
Jihadi Beast-hood Shaming Humanity: Jews, Yezidis, Kashmiri Pandits or Others

In the current Jihadi attack on the Jews of Israel on 7th Oct 23, everyone acknowledges that the way Hamas Jihadists behaved with women, children and the elderly alike, was barbarism and a shame on humanity. It was nothing to do with Israel-Palestine territorial disputes, policy differences, military campaigns or statehood. They infiltrated into Israeli villages where civilians resided. They killed toddlers, children, adults, women, elderly all alike, beheading some at will as there was no credible village defence. They raped women and burnt them alive. They shamed humanity when tore the abdomen of pregnant women. They even raped the dead. It was a sheer display of beasthood. They took hostages of many men & women incl children & elders and drove back to Gaza. Those visuals remind us of Jihadi genocides of Yezidis in Iraq (2014-15), Hindus in Kashmir (1990) and Mopilla violence (1922) India. Islamic beasthood is not limited to those few. In the recent decades Islamic Jihad has been manifesting itself the world over through their numerous violence (read “Major Jihadi Attacks in the world” https://thecounterviews.com/articles/major-islamic-jihadi-attacks-in-the-world/), All can observe the similarities in their acts of beasthood. In Israel it was Hamas terrorists, in Sinjar, the ISIS, in Kashmir and Mopilla with the ordinary Muslims committing crimes. Where do these types of extreme hate and violence in the form of barbarism come in Islam based on Quran?

Jihad: One of Seven Tenets of Islam

Jihadists may be literate or illiterate BUT they are all tutored by hateful elements of Islam by their radical Mullahs…to do what they did. Not all Jihadists read Quran but all are brainwashed initially by their Mullahs in their Friday sermons called Khutbas; and later indoctrinated in one or the other Jihadi Tanzeems. They all fuel hate, intolerance and barbarism in their psyche. It is evident by their most antisocial activities after Friday Khutbas in the forms of stone pelting, arson and other crimes. We know very well that Quran contains many verses that spit hate against the followers of other religions & faiths (read “60 hateful & intolerant verses of Quran, Parts 1 & 2”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-1/ and https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-2/). Some of these verses even violate the fundamental rights of non-Muslims (read “Gross Violation of Fundamental Rights”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/gross-violation-of-indian-fundamental-rights-by-quran/). Hence, it is no surprise what Hamas Jihadists did in Israel on 7th Oct 23. Islamists will repeat similar acts in future too and their target may be any non-Muslim society.

Islamists have been having enmity with the Jews ever since Israel came into existence in 1948. There have been numerous episodes of violence/wars incited by one group or the other and every time Israel retaliated, often disproportionately. However, that gives no excuse to the Jihadists to display barbarism that they did. This in no way can be compared with Israeli attacks on Jihadi Hamas positions often causing collateral damages to the civilians which of course, has been unfortunate. It is known that the Islamists use civilians as shields in Gaza and elsewhere. Some of these civilians have been brainwashed by their Mullahs to come to the help & assistance of their Jihadi brethren serving the cause of Islam. The onus for such civilian casualties cannot be lumped on Israel alone. Hamas has equally been accountable for it.

In Gaza it could have been some past excesses by Israeli Forces…BUT then…what made these jihadists to behave like beasts in Sinjar province of Iraq where they committed atrocious genocide of Yezidis? What makes similarities in their actions in 1990 genocide of Kashmiri Pandits as depicted in the film “The Kashmiri Files”, is a story based on the narratives of the victims of the Jihadi beasthood (read “Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive : January 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/ralive-tsalive-ya-galive-january-1990-genocide-kashmiri-pandits/).

Jihad, one of seven tenets of Islam

Islam promotes Jihad in various forms incl fighting the evils within oneself. However, the one form of Jihad best understood by the common Muslims (both literate & illiterate) of the world, is to fight for the causes of Islam against followers of other religions & faiths that they term as infidels. Calls for Jihad are often given by their radical clerics.

By now, there are >175 Jihadi organisations in the world, the major proscribed ones as terrorists by different national and international bodies are listed in the text box below. Besides, there are numerous others which have not yet been put in the list of proscribed groups because they enjoy favours of one or the other P-5 nations for various political reasons or their own interest being served. For example, China keeps applying vetoes whenever Pakistani terrorists or their groups are recommended for being proscribed in the UNSC. Pakistan alone accounts for ~34 terrorist organisations on their soil as acknowledged by their ex-PM Imran Khan before Prez Trump in 2019.

These 175-odd Jihadi organisations belong to different geopolitical zones, under different socio-religious domains in different continents of the world. However, one thing is common…that they all are trained and tutored to behave like beasts shaming humanity. They mostly pick up civilian, unarmed targets of children, women, elderly. They all follow atrocities of Jihad promoted by Islamic order in their (un)holy book Quran. They all have been brainwashed by their respective Mullahs/Imams to believe in what they are tutored; and try to spread terror in the hearts and minds of their victims. Quran has many verses that promote such acts of terror. These tutoring have such profound impacts that they even volunteer to become suicidal human bombs for their ‘perceived’ cause of Islam. Their girls and women don’t hesitate in volunteering to serve sex to the Jihadists fighting war. These perversion / illnesses of Muslim minds have been amply witnessed in ISIS war in Iraq and elsewhere. World should not be surprised if Muslim women of world are brainwashed by their respective Mullahs to serve sex to the Jihadists fighting against Israelis this time too.

Where Does Islamic Hate Come from?

Islam was founded on hate against all Arabian Tribes, to forcibly or otherwise convert them. This hate was inculcated in the hearts & minds of opponents by Mohamed himself whom Muslims call a prophet. This hate culminated in the complete genocide of Arabian Tribes (some 1½ dozen or so). The subsequent Islamic Caliphs were no lesser barbaric (read “Islamic Hate, Intolerance, Bigotry & Fascism and the Global Caliphate”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/islamic-intolerance-bigotry-fascism-global-caliphate/). This hate is enshrined in over 60 verses of Quran (read “Is Quran a Source of Hate & Intolerance ?”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/is-quran-a-source-of-hate-and-intolerance/). They later committed genocides of numerous Christians, Jews, almost the entire Parsis and huge population of Hindus in the medieval times. Looking at the irony of the situation, the affected nations are aloof of the actual reasons of this disease called Jihad (read “Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease not Symptoms”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/islamic-hate-and-intolerance-treat-disease-not-symptoms/). In the present times, almost all nations are affected by Islamic Hate & Intolerances either against the believers of other religions & faiths or against different sects of Islam itself. The sectorial Islamic violence in various Islamic nations are its burning example. It is another matter for the world to ponder as to where from the Islamists get weapons & ammunition for fighting whereas they invariably compel UN World Food Program to feed their people. Lot many people feel that the Islamists should be made to pay for their acts (read “O Foolish World! You Must Feed Me Free, While I Commit Jihad!”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/o-world-you-feed-me-free-while-i-mount-jihad/).

If independent India had the will, it could have put all such barbaric Islamic rulers of past on ‘Trial’ in the court of laws by digging out their graves and if found guilty, should have hanged their skeletons in public for their grave atrocities and genocides. However, India lacks that will. In the present context, this is only a thought process of how cruel Islamists have been. In Israeli, Sinjar and elsewhere too it has been the same beastly atrocities of the Islamists and if Israel has taken a resolve to wipe out Hamas, so be it. Entire wold must welcome it and try to enact such will on their own territories. Islam can have no non-Muslim as friends, Quran prevents them from friendship with kaffirs. Hence, world bodies must reciprocate.

Indian and European humanitarian concerns for Islam or Muslims are understandable for the cause of Humanity BUT you can’t have faith in traitors. The moment Islamists get an opportunity to strike terror on non-Muslims, they will do so because their hateful (un)holy book Quran preaches them to do so right from medieval times. The 47 Islamic nations include the many whom Islam has engulfed and their non-Muslim citizen fallen victims to their genocides. If nations facing Islamic Jihad don’t act now, they too may fall victim to it and the latest burning example is Kosovo (read “Kosovo Engulfed by Islamic Cancer”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/christian-kosovo-being-engulfed-by-islamic-cancer/).

A Birds’ Eye View of Islam

The beasthood of Hamas Jihadists invading unsuspecting civilians in Israeli villages on 7th Oct 23 is part of their inhuman nature they revealed in the past too; be it against Yezidis, Kashmiri Pandits or elsewhere. The hate & intolerance contents in Quran are the seeds of the Islamic beasthood witnessed recently. This indulgence of Islam against non-Muslims is from the times of Muhammed who committed genocides of dozens of Arabian Tribes, later repeated by other Caliphs. In those times too the Islamic hate cry was “Convert, Flee or Die” and now too it is no different that we witnessed their beastly acts in Kashmir (read “Looking Back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive : January 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/ralive-tsalive-ya-galive-january-1990-genocide-kashmiri-pandits/). Their present actions in Israel is only an extension of their traditional barbaric behaviour that must not go unpunished. Unfortunately, UNHRC which should have taken a call for amending or banning Quran for its hate & intolerance in non-Islamic nations, BUT instead choses to remain mum to such atrocities (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocide”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/). Islam will continue trying achieve Global Islamic Caliphate. In India PFI revealed its intent to carry out Gazwa-e-Hind. It was an eye opener for all Indians though they will never succeed in it. Similar Islamic acts are being committed in African nations too by various Jihadi groups like Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M23 or some others. It is for all non-Islamic nations to take a resolve in crushing Jihadists on their soils. This is the only surest way to have a peaceful existence.


Hamas's act of brutal beastly behaviour on 7th Oct 23 in Israel shows the perverted form of Islamic ideologies of Jihad. Their current barbarism against Israel represents their similar inhuman acts elsewhere in the past whether against Yezidis, Kashmiri Pandits, Hindus or African Tribes and so on. The world must complement the resolve that Israel has taken to punish Hamas by wiping them out. All nations must complement it and also extend requisite support to Israel. Jihad and Jihadists are perverts of Islam demonstrating their barbarism shown by its founder and later exhibited many times in committing genocides of several communities. It may be prudent for the UN/UNHRC to take this resolve to either ask OIC to amend Quran of its hate contents that give rise to Jihad; or ban the preaching of Quran in all non-Islamic nations to protect humanity from humiliation sooner than later.

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