Time for Israel to adopt better tactics?

Post-ICJ Verdict, Israel should have Changed its Course in Gaza

Jews have been at the receiving end in the most part of its existence in the CE era. After the formation in 1948, Israel has been under numerous attacks by the Islamists of the region. However, every time it was attacked, it emerged victorious and stronger. As a result, the Islamists in its neighborhood learnt the lesson rather the hard way, cut to size. The text box below shows the numerous wars it had to withstand in a short history of its being.

Various Israeli campaigns

However, when it comes to its repute at the international fora, esp about its positions and dealing with the Islamic neighborhood in the recent years, Israel unfortunately stands isolated, deserted even by its strongest ally, the USA. Here, the hypocrisy of the USA in NATO policy to balance its own acts of atrocities on the Islamic nations come in the way. The USA, its dwindling ally nations as well as the adversaries & enemies often stand against Israel. This is why UNGA succeeded in passing resolution against Israel for its rights violation in 2021. This could also be the reason why ICJ/ICC turned blind eye to the cause of the current Israel-Hamas conflagration and came heavily against Israel in their May 2024 verdict. Unlike the strong unity among Islamic nations to speak in single voice, a handful of non-Islamic nations bearing the brunt of the Islamists (like Israel, India, Kosovo, Nigeria, Kenya, CAR, DRC, South Sudan etc) do not have unity to stand together. This is why the Islamists in Afghanistan were successful in committing complete genocide of Sikhs without UNHRC even raising an eyebrow (read “UN Indifference to recent Islamic atrocities”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/un-indifference-to-recent-islamic-atrocities/).

What prevents IDF from achieving its objectives?

Looking back thru’ the events post 7th Oct 23, an alternative seemed possible to the IDF approach of near carpet bombing to destroy Hamas hideouts and tunnels. This has been creating a negative narrative at the international platforms of bombing civilian infrastructures and mounting civilian casualties. A pocket wise search of the suspected localities could start yielding results of nabbing Hamas terrorists as well as recovering some of the hostages. Recovering even a single hostage could become a morale booster for the Israelis protesting on the streets.

Since Gazan Islamists are untrustworthy, a bit hard-handed approach may have to be adopted to prevent own casualties. IDF must curtail free translocation of the civilians without identification. Extremists and terrorists freely migrate intermingled with civilians. It is other matter though that there are hardly any innocent civilians in Gaza in the age groups of 11-70 yrs. Most if not all of them (incl women & children brainwashed by their Mullahs & clerics become their shields) are either terrorists & jihadists or their supporters-sympathisers (read “Who are innocent Palestinians?”, https://thecounterviews.in/articles/are-palestinians-innocent/). IDF controlling the captured territories for a while, could also compel civilian Hamas administration to identify the terrorists having taken part in 7th Oct attack. 

Are Islamist advocates, judges and Prosecutors Conspiring?

On 23 May 24, the ICJ gave its insensitive and one-sided verdict on the Israel-Hamas war, on a petition filed by a South African Islamists (Adila Hassim) against Israel that made another Islamist presiding judge Nawaf Salam to pass verdict to immediately stop attacks on Rafah. The Muslim lawyer as well as judge didn’t wish to condemn Hamas either for the 7th Oct 23 attack in Israel nor indulging in blackmailing them for hostage return. It was unfortunate that the ICJ took cognizance of the twisted facts in passing the verdict. A similar unfortunate decision was taken by the International Criminal Court (ICC) when its Islamist prosecutor Karim Khan moved a case for issuing arrest warrant against Israeli PM & Def Minister equating their actions with few Hamas leaders. This was absurd. However, Israel remains undeterred on its aim to wipe out Hamas despite the ICJ verdict. Israeli attacks continue on Gaza/Rafah.

Could there be a better approach by Israel ?

A better logical approach post-ICJ verdict for Israel could have been a temporary cessation of Military campaign in Rafah as expressed by the ICJ for a day or two by giving an ultimatum to Hamas to return the hostages and hand-over the terrorists who had committed the 7th Oct crimes. The IDF could have continued a tight grip on Gaza civil administration and a strict vigil to instantly nab any Hamas terrorist during this time and retaliate any misadventure. This could have sent an optics too to the world that Israel respected ICJ verdict while retaining the initiative to resume military actions if Hamas didn’t adhere to the mandate. This action on part of the IDF could also have given a legitimate reason to close allies like USA, UK and some others to firmly remain with Israel. The allies could have been more comfortable defending Israel later if the Islamists chose to go to the UNSC or pursue a case of genocide. It is Israel’s immediate mandate to incapacitate Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza for its citizens to live peacefully. These actions could have kept IDF pursuing its objectives while nullifying ICJ/ICC ruling.

The Bottom lines

In the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, Israel is increasingly becoming isolated in its approach on international platforms. Over 7 months of war has not yielded desired results of neutralizing Hamas terrorists. It will be better if IDF takes a new approach. Israel/IDF could have better utilized the ICJ-ICC rulings/verdicts by enforcing a temporary pause in Rafah while keeping a tight hold on the Hamas civil administration to keep a strict lookout for Hamas terrorists as well as rescuing hostages if any. This could have created a favorable optics in Israel’s favour and also keeping the close allies USA-UK firmly by its side. This action could have also negated any future move by the Islamists/Human Rights bodies to charge Israel with Rights violation or genocidal attempts while permitting IDF to continue approaching its objectives.

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