Rahul Gandhi, a trator

Our Beloved ‘Pappu’ and his ‘Foot-in-Mouth Disease’

Pappu and his Utterances

Many Indians love their part-time child-politician nicknamed ‘Pappu’ talking like a joker, providing free entertainment to the crowd. He is more famous by this name than the name on his birth certificate or school records. Long live the person who had given him this name. Some say it was Sidhu and other believe it to be Imran Masood who had decorated Rahul Gandhi with this name. A child born with a silver spoon is a 54 year old man with reasonably long stint in the Indian politics, yet he is called novice. People believe he has been harming Congress party whenever he opens his mouth. Invariably, the bigwigs of his political party have to go in damage-control mode immediately after his statements. In fact, some reports mention him suffering from “Foot-in-Mouth” disease that was published sometime back (read “Rahul Gandhi’s Foot in Mouth Disease”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/rahul-gandhi-foot-in-mouth-disease/). The worst part of all these, is that he is the leader of opposition in our Lok Sabha and supposed to be the voice of people, yet he and his party opts to remain as 'Pappu'. This very unfortunate.

Rahul Gandhi a Frequent Offender of Democratic Norms

Rahul Gandhi has become a mouth-piece of all those pollical opposition parties who believe that BJP/NDA candidates cannot be defeated by them individually. Hence, most if not all tainted opposition political parties formed an alliance under the initiative of the most corrupt politician, Lallu Yadav famous with the nickname of “Chara Chor”. He is supposed to be serving jail term but is out on bail for an apparent medical reason. This alliance termed I.N.D.I.A by Rahul Gandhi before 2024 Lok Sabha election was the most popular “Lies & Dis-information” spread by our ‘Pappu ji’ with other opposition leaders standing behind him (read “Rahul Gandhi: The Best in Fabricating Lies & Dis-Information”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/rahul-gandhi-the-best-in-fabricating-lies-and-disinformation/). The majority of Indian voters knew that Pappu-led INDI-Alliance were group of ‘Thugs’ creating false narrative hence, despite all major opposition parties joining hands, they could not influence the voters hence, lost election.

Attempt to raise anti-India Sentiments with ‘Lies & Dis-Information’

With the defeat in the Lok Sabha election 2024, Congress-led INDI-Alliance didn’t stop their dis-information campaigns either in India or abroad. In India they keep mum on the corruptions/scandals of each other as well as on heinous crimes taking place in West Bengal. Of late, Pappu Ji has been sent to USA apparently on the invitation by some groups incl those inimical to India like the Khalistanis and Islamists. Later in September 2024 PM Modi will be in USA for a Summit visit and the planned UN Conference by Mr Guterres on Mr Modi’s vision of “One Earth, One Family, one Future” in the larger perspective of “Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam, the Gobal Family”. The visit of Mr Rahul Gandhi is purely to create dis-information and some embarrassment for PM Modi and the Govt of India.

Rahul Gandhi has been given a free hand by his advisors to speak anything to create embarrassment for PM Modi and India on an understanding that should any major fallout be there, the team of his advisors led by Sam Pitroda will take care to douse the fire. The “Lies and Dis-Information” created by the team of Rahul Gandhi has been by and large the repeat of what he had done earlier in India during Lok Sabha election 2024. Now he has acquired proficiency in talking nonsense, lies and spreading dis-information. The major false narratives (also called #PappuLies) include the followings:-

  • Present Indian govt is being run by the RSS
  • Modi Govt has failed on all fronts, undermined democracy.
  • Unemployment has increased under Modi govt.
  • India is heading towards economic gloom.
  • Religious minorities of India don’t have voice. Sikhs denied rights.
  • Tamil, Marathi, Manipuri & Bengali languages considered inferior by RSS
  • BJP and RSS believe women should be restricted to 4-walls of homes.
  • Sikhs of India may not be able to put on Turban & Kada.
  • Modi govt has ceded ~4000 sq Km Indian territory to China.

The above lies and dis-information by Rahul Gandhi is not new. His recent rise on political platforms is purely owing to his fearlessness to speak lies. Till now experts of law in Modi govt or his BJP have not been able to nail him. So he has taken Modi, his govt as well as BJP for granted. He is also convinced that should any major controversy arise, his lawyers of the likes of Sibbal, Singhvi or the others will let him get away by tendering apology in the apex court, just like what happened in Rafale case of “Chowkidar Chor Hai”. Further, most of the above allegations have been earlier made by him esp during 2024 Loksabha elections with almost no rebuttal from the Indian govt hence, he is arrogant in levelling allegations both within India or abroad. Presently he is trying hard to tarnish the glory of India and its democracy. He is also seemingly dancing to the tunes of anti-India narratives whether made by Pannun (on Khalistan) or by Ilhan Omar (a Pakistani Lobbyist for Kashmir, Indian Muslims as well as interfering in the internal affairs of India).

Repeated Attempt to Spread Lies & Dis-Information

Most of the above #PappuLies have been clarified by various people time and again yet indulgence of Rahul Gandhi in his nonsens talk continues (read 'पप्पू वचन' : वास्तविकता वनाम झूठ और दुष्प्रचार’, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/pappu-vachan-lies-disinformation-in-politics/). This 54 yr old boy is a known offender of “Lies & Dis-Information” and by now, commits such crime on regular basis incl those concerning the National issues akin to committing treachery. His previous indulgences have been articulated elsewhere (read “Rahul Gandhi: No Longer a Pappu”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/rahul-gandhi-no-longer-a-pappu/).

Political Fallout of #PappuLies

Periodical political storms are started when our beloved ‘Pappu’ opens his mouth. His team of advisors have learnt lessons the hard ways to remain prepared to douse the ‘post-talk’ fire. His Congress party often suffered losses due to his lack of control on his tongue. Of late, his Gurus in the likes of Sam Pitroda and Jairam Ramesh seldom take risk of not prompting what to speak and what not…BUT…Pappu is Pappu, highly unpredictable in his words and actions.

The fallout of his utterances are often huge. Many believe his utterances are deliberate, well-crafted and tailored to create political waves in still waters that makes him the subject of debate in which he often becomes a football, kicked by all. These so-called image-boosting exercises (also known as ‘re-launch’ efforts) whether in India or abroad, are often for domestic consumption. Congress having spent fortunes on his re-launches, doesn’t want him to be seen as Pappu. This is what Sam Pitroda commented recently in the US that he is no more a Pappu. However, most political experts in India believe that Rahul Gandhi has been long suffering with a rare “Foot-in-mouth” disease. Affected with this disease, the victims have no control over the words uttered, have no intention to restrain themselves of such utterances and most importantly, have a misplaced belief of grandeur, that what he uttered, is a cornerstone. 

If there are faultlines in governance in India, Supreme court is the best constitutional body to seek redressal not the US or British platforms that serve the interest of people who promote anti-India sentiments. However, our beloved Mr Pappu and his advisors will never understand it. Today, India has a vibrant democracy where the opposition political parties enjoy the maximum lineancy by the govt. This is why politicians like Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, MK Stalin, Lalu Prasad Yadav & his family, Mr Khejriwal and his ministers are roaming fearless despite abusing Modi, his govt as well as the Hindu majority. Such phenomena are never seen in any country with the sole exception of USA to some extent. All the above leaders have prominently demonstrated their intolerance to any criticism in the States of their rules. Our beloved Mr Pappu has crossed all redlines of nationalism by being on the sides of terrorists like Pannun and characters like Ms Ilham.

Indian Democracy too Lenient against traitors Too

As far as Rahul Gandhi’s allegations of “Indian Democracy and Constitution in danger” is concerned, it has been amply deliberated in the articles of above references with absolute clarity that above institutions are absolutely free and independent. All citizen have freedom of speech to the extent that no other nation in the world permits with possible exception of USA. Religious freedom in India is exceptional, so much that Islam is expanding at near 150% of Hinduism and in the process, altering the religious demography of the country. Sikhs are part of Indian culture where siblings of any parent could chose to be a Sikh or Hindu. Yet, Khalistani movement had started by anti-India forces esp Pakistan when Rahul Gandhi’s grandparents were ruling the nation. It is other matter though that in Modi’s India the common citizen have started speaking against the discriminatory, hateful, intolerant, bigoted and fascist Radical Islam committing genocides and threatening world peace. It is noteworthy that Islam is committing terrorism and fascism the world over to which even UN is turning blind eyes (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocides”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/muted-unhrc-response-encouraging-islamic-genocide/). India is also the voice of Global South and with ~1.45 billion population, cannot be suppressed anymore. Indian economy, the fifth largest, is fastest growing among major nations, thus taking better care of their citizen. Surely Mr Rahul Gandhi has struck a wrong chord in his current US visit.

Fruit of Economic Development Reaching the Poor

Modi has been the PM since 2014 with a mantra of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas”. He has launched several central schemes without discrimination. He has given the benefit of Indian developments and welfare to all communities alike; be it Toilets, Electricity, water, Gareeb Samman, Ujjwala gas cylinders, Ayushman Yojna, Kisan Samman Yojna, PM Gareeb Awas, Gareeb Anna Yojna and similar numerous other benefits to all alike. At no time has made a distinction among religious communities. Hence, it is treacherous for Rahul Gandhi to claim at foreign land that Modi treats Indian minorities as second grade citizen. This will surely fuel anger and hatred amongst those few minorities who support Congress/Rahul Gandhi. It is a known fact that there are several anti-India groups of radical Muslims, Khalistanis and Communist Urban Naxals in UK, Canada, USA along with some others, trying to grab any opportunity to name and shame India. This surely calls for stern action against Mr Pappu.

The Bottom Lines of Pappu Politics

It is evident from the deliberations above that our beloved Pappu Mr Rahul Gandhi is a chronic liar. This time in USA too like the earlier ones in Britain, he has put his foot in own mouth rather heavily. His congress party is trying hard to do the damage control acts. In Congress party this “Foot-in-mouth” disease is rampant and often contagious; although some leaders of other Indian political parties too (incl BJP) have this disease.

Modi govt will be well within its rights to file FIR against Rahul Gandhi for his recent treachery in USA and let the law of land take its own course. It is the kindness of PM Modi, his lenient government and the vibrant Indian democracy that they have neither taken stern action against such traitors either in past or now. However, there is a word of caution for our beloved Mr Pappu and his political allies in I.N.D.I.A to tread the path with utmost care. Treachery, inciting communal hatred and abusing nation especially in foreign land must not be taken lightly, for it will encourage others too to commit such crimes in future.

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