Barbaric Hamas Jihadists attack Jews off Israel

Quran Incompatible for Secular Ethos: Lessons from Hamas

Quran Preaching Hate & Intolerance

Quran preaches excellent brotherhood among fellow Muslims but also preaches hate & intolerance against the believers of other religions and faiths. Nearly 60% of Quranic verses preach empathy for fellow Muslims. It stresses upon the many humane values for every Muslim esp those in need and despair. Like the Sanatan Dharma that the Hindus follow, Quran also stresses upon some of the beliefs such as anything and everything happenings in the world is as per God’s will. Similarly, it stresses all happenings in human lives too as per God’s will. However, unlike Sanatan Dharma, Quran makes blunders discriminating and denouncing the men and women following other religions and faiths. It spits hate and intolerance against polytheists, idol-worshippers, Christians, Jews, Parsis and the likes of. A few such Quranic hates are mentioned below. There are at least 60 such verses of hate & intolerance in Quran incompatible with secular ethos (read “60 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran, Parts 1 & 2”, and

Quran preaching Hate

Quran incites Muslims to convert the followers of other religions and faiths by any means. A dictum of "Convert, Flee or Die" from Muhamed's time that we have been witnessing elsewhere in recent years too, continues the indulgence (read " Looking back at Ralive, Tsalive ya Galive: 1990 Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits", If they heed to convert to Islam, they become acceptable to Gods’ alms just like the other fellow Muslims eligible for all mercies of Islamic God called ‘Allah’ but if they don’t, they are discriminated upon, termed ineligible for friendship, companionship, relationship, with a Muslim. Quranic Allah denies them right to live unless they pay ‘Jajya tax’ for mercy by Muslims to let them live. Quranic Allah spits hate and intolerance against the believers of other religions & faiths going to the extent that their Allah will wish the kaffirs many ways of painful deaths that the Jihadi & terrorists adopt. Quran says that all true Muslims are the hands and might of Allah, to execute his wishes thus giving legitimacy to the Jihadist's acts of terror. All those who believe in 7 tenets (pillars) of Islam, believe in Jihad as one of them as shown below.

Jihad as one of the tenets of Islam

Jihadi organisations Emerging out from Hate of Quran

By now there are >175 Jihadi organisations of Islam in the world, most if not all of whom claim allegiance to Quran for their existence for the fulfilment of their Allah’s wishes. Although Jihad was followed in Quran for the self-disciplining to principles of Islam, in today’s practice, it is largely followed to wage terror and war against the followers of other religions & faiths (read “Is Quran a Source of Hate & Intolerance?”

There are very few Muslims who have read and understood Quran BUT most know ‘Jihad’ as an act of violence & terror against Kaffirs, the followers of other religions & faiths serving the cause of Islam. They have been committing this sin against humanity right from the times of Muhammed, Caliph after Caliphs led to the genocides of most of the Arabian Tribes, Christians, Jews, Parsis, Hindus and Buddhists to say the least. Presently the violence of Jihad is going on in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh in Asia; Middle-East nations, against African nations and Kosovo in Europe.

Latest Jihadi Attack by Hamas

Hamas’s acts of terror against the Israelis (essentially against Jews) on 7th Oct 23 is one of such acts of terror against innocent civilians in the recent decades in which they raided village after villages in Israel. They killed the terrorised toddlers, children, women, elderly and others. They killed them with gun, beheaded some, raped & burnt some alive and took about 220 of them as hostages to bargain release of their own terrorists & criminals in Israeli jails. A few videos that surfaced on social media subsequently, are appalling showing their barbaric acts.

Jihadi Attacks have Patterns

May the world be informed that this act of extreme & appalling terror by Hamas Jihadists was not in isolation. Similar Jihadi violence has been committed by ISIS against Yezdis in Sinjar (2014), by Pakistani Jihadists against Kashmiri Pandits in J&K, India (1990), by radical Muslims in Mopalla violence against Hindus in India (1022-23) and elsewhere. The nature of violence terrorising the believers of other faith are similar. Such Jihadi violence includes torture, killing, beheading, rape, burning alive, cutting the abdomen of pregnant women…that Jihadists of Hamas adopted against Jews on 7th Oct 23. These acts at different geological locations in different periods of time by different groups of Islamists point out that they are all trained by the same doctrine that Quran, Hadith and some other books of Islam preach (read “Mosques: A Symbol of Interfaith Hate & Intolerance”, What is written in the books, is preached by their Mullahs every Friday in their weekly sermons called Khutbas. Radical Mullahs render radicalism and moderates make it moderate. Several verses of Quran are prone to varied interpretations. Most incidents of stone-pelting, arsons are after Friday khutbahs. A survey in France revealed that most Mullahs rendering radical Kutbahs hailed from radical nations like Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia etc. This could be the most probable reason for continuing Jihadi trend of violence. Some of the recent acts of major Islamic Jihadi attacks amounting to genocides are mentioned in the text box below.

Recent major Jihadi attacks in the world

Indifference of Islamic Nations to Jihadi Attacks

Looking at the recent response of different Islamic nations, it is apparent that all of them support Jihadi Tanzeems. In the Cairo Peace Summit for ‘Israel War against Hamas in Gaza’ on 21 Oct 23, all Islamic nations condemned Israeli actions against Hamas but none decried Hamas’s barbarism against innocent civilians on the soil of Israel. On the contrary, some even justified ‘Islamic Struggle (Jihad) against Israel. Such is the affinity & legitimacy of the Jihadists in Islamic nations that most if not all stand for the Jihadists directly or indirectly. It is no wonder that Jihadist nations brood >175 such terrorist organisations on their soils. These Jihadists have now spread far and wide. Jihadist acts of terror are frequently taking place in all continents. In Europe, France, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Denmark….all are facing the heat of Islamic terrorism, ‘Jihad’.Possibly time has come for the non-Islamic nations to join hands together to root out Jihadists from their respective soils…BUT…how?

It is evident by now that Islamic hate & intolerance emanate from their (un)holy books of Quran & Hadith. Many of their verses spit hate, and violate fundamental rights in some non-Islamic democratic nations (read “Gross Violation of Fundamental Rights”, The Entire world and the prominent world agencies like the UN and the UNHRC must acknowledge it. The first action should be to constitute a team of Quranic Experts (both Muslim and non-Muslims) to go through Quran & Hadith if there are verses of discrimination, hate and intolerance against the believers of other religions and faiths. If there are, it must be deleted or amended forthwith. Surely the Islamic nations may not agree to it. In that case, Islamic religious teaching many be banned totally in non-Islamic and democratic nations or at least pre-screened on the lines what Chinese have done (read “World Must Adopt Chinese Model of Islam”,

Take-home Lessons

By now, the world has faced enough Islamic violence, both interfaith and intersect. Asia, esp the Middle-East is burning with Islamic and Sectarian violence in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon as well as many nations in African continent. Millions of lives have been lost in these violence, of both Muslims and non-Muslims. However, the recent attack by Hamas Jihadists on 7th Oct 23 on the civilian Jews of Israel violated all norms of humanity. It was sheer barbarism and beasthood of Islam.

There are allegations of the UN and the UNHRC turning blind eyes to Islamic terror and violence (read “Muted UNHRC Response Encouraging Islamic Genocide”, It is the time for the world to rise both against Islamic Terror & Violence as well as against rising reactionary Islamophobia in the world (read “Factual Islamophobia in the World”, Peaceful coexistence of non-expansionism and non-discriminatory, must prevail upon. This alone can bring long lasting peace, tolerance and humanity in the world. However, big question arises whether the Islamic nations will heed to it. Even if they don’t, non-Islamic nations must go thru’ their actions of banning Quran/Hadith or following the Chinese methods of preventing the spread of Islamic radicalism/terrorism on their own soils.

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