Islamic Terrorists burn Churches, Synagogues

Islamic Cancer Spreading in Russia

Islamic Radicalism in Russia

Islam can be friend of no non-Muslims, be it individuals, societies or States. Having tolerated several terror attacks especially in the last 2 decades, Russia is learning it hard ways. Some of the major Islamic attacks in the recent past are listed below. These are the ones when Islamists have targeted either the innocent civilians incl women & children or even the mighty Russian military as they are known. Islamic terrorists attacked non-Muslims in Dagestan again on 23 Jun 24, killing >20 people (incl police) and burning their synagogues & churches.

Islamic Terror attacks in Russia

On Sunday 23 Jun 24, a gruesome terror attack was launched allegedly by islamists in Dagestan's regional capital of Makhachkala and nearby Derben. Numerous Islamists attacks on the peace-loving largely Orthodox Christian communities in the past are the oozing scars on the Russians. Russia fought the Chechen Islamists reluctantly in the 90s under the pressure of the world Human Rights activists. The result was before them in the form of defeat. In the recent years and decades, the Islamists of Chechnya and Uzbekistan/Tajikistan have been colluding with the radical Muslim groups of Dagestan in the southern Russian province. The Wahabi/Salafi ideology has taken root in their societies which earlier had a peace-loving and broad-minded mixed people mostly of the Christians and some scattered Jews. In the last one decade, there has been sharp rise both in the numbers of the Muslims in Dagestan as well as radicalism & extremism among them owing largely to their own proliferation and some of the migrants moving from the neighboring states as well as from the middle east. This vastly altered the religious demography of the province.

Problems of Increasing Muslim Population

In the recent years and decades, Islamic terrorism has skyrocketed the world over which in part, is due to the sharply growing Muslim population to create global Caliphate esp following the calls of ISIS. India is the best example of the ills of increasing Muslim populations with all its consequences. After Indian partition for carving out Pakistan for the Muslims, the remaining Muslims in some parts of India have proliferated from 9% in 1947 to 17% by now (near 90% in many sub-divisional levels). The consequences are appalling (read “भारत में बढ़ती मुस्लिम आवादी: एक खतरा”, They try to impose Shariat law in their localities of dominance with utter disregard to the Constitution of India. They brazenly abuse humanity. Indian state of West Bengal has witnessed several such instances in the recent months & years. It is not in isolation. These scenes are regular features in Islamic society and nations

It is a habitual fact of the Muslims that they behave extremely cordially in non-Islamic states if their population is <5%. When their numbers increase to about 10%, they form ghettos and start creating problems for the non-Muslims neighbors. They knowingly project themselves as a threat to create fear factor among non-Muslims. Their radicalism is visible and start responding to the calls of radical leaders, both among them and outsiders. By the time their population in a society increases to 20-30%, they indulge in Islamic extremism and terrorism. Mob mentality gradually develops, further incited by their radical Mullahs/imams of the mosques during the Friday sermons called Khutbahs. These Mullahs while teaching the good practices of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, also preach discrimination, hate and intolerance against non-Muslims whom they term Kaffirs. They invariably become vote-banks in democratic non-Muslim nations getting political petronages. They start receiving Islamic funds to equip themselves with weapons which range from knife, sword to automatic small arm fires, explosives and IEDs. These are good enough to create fear among non-Muslims with sporadic instances of violence. Non-Muslim neighbors lacking unity, no longer feel safe and often chose to flee for the safety of their lives and honour of their families.

Societies having Muslim population of >30-40% try to establish Shariat law clandestinely though. Any non-Muslim family not following their dictat are usually forced to leave thru’ sustained vandalism or intimidation of their women and occasional violence. They start unlawful activities of making IEDs, possessing illegal weapons and sheltering terrorists often coming from other states. Communal tensions and violence are regular features. They often respond to the calls of global Islamism ready to create arsons, violence and targeted murders. Non-Muslims no longer find it congenial and invariably try to re-locate. These societies are fast become Muslim dominated and if the non-Muslim neighborhood don’t unite and retaliate, they will vanish. Non-Muslims in States having >40% Muslims are destined to suffer Islamic terrorism and targeted violence including those by own neighbors and erstwhile friends. Thus, if Islam is implanted on a territory, it behaves like Cancer. Approaching the threshold of 40%, this disease has to be radically treated or else it will engulf the nation and its population. In the present times, Kosovo, Lebanon and Dagestan have reached those thresholds (read “Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World”,; “Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer”,; and “Kosovo being engulfed by Islamic Cancer”, It may not be an exaggeration to mention that Al-Baghdadi’s call for “Global Islamic Caliphate” in 2014 must be kept in mind to which wider sections of world Muslim bodies and their clerics have responded.

Mayhem in Dagestan

Islamic Terror attack in Dagestan on 23 Jun 24

Coming back to Dagestan in the recent attacks on Synagogues & Churches on 23 Jun 24; terrorists shot fearlessly upon the non-Muslim residents. In the mayhem, even local police trying to control the situation, were fired upon. It is learnt that over a dozen people have been killed by the Islamic radicals & terrorists who are believed to be poor but having no dearth of firearms. The Islamic radicals found an ideal excuse to vandelise and burn the synagogues and Churches. The culprits are believed to be from among the neighbors, shooting them with automatic weapons and dishonoring the sanctity of their women…just like they did on 7th Oct in Israel. They are believed to have also issued threats to the handful of remaining minority population to ‘Convert, Flee or Die’, the same what ISIS ushered upon the Yezidis in Iraq in 2014 and Kashmiri Muslims on their fellow Pandits in 1990.

In Oct 2023 too, these radicals of Dagestan had invaded the local airport on a rumour that some Jews of Israel were migrating in a plane and these Islamic radicals wanted to lynch them. It must be said with fair conviction that Islam is trying to turn the human of 21st century into a barbaric beast of 7th century and this story is repeating again and again…thru’ attacks in Dagestan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Gaza, Iraq, Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia or elsewhere. Just recently thousands of Massalits in West Darfur city of El-Genina were massacred by the RSF gunmen leading to total ethnic cleansing…similar to what Taliban had done to the Sikhs in Afghanistan in August 2021.

Unjustified Islamic Hate Attacks

Dagestan hate attacks by apparently the local radical Muslim groups has taken place allegedly in response to deaths in Gaza where Israeli forces are retaliating 7th Oct 23 inhuman & barbaric Hamas attack. These attacks cannot be justified although UN Secy Gen Gutteres attempted it that received global condemnation (read “Guterres Blunders…”, Similarly Dagestan attack on innocent civilians having no enmity with anyone cannot be justified. It represents the ill mindset of Islamic ideologies of barbarism whether in Dagestan, Moscow, Israel, Sri Lanka, Mumbai (India), Twin-Tower attack in USA or elsewhere (read “major Jihadi attacks in the world”, Islam and Islamic nations need to be condemned for founding and supporting >175 Jihadi groups involved with Islamic Terrorism.

Continued loss of Palestine lives in Gaza is unfortunate and equally condemnable BUT who is accountable for it (read “Gaza: Ignored accountability of Hamas Administration”, Stopping this war is very much in the hands of Hamas and the negotiating Islamic nations. The day they decide to hand over the Israeli hostages and the Hamas culprits of 7th Oct barbarism to the Israeli administration/IDF, war will stop with immediate ceasefire. However, Hamas and Radical groups of Islam are playing a dirty game. They are trying to earn sympathies of the world bodies at the huge cost of the lives of Palestinne civilians killed as collateral damages, is equally debatable as to who are innocent civilians in Gaza (read “Who are innocent Palestinians”,

Islamic Intolerance & Terrorism: a new reality in today’s world

The world has to adapt to the new normal of genocides being committed by Islamic terrorists and Jihadists. It has become a reality that Islam is incompatible with believers of non-Muslim faiths. In that respect, Islam remains as barbaric today as it was during its foundation in the 7th century. Islamic nations have formed a big clout in most international fora, be it UN, the UNHRC or elsewhere (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic genocides”, Today, no non-Islamic organization can expect a fair hearing against growing Islamic terrorism at these fora. World knows that major part of aids to Gaza, Palestinians, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, CAR, Somalia and several others find its way into the hands of the radical Islamic terror organisations. These groups and communities have plenty of funds to buy weapons but not to feed their population. They expect the UN or the other world bodies to feed them (read “O Foolish World! Feed me for free while I commit Jihad”, In principle, Dagestan has been comparatively a poor Russian province but having no dearth of of guns and explosives.

Muslim population in Dagestan is nearly 92% that makes all non-Muslim absolutely unsafe. Unless the Russian Security Forces are firm in dealing with the rogue radical eliments of Islam, it will meet the same fate as those of Chechenya, Kosovo, labenon etc. Indian territory of Gandhar (Afghanistan of today) met the same fate owing to the rise in the number of Muslims when it had to be severed out from the main body of India. The cancer of Islam is a real threat to all non-Islamic nations of the world who find themselves vulnerable while sticking to the principles of pseudo-secularism. On this account, China is the only nation in the world that has suppressed Islamic terrorism in its territory of Xinjiang province. It may be an example for the entire non-Muslim world to adopt (read “World must adopt Chinese model of Islam”, The radicalism, extremism and terrorism of Islam imbibed from the many verses of Quran are discriminatory, hateful and intolerant towards non-Muslims. Those verses infringe the fundamental rights of the citizens, yet not removed or banned (read “Gross violation of Indian Fundamental Rights”, 

The Bottom lines

Islamic Terrorist attack in Dagestan on 23 Jun 24 is highly condemnable. It is unbelievable as to why the non-Muslims of the world are largely tolerating the global phenomena of the Islamic radicalism and terrorism which is fanning out from Quran. Why is Quran not amended for its hate contents poisoning the minds of Muslims (read “Islamic Hate, Intolerance, Bigotry and Fascism”, This is what is causing the spread of Islamic terrorism of the kinds of Dagestan, Moscow, Israel or elsewhere mentioned above. Both UN and Islamic nations must realise that the day non-Muslims of the world say enough is enough and respond with retaliation, Islamic radicals will run for their lives. Slowly, the patience of the non-Muslim communities will be reaching the thresholds when they will retaliate and that will be the most unfortunate for Muslims and Islam. It is the high time that world Muslim groups control Islamic radicalism & terrorism either themselves or under the guidance of international bodies like the UN/UNHRC/UNSC which are becoming largely irrelevant or else, non-Muslims of the world may resort to retaliation.

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