Ukraine under fresh attacks

Zelenskyy Turning a Happy Ukraine into Hell

Ukraine, an erstwhile happy nation with pleasing landscapes for tourists and visitors, seems to have earned a curse. By now it has become a territory of destroyed infrastructures & habitats and its happy families turned into unhappy lot, craving for basic needs. The happy families have disappeared and displaced with full of widows, orphans and disabled people with scars of a turbulent war. It is a war that no Ukrainian would have ever wanted. It has been imposed upon by the vested interests that the comedian President failed to visualize. It is no secret after the 2½ yrs of destructive war which to any naked eye was waged by Russia, had been drafted in Washington and Brussels long before it erupted on 24 Feb 2022. Today, Ukraine and its citizen are paying heavily with deaths and devastations with bleak future. Zelenskyy is highly unpopular among its population, facing assassination bids. Meanwhile, Ukraine has become a hell on the chessboard of NATO-Russia war game.

NATO Game on Play for Long

After the break up of the erstwhile USSR, the only other superpower, the USA didn’t stop from provoking the other. A covert war game continued to play that violated the understanding between the two, that NATO will not expand into the territories of breakout republics. NATO continued its expansion into the Russian backyards, initially by luring away the three members of the Warsaw Pact (Czech, Hungary & Poland) on 12 Mar 1999 followed by Romania & Bulgaria and breakaway parts of the USSR (Slovenia, Lithuvania, Latvia & Estonia) on 29 Mar 2004. Ukraine & Belarus had been on the radars of NATO for long. However, they were strong allies of Russia having long shared borders, defied initial coercions.

European Union started fishing in troubled waters by first changing the leadership in Ukraine thru’ a massive revolution on 21 Nov 13 at Kiev Independence Square. The pro-Russia Ukrainian Prez was made to flee and a pro-EU leadership installed thru’ allurement of joining EU and NATO. Largely Russian speaking provinces of Crimea & Donbass started getting persecuted by pro-EU Kiev regime. Crimea of course, chose to join Russia but Donbass came under increasing discriminations and attacks by Kiev. Their social security was stopped, developmental projects and funds put on hold. They survived with Russian support. NATO desperately looking for a foothold in Russia’s backyard, started inciting Kiev pumping weapons and aids. Writing was on the wall for a bitter confrontation that the comedian Prez Zelenskyy ignored. It is clearly a war of NATO with Russia being waged on Ukrainian territory causing enormous devastations and deaths (read “One year of NATO-Russia war game and a clueless Zelensky”,

Zelenskyy’s Blemished Role

There are several smaller nations in the world living peacefully by the sides of mightier ones. There could be differences but in the modern global structures, an amicable path of midway can always be found. This applies to Russia and Ukraine as well. Although Russian invasion of Ukraine cannot be justified, equally blemished are the roles of last two Ukrainian Presidents that gradually led to the war. Zelenskyy could be termed as the worst among them to keep the war raging for years leading to the destruction of his nation and bringing extreme hardship, destructions, deaths and devastation to the citizens. His decisions have been anything but responsible Head of a State. He has largely been a pone on a political chessboard being played between NATO and Russia (read “NATO creates an effective battlefield in Russia”, He destroyed a prosperous nation, turning its happy citizen into destitution. Lot many women & children who were advised to flee on 24 Feb 24 to the adjoining EU States, became objects of sexual exploitations and ridicules. Those who returned, are being exploited in own nation by the unpaid Islamist mercenaries of Middle East with their male folks engaged in the war on the frontiers.

Ukraine’s infrastructures, cities, habitats, energy resources, economy, social fabrics etc stand almost destroyed. The figures of Ukrainian casualties stand at around 125,000 and numerous many becoming disabled. Majority of citizen fighting the war are fatigued and want to return to peace. However, NATO’s war game is not yet over. They want the comedian Prez to continue dancing to their tunes and he is aloof of its repercussions. Ukraine’s resistance have been purely on foreign aids of aid and assistance by NATO. All sane world figures have whispered to him to start negotiations to end the war BUT Zelenskyy is adamant (read “NATO must remain warry to Zelenskyy’s motives”, NATO members are getting fed up of providing assistance but are being pushed by USA. Ukrainian troops and civilians drawn in the conflict are getting fatigued and fewer. Having already lost the major parts of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporizhia, fresh areas are being captured by Russia amidst Ukrainian forces withdrawal. 

International Consequences and Impacts

It is no secret that both Ukraine and Russia have lost plenty of men and material in this war. The latter being able to absorb the impacts more than the former owing to its strength and size of its economy. However, it is also obvious that Ukraine avoided surrendering to a highly disproportionate size and strength of the enemy. Even more important is the fact that the host nation was able to inflict massive damages not only on own land but well within enemy territories even if isolated ones. Destruction of the Russian military hardware were enormous whether its Tanks, APCs, helicopters or even fighter aircrafts. International communities supported Ukraine on legal and diplomatic fronts. Russia was isolated in the UN, UNSC, UNHRC and the ICJ. Of course, ICJ delivering a verdict on ‘war crime’ without hearing the other side earned a high disrepute in handling the issue.

Highly patriotic Ukrainian citizens seem tired of enduring the ongoing war anymore. There have been stray reports of assassination plans against Zelenskyy. His own citizens are fed up of him. There are reports that NATO soldiers are on Ukrainian territories handling sophisticated military equipment, imparting training to the handful of the left-over Ukrainian soldiers as well as tactically supervising the war. If it is so, there is a real danger of Russia pressing the N-button in the coming months the consequences of which will be gloomy (read “Kiev destruction a clear possibility”, It will be a blow that many generations of Ukrainians will suffer in the likes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a strong possibility if the newly supplied long range US missiles strike Russian territories.

 What Russia had demanded initially from Ukraine to grant autonomy to Donbas region within Ukrainian Constitution, has by now extended to large parts of Zaporizhia and Kherson also annexed. As reports come, Russia has started advancing towards Kharkiv, Sumi and Odesa too that may soon be under red map. If this happens, Ukraine may lose access to the Black Sea and become a land-locked State. The war line is too long for small Ukrainian forces to sustain combat. In the coming weeks and months more territories could be lost. The comedian Prez has destroyed Ukraine to say the least.

Ukraine losing fresh grounds to Russia

Financial Impacts

Financial and other sanctions by the EU States had crippling effects, more on EU than Russia. Cost of energy became unbearable. UK and Germany had to reverse their commitment of green energy. Closure of airspace for each other fueled up cost of aviation. Imports-Exports from each others got impacted. The war has already cast its shadows on global supply chains when Russia had to be requested by the UN and Turkiye to permit limited grain exports from Ukraine amidst suspicions of violations of the terms & conditions that led to the termination of the MoU. As and when Odesa falls, Ukraine may loose access to the Black Sea and that will be the watershed moment in the history of Ukraine.

Ukrainian manufacturing plants esp the Steel and Antonov Aviation is already destroyed. The Zaporizhia Nuclear power units, the biggest in Europe is already under controls of Russia. Missile attacks on other power generation units are having crippling effects. Scarcity of men for farming is now significantly impacting grain productions. Whatever little are there for exports, the sea route is nearly closed. Ukraine is now living largely on the aids and donations from Europe and the US. They are bound to face serious financial hardship after the aid dries up. The Comedian Prez seems aloof.

The Bottomline

The political leadership of Ukraine has doomed an erstwhile peace-loving and prosperous nation. The raging war with a mightier neighbor has already inflicted a heavy territorial, human, infrastructural and financial toll on Ukraine. Human cost will be difficult to absorb for decades. If NATO continues inciting, there is a strong possibility of Nuclear escalation too. After the current aid and assistance stops, Ukraine could face a serious financial crunch. With Donbas, Zaporizhia, Kherson already annexed, the nation could lose its access to the Black Sea. Real friends of Ukraine may have to render some sensible advises even if unsolicited, to come to a negotiating table to salvage whatever little it can. NATO and Russia have destroyed an erstwhile happy and peace-loving nation that the comedian Prez is too shortsighted to visualise. 

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