Islamic cancer

Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World

All human beings are born free of any religious tag. In early childhood, they are all innocent, aloof of discrimination or hate. However, after the seeds of discrimination, hate and intolerance from parents, preachers or religious books are sown, they start acquiring devilish characters. In addition, there are clerics who brainwash them. Of late, videos of very young children mostly from Pakistan or Muslim dominated parts of India such as Kerala are emerging where they are seen chanting of beheading kaffirs (, demolishing temples and so on. Although a 4 yr child made to chant such hate slogans means nothing but it surely shows a trend how hateful & intolerant Islam could be, not sparing even innocent children.

A child chanting death to Hindus & Christians in Kerala

Thereafter, those children are no more innocent. They specialise in stone pelting, planting of IEDs, becoming suicide bombers, participate in nefarious activities against own nation or become human shields for their terrorist relatives and so on. It must be mentioned that many Muslims are as human as Christians/Buddhists/Hindus or other faiths but Islamic hate, intolerance, bigotry & fascism is such a cancer that if gripped an individual, a society or a non-Islamic nation, it will corrode them from within. This statement is by and large true for the entire world except one nation that will be elaborated later.

Islamic Cancer in Europe

Islamic cancer is engulfing Europe gradually in a very structured manner. First Kosovo region of Serbia in Europe was affected with this disease (read “Kosovo being engulfed by Islamic Cancer”, Almost consequently, parts of France, Bulgaria & Greece have started feeling the heat of this disease of radicalism, communalism and terrorism…that are only the manifestations of its increasing grades. Islamic radicalism & terrorism in France is gradually getting out of control. Islamic radicalism & terrorism in Sweden, Denmark, Germany etc are at nascent stages but their coordinated mob-violence and regular brainwashes in Friday Khutbas in mosques make it worrisome (read “Quran burning in Denmark & Sweden is Wrong Approach”, In UK, Muslims are growing at unprecedented and uncontrolled rates just like cancer and its radical manifestations are becoming increasingly evident (read “Britain diseased with Islamic cancer, reluctant for treatment”, Pseudo-secularism is taking toll on British law makers too. Mrs Breverman had to resign last year because she spoke a truth of Muslims raping white British women. Similarly, in recent months, looking at the intensity of Palestine & Hamas supports on British roads and streets, it was strongly felt by most onlookers that London mayor Sadiq Khan had some role in it. When British MP Lee Anderson spoke of it, the pseudo-secularists prevailed again to get him suspended from the party.

Of late, all non-Islamic nations across the world have been feeling heat of Islamic radicalism. Some do speak of it but many don’t. Europe has been trying to project itself as the champions of democracy for long. As a result, they avoid showing the resentments caused by increasing Islamic radicalism in their States in public. However, their murmurs remain (read “New Islamo-Fascism in World”, It is another matter though that the Islamist bodies have infiltrated in all major groups be it NATO, EU, AU, UN, UNHRC or UNRWA (read “UNRWA of Jihadists”,

Islamic Cancer in Asia & Africa

Increasing Islamic radicalism & terrorism of Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M-23 and numerous others bear testimony to the fact that Islam poses a grave threat to the faiths of smaller tribes across African Continents too, that the world bodies esp UN & UNSC and UNHRC are hesitant to even speak. Numerous Islamic genocides are going on in the world. Islamic atrocities caused by 175-odd Islamic Terror organisations are spread all over world, nurtured by most if not all 47 Islamic nations. It go unreported and un-addressed at appropriately at various international platforms. The result of all these are before us. The cancer of Islam is engulfing the world esp Asia, Europe and Africa. Today significant proportion of the mosques in India are preaching hate, intolerance & bigotry (read “Mosques: A Symbol of Interfaith hate & intolerance”, It is noteworthy that most of the communal violence and arsons are indulged upon by the misguided youths after their Friday Khutbas. The root cause of this disease is radicalism & terrorism having its root in their (un)holy books called Quran & Hadith (read “Quran a source of hate & intolerance”,; and “Quran incompatible with Secular Ethos”,

Coming back to Islamic ‘Cancer’ in Europe, it is a fact that Serbia is presently diseased with this cancer in a similar way that Kandhar part of undivided India was diseased a few centuries back. The pain caused by this disease grew to an extent that part of Indian territory had to be severed as ‘Islamic Afghanistan’. India failed to learn lessons of nurturing this disease and had to suffer another amputation in 1947 that came to be known as Islamic Pakistan & Bangladesh. Today, Kosovo stands at the same juncture, awaiting surgical amputation and the “pseudo-secular world” is watching it happening without a word being uttered, just because Serbia has affiliations with Russia and NATO is covertly trying to balance its past sordid acts in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why US, NATO and the EU are mum. This part of Europe including Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and North Macedonia is increasingly spreading this cancer from Albania making them die a slow cultural and religious death. British territories of Birmingham & Bradford have already acquired the new cancer and other parts like East Ham, Blackburn and some others will soon become diseased (read “Britain of Rapist Muslims” All these parts of Britain will become Islamic ghettos, gradually coming under Sharia law ( Police will think twice before entering these areas because radical Muslims have mob mentalities as observed in numerous parts of the world.

Islamic ghettos in Britain: No-go zone for Police

How to Control This Cancer?

The treatment of the Islamic cancer is not difficult but needs a strong political will. As mentioned in the beginning, today in the entire world, only one nation has been able to contain or control Islamic cancer in its territories and that is China. World must follow the Chinese doctrine in combatting Islamic radicalism, terrorism & fascism that altogether become a cocktail for “Islamic cancer”. The root cause of this disease lay in their Islamic books called ‘Quran & hadith’ which preach hate, intolerance and fascism against the followers of other religions & faiths. Teaching of Quran/Hadith is banned in China among children and adolescent under 16 yrs of age. Even Friday ‘Khutbas’ are pre-screened by the respective CCP representatives of the areas who keep a close watch on the Islamic ghettos so that no radicalism are preached or practiced (read “World must adopt Chinese model of Islam”, If Islamic cancer has to be controlled, Quran & Hadith must be amended. This is likely to be resisted by world Muslim bodies. In that case, Quran/Hadith preaching must be banned in non-Islamic countries to promote inter-religious peace & harmony (read “Islamic hate & Intolerance: Treat the disease not symptoms”,

OIC/UN/UNSC/UNHRC Sympathetic to Islamic Cancer?

OIC has always been promoting Islamic radicalism across the world. Time has come when non-Islamic nations will have to combat this cancer with a positive political will without fearing for the so-called blemish by the pseudo-secular nations and the biased UN/UNSC/UNHRC. Else, there will be several Afghanistans, Pakistans and Bangladeses in future too, that may have to be carved out of those nations suffering with Islamic cancers in the coming decades and centuries. Hindu Pandits have undergone genocide in the hands of their own Muslim neighbours in 1990s in Kashmir (read “Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive: 1990 genocide in Kashmir”, Marawi island of the Philippines was claimed independent as Islamic State in 2017 when thousands of local Christians were slaughtered by their Muslim neighbours overnight. Hindus & Sikhs have undergone a complete genocide in the hands of Taliban in Afghanistan in 2021 that UN remained mum (read “Muted UNHRC response encouraging Islamic genocides”, Similarly, genocides of Christians are going on in the middle east for decades as reported by Jeremy Hunt Commission, be it Iraq, Lebanon or Syria. Recently, Hamas has shown the same intent in its 7th Oct genocidal attack against Jews State of Israel (read “Growing Trust Deficits for world Muslims as Community and nations”, 

The Synopsis

The synopsis of the fact of Islamic communalism, radicalism, terrorism and separatism is increasingly becoming apparent in the world of which, by and large, all nations are affected. Some dare to speak out of it but many try to display their ‘pseudo-secularism’ and prefer to let their innocent populace suffer in the hands of the radicals. Although this article highlights the Islamic cancer in Europe; Asia and Africa are equally affected with it. This cancer is proliferating fast in the world despite it being treatable as shown by China, the only nation having a political resolve to control it

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