Rahul Gandhi in London

Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Foot-in-Mouth’ Disease

A political storm is blowing in India on the recent utterances of Rahul Gandhi in London. Rarely has been such exception adopted by the politicians of the ruling party to treachery committed by a politician abroad. Right from the day the comments were made by him, a loud condemnation has been echoing amongst all nationalists and media. The echo is so strong that a rare sloganeering by the treasury benches is being heard in the Indian parliament. Controversies created by Rahul Gandhi is nothing new…both outside and inside parliament. Attacks on democratic institution of India is nothing new for Rahul Gandhi led congress party be it CBI, CEC, CVC or even CJI. Whenever their decisions or actions have been not suiting congress party, Rahul Gandhi has never had any inhibition in attacking them. However, his utterances attacking Indian Institutions abroad this time have not gone well. There has been an outcry against such utterance in Indian media during those days too and it continues. Let us examine the facts.

Rahul Gandhi made certain scathing attacks when he made the following comments at various places in this month while in UK. His statements are as below:-

“Indian democracy is under attack

The Core of democracy lay in values of freedom, respect for human rights and the principle of holding free and fair elections. No one in India can say that they are not free. Freedom of speech is so much that political opponents of union govt openly abuse President and PM alike and yet walk escort free. There is freedom of all four pillars of democracy namely the legislature, executive, judiciary and media. Opposition politicians are making a ruckus in parliament, don’t let even PM to speak. The executives are able to carry on with their task unhindered and are able to interact directly with PM on the bottlenecks in their administrtion if any. The judiciary is free for all their decisions and actions although fingers have been pointed on their selections in the past and now too. However, there is nothing against this govt that CJI could be blamed for. The fourth and important pillar of media is abuzz with all types of news and opinions as never before. Hence, Rahul Gandhis’ assertion is false and misplaced. He himself being an elected rep in the LS, his utterance is either a blatant lie or a deliberate attempt to malign Indian Democracy.

“Mics in Parliament are switched-off when opposition speaks”

This is a blatant lie Rahul Gandhi has spoken on foreign ground demeaning Indian parliament. There is no instance whatsoever when his microphone was switched off to prevent his voice. Of course when any parliamentarian speaks much beyond his slotted time limits, the mic of the new speaker is switched on and the previous speaker’s words don’t go on record. This is a scathing attack on Indian parliament for which he deserves to be brought to books.

“He can speak freely at Cambridge but not permitted in Indian Univ”

This is another blatant lie that he has spoken. Although Rahul Gandhi is no professor of any discipline nor he has proficiency in any subject, there is hardly any reason for the Indian Universities to invite him for guest talk. Yet, the congress party of India tries to launch him through sponsored talks even if he makes fool of him. There are records that he has talked at 2 or 3 universities in past and at no time has he been restrained. However, it is another scathing attack on the Indian administration through a lie when he said he is prevented from speaking.

“Modi made Indian minorities a second grade citizen”

Modi has become PM in 2014 with a mantra of “sabka saath, sabka vikas”. He has launched several central schemes without discrimination. He has given the benefit of Indian developments and welfare to all communities alike; be it Toilets, Electricity, water, gareeb samman, ujjwala gas cylinders, Ayushman yojna, Kisan samman Yojna, PM Gareeb Awas, Gareeb Anna Yojna and similar numerous other benefits to all alike. At no time has made a distinction among religious communities. Hence, it is treacherous for Rahul Gandhi to claim at foreign land that Modi treats Indian minorities as second grade citizen. This will surely fuel anger and hatred amongst those few minorities both within and abroad who support Congress/Rahul Gandhi. It is a known fact that there are several anti-India groups of radical Muslims and Khalistanis in UK trying to grab any opportunity to name and shame India. This surely calls for stern action against him.

“China idolises harmony through the Chinese Communist Party”

China is a known offender in the world view whether it is his repressive measures against its own citizens in Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong or Inner Mongolia. Chinese threatening postures against its neighbor is world known whether it be Taiwan, Japan, India or Vietnam. Chinese repressive regimes’ smothering / elimination of political opponents too is well known. Chinese hegemony in South China Sea as bothering the entire world. Chinese adamancy in declining a fare and free investigation in finding the source of Covid19 that killed at least 7 million people worldwide and disabled 200 million can never be excused. Then Rahul Gandhi claiming that China idolizes harmony is his stupidity at best. He has uttered this possibly because his congress party and Rajiv Gandhi foundation is a recipient of Chinese donation money. His speech is highly condemnable.

It is evident from the deliberations above that Mr Rahul Gandhi is a chronic liar. This time he has put his foot in own mouth rather heavily. His congress party is trying hard to control the damages caused by his “Foot in Mouth” disease. It will be unfair to single out Rahul Gandhi alone for having such a disease. In Congress party this disease is rampant and often contagious; although some leaders of other political parties too (incl BJP) have this disease.

In past, Rahul Gandhi has apologized to the apex court for his “#Pappu_Lies” of calling PM Modi a ‘Chor’ while it is a bitter fact that he, his mom Sonia Gandhi and his brother-in-law Robert Vadra are all alleged ‘chors/frauds in National case’…on judicial bails for the scams that they have committed on Indian public and public assets. While “#Pappu_Lies” will diminish Rahul Gandhis’ own image in the world of being a Liar; his other utterances, some amounting to treachery are punishable. His utterances of "why all Modis are Chors?" in his 2019 election rally in Karnataka has offended some who filed a defamation case against Rahul Gandhi and now he has been convicted with 2 yrs jail.

Modi govt will be well in its rights to file FIR/case against Rahul Gandhi for his recent occurrences in London and let the law of land to take its own course. It is the kindness of PM Modi that he has not done so. However, there is a word of caution for him too. Treachery, inciting communal hatred and abusing nation especially in foreign must not be taken lightly, for it will encourage others too to commit such crimes in future.

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