Muslim Behavior

Muslim Behaviour in Non-Islamic Nations

(Numerous many Muslims in any nation are as patriotic as others BUT there is increasing trend of the Mullahs or online portals radicalizing Muslims thru’ hateful and intolerant verses of Quran in non-Islamic nations. These radicalized Muslims become threat for the non-Muslims of those nations)


Many Non-Islamic nations are facing the rise of various grades of Islamic radicalism, Fundamentalism, Extremism and Terrorism committed by their own Muslims. radical behaviour is proportional to the percentages of their Muslims. It may be realized that Muslim proliferation all over the non-Islamic nations are worrisome. The decadal Muslim population growth rates in the non-Islamic nations are nearly 50% higher than the others. This behaviour has accentuated in the recent years and decades esp after the ISIS call for global Islamic Caliphate. There is no doubt that while Quran is perceived as highly bonding and sacred for Muslims, there is no denying either that many Quranic verses are hateful and intolerant towards non-Muslims (read “60 hateful verses of Quran, parts 1 & 2”,; and Many of these verses of Quran even violate Fundamental Rights of the non-Muslims (read “Gross violations of Indian Fundamental Rights”, It is also becoming increasingly clear that higher the Muslim population, greater is the problems of Islamic Extremism and Terrorism. A brief explanation to the statement is offered below.

Problems of Increasing Percentages of Muslims

In the recent years and decades, Islamic terrorism has skyrocketed the world over which is partly due to the sharply growing Muslim population to create global Caliphate esp following the calls of Al-Baghdadi in the year 2024. India is the best example of the ills of increasing Muslim populations with all its consequences. After Indian partition for carving out Pakistan for the Muslims, the remaining Muslims in some parts of India have proliferated from ~9% in 1951 to ~18% (incl illegal migrants) by now (near 90% in many sub-divisional levels). The consequences of these proliferations are immense (read “भारत में बढ़ती मुस्लिम आवादी: एक खतरा”, Once in larger percentage population, they try to impose Sharia law in their localities of dominance, indulge in extremism & terrorism with utter disregard to the human dignity or Human Rights. Those Jihadist groups very often commit violence against those belonging to the other sects of Islam. They don’t like peaceful coexistence with others.

Islam brazenly abuses humanity (read “Islamic Hate, Intolerance, Bigotry and Fascism”, This is evident in the Indian states of J&K, Kerala, West Bengal and some others that have been witnessing several such instances in the recent months & years. With the increase in Muslim population in many of its districts, Kerala became the hub of Popular Front of India (PFI) a radical Islamic group that was proscribed by Indian govt. However, this ban doesn’t solve the basic problems of Islamic terrorism (read “PFI Ban: Govt Treating Symptoms, not Disease”, Many Islamic groups are assisting them incl their political wing SDPI. Document ceased from their offices have clearly shown a hatched conspiracy of turning India into an Islamic State by 2047 by increasing their population and repressive actions against the Hindus who are largely divided on caste lines. It is not in isolation. Such acts are regular features in most if not all their population dominated societies, provinces and nations. Their repression depends on their percentage populations as described below:-

Low Muslim percentage <5% and 5-9%. It is a habitual fact of the Muslims that they behave extremely cordially in non-Islamic states if their population is <5%. They live cordially with the residents of other religions/faith, seldom creating any problem. They integrate well with national ethos often avoid siding with the international Islamists. When their numbers increase from >5% to ~9%, they start forming ghettos, creating problems for the non-Muslim neighbors not amounting to direct confrontations. They could indulge in jihadi attacks esp if incited by the outside groups. If incited by their mullahs in Friday Khutbahs that they perceive as teaching of Quran, they could indulge in stone-pelting against non-Muslims or even single wolf attacks. Such nations as enumerated in the table have been suffering isolated Islamic attacks and Muslim ghettos are threats to the population esp if they are peace-loving, following democratic norms.

Muslim behavior at low % population

Low Muslim percentage 9-20%. If Muslim percentage population in a locality is >9% to <20%, they knowingly project themselves as a threat to create fear factor among non-Muslims. Their radicalism is visible and start responding to the calls of radical leaders, both among them and outsiders. Muslims in Sri Lanka having population just over 9% did launch a Jihadi attack of Terrorism on their largely Christian neighborhood. Muslim ghettos having population >9% cannot be trusted upon. They will indulge in jihadi attacks esp if incited either by own mullahs or the outside/global jihadi groups/networks. All nations enumerated in the table have been suffering from regular Islamist attacks. India is the burning category in this group where jihadist activities in Muslim dominated Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal and Kerala are there for everyone to see. In Jammu & Kashmir alone, numerous Jihadi Tanzeems have proliferated in the last few decades as shown in the table below. Fortunately, despite the numerus Jihadi Tanzeems formed, numbers of recruited terrorists/jihadists are low owing to the vigil by the law & order agencies.

Nations having low Muslim % YET creating problems
Terror groups in moderate Muslim % population areas
Inactive Jihadi groups in J&K

Moderate Muslim percentages 20-30%. By the time Muslim population in a society increases from >20-30%, not only they indulge in Islamic extremism and terrorism, they also try to impose Islamic law in their own localities of domination as well as in the state. It is the misfortune of most of the religions & faiths of not being united and the Islamists take full advantage of it. There are many nations where the percentages of Muslims are far below 51%, yet they have either become Islamic or arm-twisted/allured to become the member of the OIC esp those in the neighborhood of Islamic nations. Glaring examples of Mozambique (19% Muslims), Surinam (14.3%), Uganda (14%) and Gabon (10%) are there for the world to ponder (see the table below). It needs no example to state that non-Muslims in Islamic or non-Islamic nations of the OIC have no future. Over a time, they start perishing. Nigeria when taken into Islamic fold in mid 1980s, had a non-Muslim population of about 70%. However, so much of atrocities have been mounted by the Islamists that non-Muslim population decreased to 51.5% by now. The killings and abductions of the non-Muslims have become a regular feature. World has apparently stopped taking note of such gruesome atrocities by the likes of Boko-Haram or Al-Shabab when hundreds of farmers are massacred in broad daylight or hundreds of girls are abducted by them from schools on gun-point with the administration trying to look over their shoulders, playing blame games.

Moderate Muslim population States

Mob mentality gradually develops, further incited by their radical Mullahs/imams of the mosques during the Friday Khutbahs. These Mullahs while preaching good practices of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, also incite discrimination, hate and intolerance against non-Muslims whom they term Kaffirs. In non-Muslim nations, they invariably become vote-banks and start getting political patronages. They start receiving Islamic funds to equip themselves with weapons which range from knife, sword to automatic small arm fires, explosives and IEDs so as to launch violence or terror attacks on non-Muslims when ordered by their handlers. These are good enough to create fear among non-Muslims with sporadic instances of violence. Non-Muslim neighbors lacking unity, no longer feel safe and often chose to flee for the safety of their lives and honour of their families.

Moderate Muslim percentages 30-40%. Societies having Muslim population of >30-40% try to establish Sharia law clandestinely though. Muslims in such high percentage behave as a unit under the guidance of their clerics and other supporting agencies or handlers. Non-Muslim population living with them face the heat of being non-united are often forced to flee for the threat of life and honour. Those not following their Sharia dictat are usually forced to leave thru’ sustained vandalism or intimidation of their women and occasional violence. They start unlawful activities of making IEDs, possessing illegal weapons, operate sleeper cells and shelter terrorists often coming from other states. Communal tensions and violence are regular features. They often respond to the calls of global Islamism ready to create arsons, violence and targeted murders. Non-Muslims no longer find it congenial and invariably try to re-locate. These societies fast become Muslim dominated and if the non-Muslim neighborhood don’t unite and retaliate, they vanish. 

Non-Muslims in States having >40% Muslims are destined to suffer if non-united. Muslims in these States face unending Islamic extremism and terrorism, often facing targeted killings in the name of Islamic Jihad. Under these situation even own Muslim neighbors and erstwhile friends behave like aliens. It is often a do or die situation for non-Muslims, seldom in their favour. In any and all localities/ghettos of Muslim inhabitation in a non-Islamic nation, illegal Muslim migrants from other countries find shelters and since these localities are intense ‘vote-bank’ hubs, the local leaders invariably prevail on the politicians and in turn, local administration to issue fake IDs, ration cards etc. Thereafter, there is a rapid proliferation of Muslims thus forcing the non-Muslims to re-locate. Progression of such states are invariably detrimental to the non-Muslims. Presently CAR, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau and Ivory Coast along with some others are facing these challenges.

The above are the behaviour of Radical Islam in general. All Muslims and not Jihadi Extremists or Terrorists. A fair proportion of Muslims are busy earning the livelihood for their families for two ends to meet. However, many poor and illegal migrant Muslims fall prey to exploits by various Jihadi Tanzeems, radical groups or ideological handlers/clerics.

Islam getting a foothold in a non-Islamic nation, behaves like Cancer, proliferating at an uncontrolled rate. Approaching the threshold of 40%, this disease has to be radically treated or else it will engulf the nation and its population. In the present times, Kosovo, Lebanon and Dagestan have reached those thresholds (read “Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World”,; “Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer”,; and “Kosovo being engulfed by Islamic Cancer”, It may not be an exaggeration to mention that ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi’s call for “Global Islamic Caliphate” in 2014 must be kept in mind to which wider sections of world Muslim bodies and their clerics have responded.

Dangerous Muslim percentage of >40%. Muslim percentages >40% are dangerous for any non-Islamic nation (see the table below). They are at serious threats of being uprooted from own land thru’ an extremely deplorable dictat of “Convert, Flee or Die”, something that the religious minorities of all Islamic nations had faced before becoming extinct. While standing firm before a religious threat, it is unfortunate that there are serious lack of unity among the non-Muslims. Christians of Middle East and some European nations are facing genocides for decades yet they don’t stand together. Faction-ridden Hindus and Sikhs of India faced worst atrocities by Islamic invaders, yet they could not unite to fight as one. Nigeria, Gunea and Ivory Coast presently belong in this category. It can be predicted that the non-Muslims in these nations will face Islamic genocides if they don’t unite together to fight the evils. In today’s world where UN, UNSC and UNHRC have become non-entities, none else will take their cause to save them from becoming extinct. We have seen such non-Muslim population undergoing genocides in the recent years with UN, UNSC and UNHRC becoming indifferent (read “Muted UNHRC response encouraging Islamic genocides”, Numerous multicentric study reports have concluded that non-Muslims are unsafe in Islamic nations yet UN agencies are indifferent to it (read “Are Muslim countries really unreceptive to religious freedom?”,

Dangerous Muslim popuation States

Muslim majority States. All nations having Muslim majority declare themselves as Islamic nations and follow Sharia law. They don’t believe in secularism and are highly repressive to their own native religious minorities. They charge Jajya tax for letting live or else, persecute the non-Islamic population with the barbaric Islamic dictat “Convert, Flee or Die”. It is high time they are given similar treatment in non-Islamic nation so as to realise how inhuman islam has been for the others. All Muslims of the world demand secularism BUT only in non-Islamic nations. Among the 11 most populous Islamic nations shown in the text box opposite, 8 of them are the intense breeding grounds of the Islamic terrorists in the names of various Tanzeems and 6 of them are involved in intense sectarian violence among their own terror groups of other sects and also exporting terrorism to other nations. Turkey of late is trying to become the leader of the radical Islamic nations, competing with Pakistan and Iran. It is another matter though that most if not all islamic nations found, espouse or support one or more Jihadi groups that operate either within or abroad even if they try to feign ignorance in public. 

Islamic Terrorism and Islamophobia

Islamists all over the world have started receiving kicks on their back as a retaliation post 9/11. Before that India suffering from state sponsored Islamic terrorism by Pakistan had tried to convey the world of it BUT most nations were indifferent. Today, most of the non-Islamic nations having significant numbers of Muslims are confronted with Islamic Terrorism either by own Muslims indulging or they assisting the foreign terror groups, some 180-odd of them (read “Major Jihadi Attacks in the World”, These attacks are invariably backed by their promoters both States & Jihadi Groups in the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, ISIS, Taliban, Laskar-e-Toiba, Jamat-e-Islamia, Abu-Sayaf, Boko-Haram and so on… Retaliation by the victims of terrors are natural reaction. BUT…

State support to the Islamic Radicals, Extremists & terrorists are baffling. When Hamas carried the inhuman terror attacks in Israel on 7th Oct 2023, most radical Islamic nations cheered them overtly or covertly. However, when Israel started retaliating, the same very nations started condemning it with UNHRC hands-in-gloves. World had witnessed an exceptional sight when several Islamic State heads were bowing heads to the slain Hamas chief Haniyeh. If such are the support by the Islamic leaders to the dangerous terrorists, why should the world not develop Islamophobia (read “Factual Islamophobia in the World”,   

The Bottomlines

In any non-Islamic nation, Muslim behave, is largely dictated by their percentage population. Muslim population of <5% show cordial behaviour. Their population of >5% start showing increasing grades of radicalism in the forms of Fundamentalism, Extremism or Terrorism. Their Mullahs start preaching Jihad against non-Muslim neighbors creating a sense of fear. On a general note, a Muslim population of 40% is a threshold when they start persecution and repression of their non-Muslims with a dictat of “Convert, Flee or Die”. This dictat has been in place since the times of Muhammed, the founder of Islam whom Muslims call their prophet. In short, Muslim behaviour in non-Islamic nations are guided by their percentage population. It is in the best interest of the non-Muslim nations to keep Muslim percentage less than 9% by whatever means possible. Otherwise, the ills of Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism will start manifesting to the detriment of any peaceful coexistence.

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