Bangladesh taken over by Jihadists

Indian Relations with Radical State of Bangladesh

Jihadi Uprising Now

Post Hasina turmoil in Bangladesh, there are several new challenges thrown open in the sensitive Indo-Bangla relations. Bangladesh is no longer an Indian friendly State BUT a Radical Islamic State. The immediate challenges for Modi Govt are to deal with the compromised security situation at the Indo-Bangla boarders. It is strongly believed that foreign hands were in play in efecting the turmoil with bangladesh Army behind them. It is very possible that Pakistan’s ISI and either US or Chinese PLA have found the new Jihadist allies in Bangladesh who will be ever willing to indulge in disruptive activities in India. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not very expert in political meneuvring of nations hence, USA in all probabilities could be involved as the mastermind. Some student leaders could have been hired by them to become a proxy public face.

Similar spurt in Jihadi activities after Hasina’s exit from Bangla politics, could be in offing at the unfenced and porous Indo-Bangla boarders too. Even in the fenced areas, Pakistan and China have shown at the LoC as to how underground tunnels at international borders could be made to indulge in nefarious activities in India. Pakistani Jihadi Estt will find new groups of allies in Bangladesh where their ISI will surely plot newer conspiracies and subversive activities against India. We must remember that Pakistan has 45-odd Jihadi Tanzeems. Hence, Indian security must be augmented at once on the Indo-Bangla boarders. The other many challenges between India and Bangladesh have been deliberated in other articles elsewhere (read “Pakistani Genocide and liberation of Bangladesh”,; and “Indo-Bangla Relations: Cordial yet Sensitive”,

Post-Hasina Turmoil in Bangladesh

After the unrest in Bangladesh caused by the so-called “Student’s Movement” was nothing but “Chhatra Shibir” wing of Jamat-e-Islami (Bangladesh) inciting expulsion of PM Sheikh Hasina, well-coordinated by their Army Chief. In no time, the law of the land had evaporated in thin air and even police force of Bangladesh had almost disappeared fearing for their lives. In most parts of Bangladesh, Jihadists, rogue/goon-elements and some student volunteer groups were trying to maintain law and order on the streets. Soon the radical elements of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) incl ex-PM Khalida Jia were released from jails and they too joined in the pandemonium. In this period, Hindus and some other religious minorities of Bangladesh were under severe persecution incl them being killed, their homes burnt and received a familiar threat call by Jihadists of “Convert, Flee or Die”. This was also the period of lawlessness when the ministers of Hasina’s Govt were also being targeted. National monuments were being destroyed and several temples vandelised/burnt.

Hindus had started fleeing BUT with Indo-Bangla crossings closed, they had no option but to join hands with fellow non-Muslims to fight the battle to the extent possible. It was very strange that Muslim appeasing political parties in I.N.D.I.A remained mum to the numerous Hindu plights in Bangladesh. PM Modi and Home Minister did express anguish but no credible steps were taken either by political or religious bodies of India. Highly biased Amnesty International (India) and reporters of BBC & Al-Jazeera remained in denial claiming that right wing had created the rumors. It was a shame on those reporters. Non-Muslims of Bangladesh could be in for a persistent persecution. One can expect serious restrictions on their festivals hereafter. Mass Hindu festivals like Durga Puja may be under serious threats. There could also be attacks on them during their festivals that may include suicidal attacks or planted IEDs to kill as well as create terror environment.

Cordial Indo-Bangla Relations at Stake

Govt of Sheikh Hasina had developed an excellent mutual trust with India that included eradication of anti-India terror groups, bilateral trade agreements, international boundary agreements, Energy & Defense cooperation, tourism & medical cooperation and taking the negotiations on Free Trade Agreement nearing completion. However, most of the good works of cordial relation of decades appears being undone rapidly by the caretaker govt of Md Yunus. Duplicity in his words and acts are glaringly visible.

The immediate Indian concerns are the followings:-

  1. Bangladesh must not become a breeding ground of Jihadists exploited by Pakis,
  2. It should not fall in the lap of Chinese debt trap,
  3. Mass exodus of non-Muslims must not create an illegal influx into India,
  4. Rohingyas must be prevented in infiltrating India and
  5. Ways to sustain the mutual benefits of numerous connectivity initiatives of past.

It must not be forgotten that Bangladesh forms an important geo-political and geo-strategic partnership for India. In addition, economic, cultural and civilizational bond are time-tested yet, vulnerable to fall in pieces due to uncontrolled radicalism. 

New Challenges

During the massive security risk created in the beginning of August 2024 following Hasina’s exit that even continues today, the interim caretaker govt continues providing lip service of security whereas numerous videos on social media point to a near genocide of non-Muslims taking place. UNHRC has finally spoken something, that they are going to send a fact-finding team. It is only hoped that the team is not of Muslims who invariably try to cover up Islamic atrocities on non-Muslims. Besides, there are many newer challenges that have emerged in Indo-Bangla relations and needs to be taken care by the two govts. These include the followings:-

  • Infiltration of Rohingyas & Jihadi elements into India.
  • Cross-border terrorism by the numerous jihadi Tanzeems.
  • Hurdles in sharing of the river water.
  • Increase in the drug-trafficking.
  • Growing Chinese influence / Threats both economic and defense related.

PM Modi is taunted by many for being a pro-Hindu leader although it is incorrect. Hence, Hindu activists want him to justify that tag now. He must ensure that the non-Muslims of Bangladesh don’t meet the same fate as those in Afghanistan/Pakistan. Govt of India may explore if bifurcating Bangladesh for its insecure 1.5 Cr non-Muslims is feasible within their overall controls. A UN-sponsored plebiscite could be carried out to prevent gross violation of their Fundamental Rights and prevent a possible genocide. Prominently northern and north-western parts of Bangladesh is a better territory for the non-Muslims to re-locate and Muslims of these areas could be relocated to their vacated properties. If Armed Forces of India has to be used, may it be so. It will be essential to prevent the genocide of the non-Muslims as well as sort out the recurring security problems of India. It may be recalled that in 1971, Indian Armed Forces had come to the rescue of Bangladesh to prevent their genocide in the hands of Pakistan (read “Pakistani Genocide in Bangladesh, its Liberation and Indo-Bangla relations”,

Overactive Anti-India Forces

After the expulsion of Hasina govt, various anti-India forces are working overtime in Bangladesh. These forces include the Islamists, their handlers Pakistan, the Chinese and some others. The Islamists include both Jihadi Tanzeems and their handlers/controllers. Most Jihadi Tanjeems receive funding from Saudi, Qatar and Iran. They also fund PFI/SDPI and allied groups to recruit/train/utilize Jihadists/terrorists. Pakistan too has been involved in money laundering with Jihadists/terrorists. Islamists also have their agenda to push illegal Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants in India as their workforce to carry out subversive acts when ordered. Pakistan sends both terrorists and weapons routed thru’ Bangladesh. China too has their eyes on Bangladesh where defense/economic interests are served. Chinese PLA do carryout nefarious activities through rebel groups in north-western Myanmar and hence, are accessible to Bangladesh and thence to India too. PLA of late has been tail-twisting Bangladesh to buy Chinese Military Equipment and adopt hardline on issues with India. 

Concluding Thoughts

Indian Armed Forces had come to the rescue of Bangladeshis in 1971 when Pakistan was indulging in their genocide. A similar situation has arisen for the non-Muslims of Bangladesh again. There may be a valid reason for the Indian Armed Forces to step again to carve out a safer territory for them under overall control of that nation.

The recent turmoil in Bangladesh has posed many risks for India both for its security as well as bilateral relations. More so, it has created a potential threat for a possible genocide of non-Muslims in new Bangladesh under radical Islamists. While Indian effort should be on to impart a caused-based logical support to the new regime, security threats must be warded off at any cost. It may also involve bifurcating the nation for its non-Muslims who are facing a strong potential threat for genocide similar to those carried out in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A UN-backed plebiscite will be preferable.

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