Hamas invades Israel

Jihadists are Threat to World, Not only to Israel

On Saturday the 07th Oct 2023, Jihadists in the vicinities of Israel amply demonstrated their beast hood. Jihad which is considered as one of the 7 tenets of Islam has put the world in danger time and again. Call of Jihad for dominance of Islam over the believers of other religions and faiths is the second biggest threat to humanity, the main threat being the stockpiles of tens of thousands of nuclear warheads. While the latter is the potential threat if triggered, the former like a genie, is already out of the bottle, causing substantial damage worldwide (read “Major Jihadi attacks in the World”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/major-islamic-jihadi-attacks-in-the-world/).

Source of Islamic Hate

Non-Muslim experts of Quran know very well that Islam is highly hateful, intolerant, bigoted and fascist against the believers of other religions & faiths (read “ Islamic Hate, Intolerance, Bigotry & Fascism and the Global Caliphate”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/islamic-intolerance-bigotry-fascism-global-caliphate/). The hate elements of Islam is enshrined in over 60-odd verses of their (un)holy book of Quran and Hadith (read “60 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Parts-1 & 2)”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-1/ and https://thecounterviews.com/articles/60-hateful-intolerant-verses-quran-part-2/). Hate & intolerance of Islam has already caused several genocides both in distant and recent past to which the international body of UN Human Rights Council has closed their eyes for whatever reasons (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/).

It is no secret that UNHRC and some of the EU nations are under increasing pressures to feign ignorance to the ever increasing threats of Islamic Jihad in the various parts of world. It is a hollow statement by the OIC that they themselves are bearing the brunt of it. This Genie of Jihad is product of Islam and they cannot shy away from their responsibility. If they are unable to curtail this threat, it is for the world bodies to ban or at least curtail the teaching of Quran the way the Chinese have done it (read “World Must Adopt the Chinese Model of Islam”, https://thecounterviews.com/articles/world-must-adopt-chinese-model-of-islam/). Notably, China is the only nation in the world that has prevented fanning out of Islamic terror on its territory.

Coming back to the question of 7th Oct 2023 attack by Hamas and other allied elements of Islam, it was a blatant unprovoked attack on the sovereignty of Israel. They fabricated a reason of desecrating Al-Aqsa BUT that the mosque itself desecrated the Jewish site of Temple Mont when it was constructed (read “A Troubled Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/troubled-al-aqsa-jerusalem/). There are issues on both sides ever since freedom from the British esp the post-independence struggle of Israel that none could have denied them. Occasional flash points have been the Al-Aqsa mosque which as such is considered illegitimate BUT the UN-brokered peace deal gives rights to both Palestine and Israel. The numerous troubling Arab-Israel wars are enumerated in the text box below: -

Genesis of Israel-Arab Conflict

Power Imbalance in the Region

Thanks to the Mediterranean Sea, it is sheer luck of Israel that they are surrounded only on three sides by the Islamic nations. Further, Jordan is not overtly inimical and neighbours on the N-E fronts namely Syria and Lebanon are severely depleted forces incapable to pose any credible threat. Otherwise, looking out at the misadventure of the Jihadists that is being lauded by most Muslims all around world, they could have initiated a 360 deg war-front against Isaraeli State of Jews, ready to engulf them. This also furthers Israeli belief that the Islamists cannot be trusted upon.

There is a tug of war in the region as to which nation is the most active in championing the cause of Islam. Here Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi and Qatar figure among the leading Islamists serving the cause of Islamic Jihad. Pakistan alone breeds 34-off Jihadi organisation on its soil with contributions of all alike. There are over 175 Jihadi organisations in the world growing on the soils of mostly the OIC nations. Even nations like Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sahel and some in Africa are no less of terror breeding. Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab and M23 etc pose credible threats in those regions. In short, there is a fair bit of sharing of Jihadi-power among the 47 Islamic nations. On the other hand, there are very few nations or agencies that can raise voices against Jihadists. Even UNHRC is reluctant to show a clear stand against Islamic terror. They have failed to even define 'terrorism' in the last 30 yrs or so. All these make a drastic imbalance of power in the region with many trying to take lead leading to sectarian violence in nations like Yemen, Afghanistan, Kurdish Iraq, Syria and Sahel regions.

The magnitude of an unprovoked attack on Israel was unprecedented. They mounted attacks apparently by 5000-7000 rockets being fired by Hamas terrorists within a short time. It is felt by many that Hamas was given an intelligence input that if rockets were fired in quick succession, may outdo their air defence. In actuals, many rockets breached ‘iron-dome’ security, killing and injuring many civilians. This was concurrently followed by terrorist attacks by land (bikes, SUVs, trucks), sea and even by air in powered paragliders some laden with explosives. Those who came on bikes & trucks were armed with assault rifles, grenades and even rocket launchers. There are videos in which an Israeli girl is seen being executed by the terrorists in front of her family members. There are reports that terrorist infiltration is through the Mediterranean Sea as well through which they use scuba to reach the Israeli beach. The extent of devastation is unknown but apparently over 300 civilians have been killed and numerous injured. The terrorists carried back many of the civilian hostages on the vehicle they came. Late till evening on that day, some villages across Gaza strip were under seize by the terrorists. There is also speculation that the terrorists had intelligence inputs from some insiders of senior unarmed military officers present in some places who were taken hostages.

Islamic Hate Against Jews

The demonic Jihadist forces launching such well-coordinated mega attacks simultaneously are a clear failure of Israeli intelligence. It is also apparent that the Jihadists have taken full advantage of the ongoing political unrest against the govt of Israel. Of course, PM Netanyahu has already declared it as hostility against his nation and the Israeli Air Force has started counter-offensive against the perpetrators. However, that may not be enough. On the other hand, collateral damages/injuries of civilians may mount pressure on Israel to stop it. Israel Army will have to liberate some of its villages from the Jihadists thru’ combing operations and its Navy too will have to spring into action to take punitive measures against whoever supported sea-mounted strikes. Maybe, they will mobilise the reserve forces for all these. Many also feel that there could have been insiders in Israel helping or sympathising with the Jihadists in the partially captured villages. They may also have to review if civilians facing Jihadist threats should be armed to defend themselves in any similar future misadventure…something that Indian govt has bolstered a Village Defence Forces in J&K.

Many experts in Israel-Palestine conflict point out that this episode of hostility is not going to end any soon. Israel will deliver a knockout punch and a bloody nose to the Hamas Jihadists before OIC could manage a bail-out plan through another UNSC-brokered so-called ‘peace deal’. Israel must realise that Hamas is present in many nations, cannot be totally wiped out but they could surely be driven out of Gaza. This action will continue despite multi-level talks being initiated elsewhere in US, UNSC and the EU. World must unite against Jihadists to defeat them wherever they may be. Many believe that Jihad wing of Islam is very well coordinated to have invaded many European countries too in the garb of refugees whether Syrian, Afghan, Yamens, or Pakis. All EU nations giving immigration to those refugees will sooner than later face Jihadist problems. All must remember that leaving exceptions, Islam is that drop of Kerosene that cannot assimilate with any quantity of water. On the other hand, it will make the mixture stinking, unpalatable and distasteful. Many also don’t hesitate to express openly that Islam is like cancer that will kill you unless you kill it.

Hate shown on 7th Oct 23 against Israelis is not in isolation. Similar types of barbaric violence were unleashed by ISIS against Yezdis in Sinjar province of Iraq in 2013-14 committing genocide. Jihadists of Kashmir had unleashed similar appalling terror against their fellow brethren of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990. Eye witness accounts of those violence is depicted in the film "Kashmir Files" which brings tears to all eyes as to how fellow Muslim citizens can behave like beasts. One can go further back in history by 100 yrs when there was no Al-Qaida, ISIS, Daesh, Hamas, Hezbollah or the like; but the violence unleashed by the Muslims on their Hindu brethren in Mopallah (India) had fair resemblance. It was on similar lines of beasthood displayed in Israel by Jihadists when some of them didn't hesitate to cut the abdomen of pregnant women. It is strange why there has been no credible retaliation to usher some sort of fear among Jihadists for them to desist from repeated indulgence. Among all these Jihadist groups, there is one thing in common that their religious hate and intolerance emanate from an (un)holy book called Quran.

Israeli Response Against Hamas

Every sovereign nation has right to defend its territories and people. In that order, Israel has all rights to defend itself. Now since Palestinians have invaded Israel, they fully deserve a retaliation credible enough to be exemplary. No person being called a human can endorse the way Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists had treated the innocent women of Israel during the invasion. Some beastly people the world over are showing their pleasure/satisfaction for such sordid acts. No doubt Israel has applied excessive force in the past but that was not directed especially against women as the Jihadi beasts have displayed in Israel. As of today, Israel has two very important actions to take. Firstly, they should start culling the Jihadists wherever they may be hiding in Gaza, Palestine and the West Bank areas and secondly, sanitise all habitation, Jihadi hideouts 2-3 km deep from the fence line after duly issuing a warning for the civilians to move out. The world must remember that Gaza is under Israeli administration. It may also be pertinent to move away the Al-Aqsa mosque built on Jew sacred land of the Temple Mount. This will reduce the cause of frequent tensions that this mosque has been creating. Last but not least, ban Quran preaching hate in all non-Islamic nations. It spreads hate & intolerance (read “Quran Burning in Denmark & Sweden is Wrong Approach”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/quran-burning-in-denmark-and-sweden-is-wrong-approach/).

Dealing with Jihadists

The bottom-line of the current Hamas-United Jihad Council (UJC) attacks on Israel is a pointer to the world that wherever there are Jihadi snakes either on your territories or in the vicinity, they will strike non-Muslims at will. World should not be surprised if other Jihadist components of Islam is also involved in the present conflagration. Terrorist organisations like ISIS, Al-Qaida, Daish, Hezbollah and others are all hand-in-gloves in that part of the world. The funding for most Jihadi organisation comes from donations of Zaqat and Zajya from the world over. Almost every Muslim contributes to it. Many radical Islamic nations actively donate enough funds and weapons for their radical activities. These fundings provide the Oxygen to Jihadi fire on a continuum basis. No Jihadist can be trusted upon. Jihadists are like cancer…will gradually engulf the host. They engulfed dozens of Arabian Tribes and Parsis in 7th century, killed millions of Christians that necessitated Crusades, killed millions of Hindus in India, committed genocide of the Yezdis in Iraq and so on. Many feel, it may be wise for the world to “Cull the Jihadists who are invariably Sick-minded” under the decision of UNHRC, whomsoever organisations they may belong to…BUT…most of us know, it will not happen. OIC, EU and NATO, UN will not let it happen even if they continue with their genocides. There are reports that Muslims the world over overtly or covertly celebrated the heinous crimes of Hamas terrorists in Israel, be it US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Canada or elsewhere.

There are >175 Jihadi organisations in the world today mostly committing atrocities against the followers of other religions & faiths and some fighting with each other. Pakistan alone harbours about 34-odd such Tanzeems. They cannot be called humans. They are presently carrying out multiple genocides of Hindu/Sikhs/Christians in Afghanistan/Pakistan/Bangladesh (read “Deafening Silence of UNHRC on Persecution of Religious Minorities in Islamic Nations”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/deafening-silence-of-unhrc-on-persecution-of-religious-minorities-in-islamic-nations/). In Middle-East Christians are undergoing serial genocide in the hands of Islamic radicals. In the African continent Islamic barbarism by the likes of Boko-Haram, Al-Shabab, M23 and the likes of. Israel is their current target and India through “Gazva-e-Hind” is likely to be the next.

Concluding Thoughts in Indian Context

India must be especially cautious as opponents of Modi Govt have joined hands with Jihadists and Maoists too. They are also trying to make India unstable through the alliance of Chors, Thugs, Scamsters, radicals, Jihadists and the Maoists (read “I-N-D-I-A of Thugs, Parts 1, 2 & 3”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/i-n-d-i-a-of-thugs-part-3/). It is notable that the Congress party of India that ruled for many decades, didn't condemn Hamas barbarism against the Israeli civilians esp the women and children. India has many snakes on its own territories in J&K, Kerala, West Bengal, Assam and elsewhere. Hence, govt of India must draw some lessons out of Jihadi attacks in Israel and initiate credible and proactive actions.

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