Open letter to UN Secretary General

Dear Mr Antonio Guterres; UN Secretary-General

05 Mar 2022

Unable to Protect Weaker Nations, Dissolve the UNSC or do Resign

Dear Sir!

It pains the humanity that smaller and weaker nations around the world are being crushed by the stronger military powers and that the UNSC or UNGA is unable to come to their rescue and support. It is so ghastly that the world community watches mutely while the mightier nation inflicts immense injuries and wounds on the weak. In the current Russia-Ukraine war, in the much weaker Ukraine, innocent people are falling prey to somewhat unmatched deaths and devastation of the Ukrainians. All attempts to enforce a Cease-Fire through the Security Council have failed repeatedly and Russia has been left untamed to crush a weaker nation. There are immense losses of lives, livelihood, livestock and hard-earned properties. Cities after cities are getting ruined and raised to the ground. It is also deplorable how the Ukrainian President is putting his innocent citizen in peril.

This is not an isolated failure of the UN or the UNSC. In the past, we have witnessed several such atrocities on the weaker nations by the mightier or a group of mightier nations indulging in similar misadventure on some of the other pretexts, some of which are mentioned below: -

  • Azerbaijan inflicted a similar injury on the innocent civilians of Nagorno-Karabakh;
  • Talibani terrorists committing genocide of the civilians in Afghanistan,
  • Israel committed war crimes on the Gaza strip, West Bank and Palestine.
  • Ethiopia committed genocide of the Tigray people.
  • Saudi attacks on Yemen caused genocide and the worst famine.
  • Islamists & Jihadists inflicting intense pain on Nigerian and adjoining women.
  • UK-Germany-France-US-Russia raised Syria to dust causing worst humanitarian crisis.
  • US-led NATO invaded Iraq on the fake pretext of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
  • NATO-led allied forces committed genocides of the Iraqi people.
  • US-led allied forces invaded Afghanistan and committed genocide of the people.
  • US committing several genocides in past and not held accountable.
  • China committing serious Human Rights crimes in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong.
  • China invaded Tibet and part of Turkmenistan, Mongolia and smaller states.
  • Genocide of Tutsis, of religious minorities in Islamic nations

The lists of such invasions and war crimes are endless where UNSC failed to protect the weak. When such atrocities start taking place, it is the responsibility of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to first stop any progression of the war by stopping the stronger nation from indulgence and ensuring an effective Cease-Fire. In effecting a cease-fire between two unequal powers, no ‘veto’ should be permitted. The first aim of the UNSC must be essentially to prevent the outbreak of a war between member nations and especially protect the weaker States and its innocent nationals from the perils of any military campaign.

It is a sincere request to kindly stop the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war by whatever means. You may explore striping-off the ‘Veto’ status of the P-5 if that comes in the way. If this is not possible, please dissolve the UN Security Council at the earliest as it is unable to perform its 'core' charter of duties. As such, the reform of the UNSC has been long overdue as it does not meet the current aspirations of the world community. This could be the best time to reform it. If you or your entire secretariat / officials cannot do it, please do consider resigning en-masse so that someone else capable enough may head the UN and its subsidiaries to resurgence.

Although accountability for starting war and deaths/atrocities of innocent people can be fixed only after fact-finding and proper investigations, a cease-fire must not wait for it. Saving the lives of the civilians and protecting the smaller & weaker member States from being decimated should be the first priority of the UNSC. Behaviours of the P5 in the UNSC over the past many decades have been atrocious and unacceptable. Please do come to the defence of the defenceless now and hereafter. The credibility of the UN and UNSC is at a very high stake now than ever before. The UNSC has failed the world and urgently needs to be reformed or dissolved. Please do listen to the cries of the weak before it becomes too late.

Yours’ Sincerely

Dr V N Jha

An ordinary citizen of your member nation

Email drjhavn@gmail.com

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