The Counterviews; 1-31 Jan 2023; Issue 5:01
-Neglected Indian Navy Regains Lost Pride
-UN Human Rights Commission Becoming Increasingly Irrelevant
-Pakistani Genocide, Liberation of Bangladesh by India and >50 yrs of Indo-Bangla relations
-If Compensating for Climate Change, Why Not Others?
-Climate Change: Some Divergent Views
-Another Chinese PLA Misadventure at Tawang Sector
-Major Islamic Jihadi Attacks in the world
-पलायन छोड़ो, आत्मरक्षा में बन्दूक उठाओ
-“भारत जोड़ो”: कितना मिथ्या कितना सत्य ?: भाग-२
-यह कैसा ‘शौर्य-दिवस’? एक व्यंग ?
-सम्पादकीय : जोड़ो-तोड़ो और मरोड़ो
-Indian Missile Programs to Self-Reliance
-Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (Part 2 of n)?
-चलते - चलाते : नया साल
Neglected Indian Navy Regains Lost Pride
Naval power expansion by China will mandate India to dominate surrounding seas, be it the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean or the Arabian sea. India must raise its naval assets towards the southern tip of the Greater Nicobar so as to keep a direct vigil on the Malacca Strait and prevent any sneaker from intruding through smaller passages on the Indonesian islands.
December 29th, 2022UN Human Rights Commission Becoming Increasingly Irrelevant
Human Rights Violations and their reporting have taken a new turn through several biases. Both religious and ethnic minorities are facing persecution. Some of the Rights violations in Ukraine, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East are amounting to genocides yet not a single credible investigation has been undertaken by the Human Rights panel of the United Nations. A large number of member nations are losing faith in the UN and the Human Rights Council.
December 9th, 2022Pakistani Genocide, Liberation of Bangladesh by India and >50 yrs of Vijay Diwas
Amidst the see-saw fluctuations in Indo-Bangla relations over decades, the Vijay-Diwas remains a major milestone in history.
December 15th, 2022If Compensating for Climate Change, Why Not Others?
The UN continues showing its biases in dealing with the global population while favouring one group and conveniently ignoring the others. There is no reason why only the Climate Change victims be compensated and not the Covid19, Jihad victims or the unprovoked war victims around the world. The time has come when the UN agencies have to be transparent in its approaches and be fair in compensating all types of victims falling prey to the ulterior motives of others.
December 28th, 2022Climate Change: Some Divergent Views
Preserving the Climate on planet Earth is the joint responsibility of all nations. There is no doubt that our planet has been exploited badly till now, in unplanned ways in the name of development. These activities have already induced Climate changes that may soon become irreversible.
December 26th, 2022Another Chinese PLA Misadventure at Tawang Sector
Time has come when the Armed Forces of New India must change its strategies approach from largely passive defence to active/offensive proactive defence. It is true that India doesn’t believe in occupying others’ territories but that doesn’t mean that we should not create enough fear and apprehension in the mind and souls of our enemies to refrain from such indulgence.
December 12th, 2022Major Jihadi Attacks in the World
The followings are the official numbers of incidents involving major Islamic Jihadi attacks the world over that caused significant casualties of >10 with several folds of those injured many of whom succumbed to their injuries at a later date.
December 28th, 2022पलायन छोड़ो, आत्मरक्षा में बन्दूक उठाओ
जो लोग १९९० या उसके बाद घाटी से पलायन किए वे आज तक देश के विभिन्न शहरों में अपने जड़ से अलग,विस्थापितों का जीवन व्यतीत कर रहे हैं।आज आवश्यकता है उनमें इक्षा-शक्ति लाने की जिससे वे सब एक होकर अधिकार पूर्वक वहीं रह सकें।
December 27th, 2022“भारत जोड़ो”: कितना मिथ्या कितना सत्य ?: भाग-२
कांग्रेस पार्टी द्वारा शुरू किया गया "भारत जोड़ो यात्रा" किसी भी प्रकार भारत जोड़ो नहीं वल्कि 'राहुल गांधी व कांग्रेस बचाओ' जैसा प्रतीत होता है।
December 7th, 2022यह कैसा ‘शौर्य-दिवस’? एक व्यंग ?
भारत को एक ऐसा हिन्दू राष्ट्र बनाना आवश्यक है जहाँ भारतीय धर्मों (हिन्दू, जैन, बौद्ध, सिख ) को वे सारे अधिकार हों जो इस्लामिक देशों में मुसलामानों को और ईसाई देशों में ईसाईयों को प्राप्त हैं।हाँ।यहाँ रह रहे अन्य धर्मावलम्बियों की अवहेलना न हो इसके लिए उन्हें वही हक़ मिले जो उन इस्लामी या ईसाई देशों में में हिन्दुओं को मिले हैं। जिस भी दिन ऐसा हो सकेगा वह सही में एक शौर्य दिवस होगा अन्यथा नहीं।
December 4th, 2022सम्पादकीय : जोड़ो-तोड़ो और मरोड़ो
आज एक ज्वलंत प्रश्न हमारे सम्मुख है कि वैदिक सनातन विरोधी गतिविधियों के प्रति अनभिज्ञता, एकजुटता के अभाव में क्या हिन्दू अपनी संस्कृति, सभ्यता एवं आनुवंशिकी की रक्षा कर पाएंगे ?
December 30th, 2022Indian Missile Programs to Self-Reliance
In the last 12-15 yrs, there have been rapid strides. Modi govt brought the vision of self-reliance but it was the spark of Indo-China clash at Galwan that made the DRDO to take unprecedented lead in making India self-reliant in missile technologies…almost at par with the best in the world.
December 26th, 2022Aerospace Medicine: Did You Know the Followings (Part 2 of n)?
This is a series of brief articles published in the interest of citizen who don’t know about a new branch of medicine called ‘aerospace medicine’. Some useful inputs of health relating to this branch of medicine are given in these articles in public interest.
December 30th, 2022चलते - चलाते : नया साल
खुशियों से हो ओत-प्रोत, हर जीव-जंतु संतुष्ट दिखे,
नया साल हो तभी सार्थक,संसार सुरक्षित जभी दिखे।December 30th, 2022