I-N-D-I-A of Thugs

I-N-D-I-A of Thugs ? (Part-1)

On 18 July 2023, opposition political parties at the centre formed an alliance that they named I-N-D-I-A consisting of 26 different national and regional parties. This alliance would not have drawn the type of attention/criticism it did; except for the name of the alliance that alarmed numerous many Indians esp patriots & nationalists. They knew that several of the political parties in this alliance were believed to be 'corrupt to the core' and some even having anti-national orientation; yet naming the coalition that will be spoken by most as India, was somewhat treachery against the nation that they love the most. This article examines the various aspects of the developments after the formation of the coalition which is nothing but a preparation for 2024 Lok Sabha Election. It may be worth mentioning here that on the same day, 38 parties of NDA govt too had their meeting BUT they didn't drag the prestige of the nation by naming it Bharat or other synonyms.

Bleak Future for Opposition Parties?

Major opposition parties of Modi govt have been trying to set-up various narratives even if false or lies apparently for their survival. Unemployment, inflation, poverty, Economic doom, Democracy in danger, Constitution under attack, India breaking up or being divided, dividing the people, hate against minorities are only some of it. They legitimately try to set different slogans against Modi govt on different platforms as deemed convenient from time to time. It is another matter though that world is telling us that Indian economy is among the best, that we are the 5th highest economy with the least of inflation, and that 12 Cr people have come out of poverty. We know that Indian investment in infrastructure in the last 9 yrs has been almost the same as that in the nearly 70 yrs of the previous govts. It is yet another undeniable fact that Indian Armed Forces is among the highest beneficiary in their modernisation plan that had been at a standstill in the last 2 decades and fast progressing towards "Atma-Nirbhar Bharat". Beyond most of the above, is the pleasing sound that there has been one union govt in the last 50 yrs that has remained corruption-free in their entire tenure of 10 yrs. Obviously, with such staggering achievements in most departments (read "Successes and Failures of Modi Govt”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/74th-republic-day-successes-and-failures-of-modi-govt/), opposition political parties see no future for themselves. Their corruption and scams (as UPA was known for their daily scams) are coming in the public domain, before the public eyes, most if not all elements of UPA are being termed as Chors.

Avoiding Corruption Investigation

Several politicians with different affiliations have been under tremendous pressure of facing national investigation agencies for their corruption and scams. Their old understanding with the law & order agencies of the nation that they cannot be jailed, has become a myth after the famous ‘Chara Chor’ and Jaylalitha/Sasikala were jailed. However, those three were symbols of extreme corruption, on the wrong side of the investigating agencies. In Modi’s India, most high profile Scamsters are being investigated by the central agencies, although there seems to be more focus on opposition politicians than those in the ruling. Heaps of cash, precious metals and immovable properties are being unearthed, confiscated or attached in the recent raids of Income Tax (IT) and Enforcement Directorate (ED), the list of which can be found elsewhere (read “Chors & Thugs in Indian Polity”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/chors-and-thugs-in-indian-polity/). For quite some time there have been whispers of opposition unity to get rid of Modi govt that firmed up only recently at their Bangalore meet.

Alliances of Convenience

The new coalition of as many as 26 opposition parties is mostly of their old times but they are highly sceptical of identifying with UPA as it was the most corrupt period in Indian political history. TMC and Congress claim to be the architect of naming the current alliance as ‘I-N-D-I-A’…BUT…by now this name is already infamous as a group of THUGS. Worst, they have highly communal/Islamic radical alliance partners such as IUML and some others. Any reasonable knowledgeable and informed citizen will know that these groups of politicians are forming alliances with strangers, with political parties of diverse ideologies for just one aim...dethrone Modi and somehow grasp the chair of power that they so overtly misused in their times. This coalition apparently constitutes Chors, Thugs, Scamsters, looters, extortionists, Jihadists among some other designates that include Congress, TMC, AAP, DMK, JD(U), RJD, JMM, SP, CPI as its major components along with several minor players like CPM, NCP (Sharad), Shiv Sena (UBT), NC, PDP, RLD, MDMK, KMDK, VCK, RSP, CPI-ML (Liberation), Forward Bloc, IUML, Kerala Congress (Joseph & Mani), Apna Dal (Kamerawadi), and MMK; many of whom are rarely heard of. It may be recalled that 12 of this coalition don’t have representation in the parliament.

It is well known that politicians are different breeds of human, easily becoming bed-fellows with strangers, adversaries or even enemies for own politico-financial gains (read “Congress and India: Unhealthy Collusions”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/congress-and-india-unhealthy-collusions/ and “Ideologically Bankrupt Congress Party of Today”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/ideologically-bankrupt-congress-party/). They have been trying hard to forge alliances for two prime aims mentioned below; of which, aim to defeat a very strong Modi Govt is presently their prime aim to re-stablish their Chor-Tantra and take revenge. They have several contradicting self-interests clashing each other on several fronts incl electoral to ideological, to the acts of immoral dealings besides self-ambitions.

With newer revelations of corruption & scams, the politicians of most of these parties have been very jittery in recent years BUT investigating teams continue unearthing their ill-gotten money and assets (read “Chors & Thugs of Indian Polity”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/chors-and-thugs-in-indian-polity/). Unnerved, they have now formed a coalition of tainted politicians under an attractive banner of ‘I-N-D-I-A’ trying to get off their “Scam India” tag of UPA’s time and in the process to seek the emotional sympathy of having the country’s name in earning a few more votes. The first aim of this alliance is to pressurize Modi Govt in one voice to abandon investigating their corruption cases and secondly, to forge an alliance of some sort to challenge Modi Govt in 2024 general election so that they could restart the “Loot-India campaign” once again. However, the sentiments of the general public appear firm behind Modi whose governance has been able to reach out to the last underprivileged person in the weakest society with one or the other benefit of current developments. The thugs know they cannot defeat Modi govt hence, trying to forge an alliance among themselves. This new name is already in the eyes of storms as some cases have already been filed that may be dismissed as these scamsters intend not to officially register it and yet try to continue driving maximum mileage out of it.

Many of the politicians and their political parties are known to be corrupt, under the lens of the investigating agencies of the nation. They have now decided to join hands together for various reasons. Some are worried that the ongoing investigation by the central agencies will hasten them landing in jails, others want the investigation to slow down or stopped altogether. Hence, they want to raise a chorus that could give the impression to the public that they are being wronged. There are some politicians who are struggling to save their sinking careers through opposition unity. Yet there are others who have long looted public funds, are in the limelight of the investigation agencies and desperately trying to shift the focus from themselves to the ruling Modi govt which has entered its 10th year with absolutely clean governance. This fact is causing nightmares among the traditionally corrupt. The main players in this list are the Congress, TMC, RJD, AAP, JMM, DMK and NCP. Let us examine them.

Congress, the Main Player

Congress party is the oldest of the lot, having immense experience of ruling and looting the nation for nearly six decades. They have been experts in drafting a ‘pseudo-secularism’ in the Constitution of India which has forfeited the rights of Hindu majority and silently causing a change in the religious demography of India at the cost of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists (read “We, the People and Pseudo-Seculars of India”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/we-the-people-pseudo-seculars-of-india/). Now when Hindus are airing their voices, the Muslim-appeasers are branding them as intolerant. Congress party is also allegedly chided to be most experienced in corruption…from A to Z of it…as they have emerged over a period.

A to Z of Scams in UPA's time

Today’s Congress party is also alleged to be getting slush funds for over a decade from the ISI of Pakistan (in FICN) and Chinese as favour money for their anti-India and appeasing acts…be it by shaming India, by abusing the Chiefs of the Armed Forces, with fabricated allegations on J&K that are used by the enemies in dragging India wrongly to the Human Rights platforms for explanations. The worst is that Congress party is believed to have looted India on various accounts with cut-money…be it defence procurements of their times, share-scam, Satyam, Hawala, mine allotment and so on to be the major ones. Many allege that the commission money came through Bhandari-Vadra joint venture. The lady high command of congress possessing slush money was believed to be 4th richest women politician in the world way back in 2013. Of late, Congress has been jittery while the ED is investigating the National Herald case. Recently, a poster (of past years) displayed below surfaced on social media that didn’t surprise many, not even Congress leadership who allowed it to remain in place while carrying out their business as usual.

Chor Group Meeting ???

On the governance side, there is hardly anything for the Congress Party of India to claim credit for. India was $1.7 Tn economy and considered as fragile five when they handed over the governance to Modi in 2014. There was a policy paralysis and the PM was believed to be operating on remote control from 10, Janpath. India had very little credibility abroad. Armed Forces were in total neglect on the modernization front. Poverty, unemployment, lack of development, the poor state of the Agri-sector, rising suicides of farmers, lack of new industries, rising inflation, falling standard of living, rising Islamic radicalization & terrorism, persecution of SC & ST etc were the common features except for a small flicker of light of ‘economic revival’ in Narsimha Rao’s time. Nehru and Indira doomed India with “pseudo-secularism’ which has been covertly altering the religious demography at the cost of Hindus towards Islamisation of the nation. The Hindu voice was subdued and anyone claiming to be a Hindu on any major platform was tagged as communal. Of course, there were several credits too esp in Nehru, Indira, Rajiv and Narsimha Rao’s times but the dark chapters of their wrongdoings far acceded a few inspirational ones (read "विभाजन विभीषिका और राजनीति", https://thecounterviews.com/articles/partition-of-india-fallout-of/).

Ill-gotten money?

A portion of Mrs Sonia’s stash money believed to be around $19 Bn in different banks is being used (many call it wasted) in the re-launching of the >50 yr old politically naive child that he is called by many; and some such wastage have been his recent London, US and Bharat Jodo “Re-launch” efforts with several courtiers of Congress like Sam Pitroda and Jairam Ramesh carrying out the PR for him. Just like AAP ran away with a bone amidst fighting & corrupt Congress and Akali in Punjab election, Congress could walk out with that bone in Karnataka where infighting and corruption (unacceptable in Modi’s BJP) compromised them. This BJP defeat seems to have had a great impact a morale booster among the corrupts in the new coalition named I-N-D-I-A. Numerous nationals esp the patriots/nationalists have already started saying openly that India cannot be of the Chors, Fraudsters, Scamsters, Extortionists, Jihadists and other bad elements as found in this alliance. They feel India is a sacred name in Indian's hearts and the evil coalition partners depicted in the cartoon must not be allowed to shame the name. In the coming days and weeks, more such expressions are likely to gain momentum. It is logical too that the Chors, Thugs and Jihadists cannot be permitted to self-nominate themselves as ‘INDIA’ to earn the sympathy of the voters.

Will the Govt React?

The think tank in the govt has possibly failed to comprehend the type of national and international disrepute this name brings in the coming months when the opposition parties will freely use this honourable name I-N-D-I-A to identify themselves. It is believed that cases have also been filed in this regard. Going by past experience, Govt of India will be found insensitive in handling the issue and the Court of Law will also fail to realise the type of defame 'Mother India' risks. Rahul Gandhi, Congress or its president Kharge will be least bothered to the disrepute a "Chor & Thug I-N-D-I-A" will bring to the nation.


(Note- This article is in 3 parts. the second part is under editing. If completed in time this month, it will be published in the same issue 5:08 as this article, otherwise in issue 5:09 the next month).

(Part-2 of the article could be read at https://thecounterviews.com/articles/i-n-d-i-a-of-thugs-part-2/ and Part-3 at https://thecounterviews.com/articles/i-n-d-i-a-of-thugs-part-3/).

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