The Counterviews; 1-31 Dec 2022; Issue 4:12
NATO Must Remain Warry to Zelensky’s Motives
Oppressed Women in Islam
Vande Bharat: A Feather in Railway’s Cap
Inventing Corruptions thru’ IIT Brain
Moderate Earthquake: Is Delhi Prepared?
सम्पादकीय : सिंहावलोकन
मैं हिन्दू हूँ लेकिन हिन्दू-धर्म से अनभिज्ञ
Defence R&D Scientists Need Service Orientation
Hype on Skyroot Rocket Tech Demo
FIFA 2022 Fixtures and Some Interesting World Cup Facts
Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (1 of n) ?
चलते चलाते : हिन्दू लड़की
NATO Must Remain Warry to Zelensky’s Motives
Both Russia and Ukraine are trekking a dangerous path. Russia lacks military strategies to limit own losses and Ukraine has been inciting Russia to inflict the type of damages that they have been. If international communities or the mediators are unable to get a ceasefire in the near future, there is a strong possibility of Kiev/Lviv/Odesa to become another Hiroshima/Nagasaki
November 21st, 2022Oppressed Women in Islam
Muslims of the world may be reluctant to accept that their women are largely oppressed. Leaving exceptions, they lack the freedom and liberty enjoyed by women of other religions and faiths.
November 24th, 2022Vande Bharat: A Feather in Railway’s Cap
India under Modi Govt has taken recourse to Atmnirbhar plans in which Vande Bharat surely has a bright future. It serves the imaginations of the people, reduces travel time by half, cuts the import cost, boosts the Indian economy and takes the nation to a new age.
November 10th, 2022Inventing Corruptions thru’ IIT Brain
The IIT brain of Mr Natwarlal is inventing new methods of corruptions and scams, entirely different from the old stereotypes. After his Liquorgate, Bus-Gate, Classroom-Gate have been check-mated in Delhi, his active brain must be planning something new.
November 29th, 2022Moderate Earthquake: Is Delhi Prepared?
India has been vulnerable to moderate to severe earthquakes in past and there are predictions of one striking us in future too. Preparedness before a natural calamity like major earthquake is of paramount value.
November 9th, 2022सम्पादकीय : सिंहावलोकन
प्रतिमत पत्रिका की तीसरी वर्षगाँठ पर लेखन के तथ्यों का सिंहावलोकन करना स्वाभाविक एवं सामान्य सी बात है।यद्यपि विभिन्न विषयों पर पक्ष-विपक्ष की चर्चा के बावजूद पत्रिका अपनी कुछ कमियों के साथ भी प्रसारित होती रही है।
November 30th, 2022मैं हिन्दू हूँ लेकिन हिन्दू-धर्म से अनभिज्ञ
सुसंस्कृत, समृद्ध, जिज्ञासु-जिजीविषा युक्त, उदारता पूर्ण, पवित्र, आभिजात्य जीवन शैली ही कमोवेश हिन्दू धर्म है या कुछ और यह मैं नहीं जानता। अधिकाँश हिन्दुओं का जीवन यापन तो इन्हीं क्रिया -कलापों में व्यतीत हो समाप्त हो जाता है।
November 20th, 2022Defence R&D Scientists Need Service Orientation
In the last 10-15 yrs DRDO-Armed Forces interactions do take place in the formulation of AR/QR, draft Specifications, test schedules and the QA requirements that raise user confidence. However, taking scientists of various experience levels to the users esp to the field/forward areas will be extremely helpful in initiating new projects.
November 29th, 2022Hype on Skyroot Rocket Tech Demo
As and when Skyroot and the similar private firms fully operationalise their products and services, it will surely be a boost for India in space technologies
November 18th, 2022FIFA 2022 Fixtures and Some Interesting World Cup Facts
Till now, the indications are that the number of visitors in the “Football Mahakumbh” is not anywhere to the tunes that were expected. The reasons are manifold from lack of freedom in the Islamic territory of Qatar to the skyrocketing cost of hotels and ticket prices.
The outcome of the matches played so far has been largely on the predicted line where the defending champion France has reached the Final. It is up to Messi's team to put up a formidable challenge to stamp their victory.
November 21st, 2022Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (1 of n) ?
Most if not all, Specialists in Aerospace Medicine are imparted flying training as supernumerary aircrew so as to fully appreciate the complexities of tasks that their clientele are expected to perform. This is why they are also known as Flight Surgeons.
November 29th, 2022चलते चलाते : हिन्दू लड़की
गाँधी - नेहरू की चालों में
फँसा हुआ है बेबस हिन्दू ।
सोचो कैसे विश्वपटल पर,
मृतक समाज बना है हिन्दू।November 29th, 2022