Moscow Jihadi Terror attack

Terror Attacks in Moscow, Israel, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, Mumbai, France…; Time to Eliminate Jihadists

Jihadi Attack

A concerted Jihadi attack in Moscow on 22 March 2024 reminds the world the danger that Jihadists pose. A handful of Islamic terrorists allegedly affiliated to ISIS-K came fully armed with automatic weapons and explosives to mount an attack on the civilians incl women and children at the Crocus City Hall gathered to enjoy a musical concert. ISIS-K is based in Afghanistan & Pakistan and supported by those govts too. History is witness to the fact that a vast number of hateful, intolerant and bigoted Islamist community in non-Muslim nations provide them the requisite support and services. These jihadists could be affiliated to any of the numerous organisations in the world, of which some are proscribed by the UN or a few other nations, but most are not. There are over 175 Jihadi organisations in the world most of which are state sponsored by one or the other Islamic nations. Those States not only harbour, train, arm and support them but also use them in carrying out various terror attacks in different parts of the world, mostly colluding with the local Muslim communities. These colluding locals provide various support ranging from carrying out initial intelligence reccee, harbour them in sleeping cells when they arrive, provide logistics and often help them to escape after the attacks. Today, jihadists are threat for the entire world, not only for nations named above (read “Jihadists are threat for entire world”, 

The current Jihadi attack at the Crocus City Hall at the outskirts of Moscow comes close at the heels of President Putin’s thumping electoral win and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. It is no secret that Ukraine of late has been suffering several reversals at it’s eastern front. There are also reports that Ukrainian troops preparing to mount ground invasion on Russia controlled territories have suffered mass casualties amounting to thousands. It is also known that both Russia and Ukraine have engaged Islamic volunteers to fight for them, the former from Chechnya and the latter from Middle East nations.

Chechen Commander Ramzan Kadyrov is known to be a close friend of President Putin, assisting him in the current combat operation, highly unlike to attack Moscow. Russian stand against Israel in the middle east is supportive of the radical groups assisted and supported by radical states hence, they are unlikely to mount such gruesome attack on Moscow. On the other hand, jihadist mercenaries from middle east and other Asian nations requisitioned by Ukraine are vagabond, friend of none. Four suspected jihadists along with other seven associates having carried out the 22nd Mar 24 attack on Moscow have been captured while trying to escape to Ukraine. Of course, they would spill their beans during interrogation. Involvement of Afghanistan, Pakistan or other radical states aligned with USA and EU cannot be brushed off at this stage. Ukraine has been alleged to have carried out many of the terror attacks in Russia in the past and there were some statements made by Ukrainian leaderships too, anticipating fresh terror attacks on Russia. It is too premature to assume if Ukraine or US/EU is behind Moscow attack BUT if they are, they may have to pay heavy price for it besides international condemnation.

Jihadi Hate Propagated in Islam

Hate, intolerance, bigotry and terrorism is part of Islam that they call jihad. In fact, Islam was founded by Mohamed in the 7th century as a result of his hate against the locals and regional Arabian Tribes marred in prolonged feudal acts, carrying out their complete genocide (read “Islamic hate & intolerance…”, After Mohamed’s death, the subsequent Islamic Caliphs collated his mantras in a book called ‘Quran’ which they consider holy and follow in their day-to-day practices. This book is excellent in preaching Islamic brotherhood but also inculcates hate & intolerance against non-Muslims (read “Is Quran a source of hate & intolerance?” With numerous hate-filled verses, there is no doubt that Quran violates the basic principles of humanity and human rights (read “Gross violation of fundamental Rights”, Numerous hateful & intolerant verses of Quran makes it incompatible for secular ethos esp in non-Muslim nations (read “Quran is incompatible for secular ethos”,

Russia has been the victim of numerous Islamic terror attacks in past too. Moscow theatre attack, Beslan school seize, Grozny attack, metro attack along with numerous others, are only a few to name. The hotspot of Islamic terror is in their Chechen neighborhood. Besides, Muslims communities, their mosques (with radical cleric/mullahs) invariably colluding with jihadists, often provide shelter & support (read “Mosques a source of interfaith hate & intolerance”, In the recent times, involvement of Chechen fighters in Ukraine war was a dangerous fodder to Islamic terrorism. It is not surprising that users of Jihadi terror outfits too have fallen victim to Islamic terror whether in Muslim or non-Muslim nations. In the last many decades, majority of Islamic terrorism in the world have been caused by the state sponsors of Islamic terrorism themselves be it Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan etc etc.

Heat of Jihadi Attacks the World Over

As enumerated above, Israel, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, Mumbai, France etc etc have been facing numerous Jihadi terror attacks in the recent years and decades. The recent 7th Oct 2023 attack by Hamas Jihadists on Israel shames both humanity and Islam. Although retaliatory attacks mounted by Israel Defence Forces (IDF) on Hamas in Gaza is causing too much of colateral deaths and devastation, it is very strange why Palestinians of Gaza dont question their Hamas administration as to why should they bear the brunt of rapes/murders/abductions committed by them. On the other hand, all jihadi attacks whether in Israel, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, Mumbai, France as well as numerous many all over the world, is a stern warning to all non-Muslim communities and nations to be warry of the ongoing radicalism & extremism in the Muslim ghettos whether in own territories or the neighbourhod.

Sectarian violence has been raging in several Islamic nations too. It is noteworthy that many scholars term Islamic faith as demonic, anti-human owing to their jihadi acts authorised in their religious books. This faith discriminates against non-Muslims and preaches Muslims to hate them. Quran also violates their fundamental rights through numerous hateful, intolerant and fascist verses. It is not surprising that in many of the Islamic nations, one sect of jihadist demons continues fighting the other sects. Islamic (un)holy month of Ramzan or not, they continue with their demonic acts as seen in Moscow and elsewhere. It makes no sense as to why the jihadists should not be culled/killed in the month of Ramzan that the UN secretary general preaches for Gaza. When jihadist groups have spare time from own sectorial violence, they attack other peace-loving non-Islamic communities on some or the other pretexts. Jihadists have no dearth of weapons most of which are funded by the respective states or their international terror funding received through Zakat. It is other matter though, that while the jihadi organisations are busy fighting, it is the UN, the WFP feeding them and their citizen…be it Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Sudan etc etc (read “O Foolish world! Feed me for free while I continue with Jihad”,’ and “UNRWA of Jihadists, supporters & sympathisers”, 

Current Jihadi attack in Moscow is not the first nor the last. Whether Moscow, Israel, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, USA, Mumbai, France or elsewhere, jihadists are breed of violent ideology and will strike again somewhere. It is unfortunate that most of the local police around the world are aware of their activities, yet unable to eliminate them mostly for reasons of a false prestige called pseudo-secularism. Britain is the first nation that is trying to redefine Islamic terrorism (read “British new definition of Extremism”, On the other hand, among various nations, China is the only nation that has been able to control the spread of Islamic extremism & terrorism from their Xinjiang province. It should serve as an example of the sorts for the non-Muslims nations of the world to take lesson from China (read “World must adopt the Chinese model of Islam”, World community is losing trust in UN, UNSC or the UNHRC not only unable to control Islamic terrorism, but on the contrary, turning a blind eye to it (read “UN indifference to recent Islamic atrocities”,; and “Muted UNHRC Response to Islamic Genocides”,

Recent experience in the non-Islamic nations show that wherever Muslims increase, there are increased probabilities of Islamic terrorism taking places (read “The new Islamo-fascism in the world”, Rapidly increasing Muslim populations in many non-Islamic nations are making them vulnerable to various forms of Islamic radicalism, fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism. Muslim population in those nations are proliferating like cancer (read “Islamic Cancer Corroding Europe and the World”, Treatment of this cancer is only surgery to severe it from the main body. Examples are numerous such as Islamic cancer in India that mandated severing its parts that are known today as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Similarly, Kosovo region of Serbia; Kashmir valley, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala and Lakshadweep of India; CAR, Congo, Nigeria and many other nations in the African continent are increasingly becoming vulnerable.

The Bottomline

Islamic nations in the world have raised Jihadi outfits to expand Islam in the world to make it global caliphate. It is up to the non-Islamic nations to realise and counter it. Cancer of Islam must be prevented from corroding any nation. The basic problem of hate, intolerance, bigotry and fascism lay in Quran that must be either amended to get rid of its hate content against non-Muslims or be banned altogether from being preached. China has shown a way to counter Islamic cancer. It is for all other non-Muslim nations to counter this Islamic cancer from spread in their own territories. Islamic terrorists have evolved a stereotype of a typical jihadists that could be identified by local police. Time has come to put these jihadists in to jail to protect their peace-loving communities. Otherwise, jihadists of the world need to be identified, captured and given a chance to shun religious violence. Otherwise, they may all be culled/killed. They are threat to the peace-loving communities. If Jihadists persist, there could be many more of the terror attacks that happened in Moscow, Israel, Nigeria, France, India, USA, Sri Lanka or elsewhere.

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