandalised on daily basis in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Who does not remember the destruction of Buddha idol in Bamyan, Afghanistan by none other than the present Talibani ruler of Afghanistan. Leave alone the destruction of Hindu & Sikh temples abroad, Hindu temples are being destroyed in India itself…in Communist CM ruled Kerala, Christian CM ruled Tamilnadu & Andhra, Muslim CM ruled Kashmir but those issues don’t find the favour of mention among the pseudo-secularists, the Islamists or the missionaries. However, when the centuries of wrong was rectified by raising the Babri structure to the ground, the pseudo-liberals of the world cried…incl some of the speakers in this conference. Although the apex court of India known for its biasless conduct, pronounced the verdict, the bigots called it murder of secularism. It was unfortunate that attacks have taken place on some of the churches too, but those were due to their nefarious acts of conversions. Author in no way intends to justify such attacks. But... the pseudo-liberals see it only from one eye and that too, feigning ignorance to the destructions of numerous Hindu temples the world over incl India. One must not forget that the famous Mecca, Al-Aqsa, Hagia Sophia and numerous others mosques all over the world are actually the partly destroyed temples of other faiths by the intolerant Muslims of the world (Read many Ayodhyas of the world, ‘The Counterviews’, issue 2:06).

Ram-Janmabhumi. With the Indian Supreme Court verdict on Ram-Janmabhumi; justice has been done for both Hindu and Muslims. Hindu have got their revered sacred place based on archaeological evidence and Muslims have been given a separate land by the state to build their mosque. Hence, there is no scope for any criticism. The verdict is absolutely just and impartial, unlike the Islamic court verdict of Turkey on Hagia-Sophia. Islamic nations may learn lessons from the Indian Supreme Court.

Islamophobia. In India and USA where the majority groups have suffered in the hands of radical Islam, some amount of Islamophobia has become real and for obvious reasons. After the world has suffered and is still suffering in the hands of radical Muslims, it is natural that their intolerance will make them isolated. Their hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism are all too obvious in the present times too (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353841498_Islamic_Hate_Intolerance_Bigotry_Fascism_in_Current_Relevance). We have never heard of Hindu compelling Muslim families to flee from Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist dominated areas. Have any of the European or American pseudo-liberal groups discussed or debated the plights of fleeing Hindu and inherent Hinduphobias in some societies? No. Not at all.

Modi Govt policies of NRC, CAA, Ram Mandir, Article 370 and Farm laws.

Most of the speakers linked Hindutva to some of the Modi Govts recent decisions. As if voicing the narratives of the politicians licking the Muslim boots in India, they feel India should not have National Register for Citizenship (NRC). It is doubtful if they knew as to when the NRC (except one speaker) was advocated. All of them expressed that NRC was implemented by Modi Govt to harass the Muslims of Assam and in the coming time, in other states too. They will be stupid enough if they don’t know that there are >4 Cr illegal migrants in India. Some came because there were religiously persecuted in Pak/Afgh/Bangladesh but most came for convenience, of earning better fortunes…because the international border is porous. Will the international advocates of opposing NRC like their own nations to have illegal migrants? Surely not. No sovereign nation will allow it but they want India to discard NRC.

Proving the citizenship will need a set of reliable document from all living in India, irrespective of their race, religion, caste or creed, will have to prove their identity. It is unfortunate that some government servants are corrupt, the vote-bank politicians are able to fake their identity for peanuts. It is believed that fake Aadhar, Passport, Driving License etc could be gotten for as little as Rs 50. It is also known that the Vote-bank politicians in almost all states conspire to get such fake document issued. Hence, when the final list of the NRC came out in Assam, most of the actual illegal migrants escaped being caught due to fake and forged document. Hence, a fool-proof system of documentation has to be adopted. Since, most of the illegal migrants are Bangladeshi Muslims, the Muslim groups, the vote-bank politicians, the pseudo-liberals and the Leftists are trying to hoodwink the system. Narratives are already coming from Muslims and some state govt living on Muslim ‘vote-bank’, that they will not show papers for NRC. They try to link it with CAA on the pretext that non-Muslims will get citizenship and illegal Muslims could be deported. Of course, Indian govt has to meet the commitment of Gandhi, Nehru, Indira and so on about conferring citizenship to the religious minorities of Pak/Afghanistan/ Bangladesh who had to migrate to India due to religious persecution by the radical Muslims. Hence, it was an obligation of the Indian govt and not only BJP, but their 40-odd political allies werealso committed to it, to pass the bill in the parliament and enact it too. Muslims have pathological sympathy for illegal Muslims possibly for the sake of Islamic Caliphate in India in the coming decades. This is unacceptable to every Indian and hence, any govt must be firm on it.

Article 370 of the Indian constitution was a temporary clause to gradually bringing the Kashmiri in to mainstream India. However, despite it being in act for over 75 yrs, it failed in its objective. On the contrary, the radical Muslim polity and those acting at the behest of their masters in Pakistan, misused it to promote extremism and terrorism. Indian govt could not work in the way expected to root out the terrorism. Hence, the act had to go. It had been a burden for the constitution all these decades and people had given-up the hope that any political party will have the strength and courage to abrogate it. BJP returned to power in 2019 with absolute majority, with a mandate to abrogate article 370 too. The Constitutional amendment bill was introduced in the Indian parliament and after due discussion and debate, the bill was passed with 2/3rd majority in August 2019. The nation took a breath of relief after J&K was fully integrated following the abrogation of the article. It is true that Pakistan and their supporters were taken aback that their nefarious anti-national activities were no longer possible in a way that they earlier indulged…with Kashmiri separatists and Left parties included. The entire nation will remain grateful to Modi govt for rectifying the mistakes of Nehru in Jammu and Kashmir.

The linking of the 3 farms bills to Hindutva is absolutely mean. The farm acts for the betterment of farm income. It is a direct interference in the internal affairs of India. In short, those speakers were trying to frame Indian foreign policies in the name of bashing Hindutva. Most of the speakers clearly lacked insight in to Hinduism. They lacked insight in to Hindu-Muslim problems in India.

Hindutva blamed for adopting Ayurveda

The hate and bigotry of the speakers were on full display when they ridiculed the principles and practice of Ayurveda. An ignorant speaker Ms Meera Nanda linked the growth of Ayurveda to the jingoism of Baba Ramdev and RSS-Hinduvta…little realising that it was an advanced form of medicine and surgery of ancient India before any other branch of medicine had grown. The speakers were so mean as to describe Ayurveda as therapy by cow urine and dung. Speakers expressed that the second wave of Covid killed lakhs of Indian because Modi Govt forced Ayurvedic treatment of Cow urine & dung and any doctor who refused to implement it, was jailed. Joseph Alter, the moderator called Mahatma Gandhi as quack and pseudo-nationalist to have pseudo-faith in Ayurveda and also called him a fundamentalist since he often chanted Ram. Hinduphobia, India bashing and blatant lies were on full display in this session of the conference.

One may look at the above faces of apparently liberal and academia of the American and other universities but in fact, many of them are sheer bigots, hate-filled against Hindu, BJP, RSS, Narendra Modi and the others working in Indian Government in the national interest for upliftment of the mass…esp the down-trodden. Some of them compared the NDA govt with Hitler and some mentioned Hindutva elements as rapist (not sure if she was raped by them any time). There was only one session on 12 Sep (of Mr Brij Mahajan, Raja and others) that sounded a bit balanced otherwise, most of them were there to vent their anger against Hinduism on their Hinduphobic agenda. It was a shameful exhibition of biased verbatim of the so-called international speakers who lacked the understanding of India and Hinduism. It will be a blot for such organizers and speakers of an international conference.

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