The Counterviews; 1-31 May 2023; Issue 5:05
Gross Violation of Indian Fundamental Rights
Another Terror Attack in Poonch (J&K)
Revisiting Red Terror in India
Karnataka Electoral Conundrum 2023
Britain of Rapist Muslims, Docile White Men; Hesitant Police and Helpless Ministers
Pakistan, Islamic Terrorism and India
सम्पादकीय : 'गुण्डे बचाओ' अभियान'
Reusable Launch Vehicle: Is ISRO on Right Track?
चलते चलाते : बुद्धू हिन्दू
Gross Violation of Indian Fundamental Rights
It may be more appropriate for the Supreme Court of India to constitute a committee of religious experts from all those religions and faiths abused/demeaned in Quran (like Christian, Jew, Zoroastrian, Polytheist & Idol-worshipper of India) so as to go in details and assess if any or many of the verses of Quran are offensive to them and submit the report.
April 9th, 2023Another Terror Attack in Poonch (J&K)
Pak is reeling under a severe economic crunch. It may be in both Pak and Indian interests to initiate a bilateral dialogue to get the POK vacated by Pak army. If they refuge (which in all likelihood they may), India will have a valid reason to get it vacated by force. There is a saying “लोहा गरम है, हथौड़ा मारो”. It may be time to launch multi-pronged retaliatory and proactive military attacks on both Jihadi Estts and their Armed Forces as well as a credible diplomatic offensive against the govt of Pakistan.
April 28th, 2023Revisiting Red Terror in India
Maoists & Naxals of the present times have to be either brought to the main-stream or neutralised. After dealing a heavy knock-out punch on those terrorists, they have to be brought to talk just like the insurgent groups in North-East were tackled with.
April 26th, 2023Karnataka Electoral Conundrum 2023
Unlike the traditionally corrupt govts of past, the present Bommai govt has been largely clean, having completed many laudable infrastructure, development and welfare projects of the state. Congress party, the main rival of BJP visibly seems to be the most corrupt party with its leadership both at state and central levels on bails, evading jail for corruption charges pending in courts. The present state BJP govt seems clean and effective; bringing in many new young faces may be able to win the election with a simple majority.
April 12th, 2023Britain of Rapist Muslims, Docile White Men; Hesitant Police and Helpless Ministers
Muslims have been sexually exploiting British women for decades and the instances are increasing after their recent migration, proliferation and formation of ghettos. It is up to the British administration to choose whether they wish their women to be preyed upon by the radical rapists indulging in a form of Jihad (al-Nikah and ud-Dawa) or take measures that may be perceived by pseudo-secularists as harsh.
April 7th, 2023Pakistan, Islamic Terrorism and India
Pakistan has well established itself as a hub centre of global terror. India and Indians will be foolish to keep tolerating Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism emanating from Pak. Indian Muslims must acknowledge this fact and live cordially with peace-loving fellow Hindus rather than siding with Pak radicals in spreading Jihad in India.
April 28th, 2023सम्पादकीय : 'गुण्डे बचाओ' अभियान'
ममता, सोनियाँ, राहुल, ओवैसी, अखिलेश, नीतीश, खेजरिवाल ऐसे कुछ नेता पागलपन की स्थिति में पागलखाने जाने लायक हो गए हैं। लेकिन इनके पागलपन का इलाज करने के लिए किसी विशेष डॉक्टर की जरूरत है, जिसे ढूँढना नितांत आवश्यक है।
April 29th, 2023Reusable Launch Vehicle: Is ISRO on Right Track?
Looking at its small payload capability, RLV program objective seems to be unclear from the viewpoint of its economic advantages. However, it is a welcome step as a technology demonstration that could be scaled up in size to meet larger commercial objectives of carrying larger payloads, trapping or bringing back an orbiting satellite or carrying out a deep space scientific mission.
April 18th, 2023चलते चलाते : बुद्धू हिन्दू
हत्यारों का महिमा मंडन,
निर्दोषों के गले का खंडन।
हिन्दू उदार! पाले सारे जन,
दावत मौत को दे बुद्धू बन।April 29th, 2023