The Counterviews; 1-31 Jul 2023; Issue 5:07
What Makes Modi so Special for India?
Criticism apart, Modi govt has performed exceptionally well on all fronts. He is regarded as an avatar of God by the poor sections of Indians. It may not be an overstatement to claim that Modi in his 9 yrs has done as much or even more than all other govts of the past could do collectively in their 60 yrs.
June 18th, 2023India Diseased by Three Cancers...Communalism, Congress and Communism
In a democratic and secular nation, everyone has the rights to enjoy the fruits of equality, freedom of Life & Liberty, non-exploitation, freedom of religion amidst some others. However, Islamic Communalism has been repeatedly violating all norms.
June 13th, 2023We, the People and Pseudo-Seculars of India
The pseudo-seculars are a distinct group who are ready to fall to any low to garner some Muslim electoral votes. ‘Muslim Vote-bank’ groups of politicians are revered pseudo-secularists in India. They are ready to enact any pro-Muslim policies often offending the interests of the native Hindus.
June 27th, 2023विश्व में ४७ इस्लामी, १६ ईसाई, ४ बौद्ध और १ यहूदी राष्ट्र हो सकता है : तो १ “हिन्दू राष्ट्र” क्यों नहीं ?
समय आ गया है कि भारत को एक "हिन्दू या भारतीय धर्म राष्ट्र" घोषित किया जाए। इसके लिए मोदी सरकार को वाध्य करें कि वे अगले चुनाव में भारत को एक 'हिन्दू राष्ट्र ' बनाने का संकल्प लें। इसपर जो जनतांत्रिक बहस होनी थी वह कमोवेश हो चुकी है।अब देश के बहुसंख्यकों की और अवहेलना नहीं की जा सकती है। यहाँ ऐसे लोगों को भी नागरिकता में प्राथमिकता दी जाए जिसके लिए कोई भी धर्म राष्ट्र नहीं है (जैसे पारसी)। हाँ ! यहाँ के अल्पसंख्यकों को वो सारे अधिकार अवश्य देने चाहिए जो उनके ‘धर्म राष्ट्र’ (जैसे इस्लामिक या ईसाई) देशों में हिन्दुओं को दी जाती है।
June 21st, 2023सम्पादकीय : पेंटिंग (चित्रकारी)
एक कलाकार जहाँ स्वयँ के चमकते ,सशक्त, भव्य व्यक्तित्व की तरह ही भारत की गरिमा को चार चाँद लगाता है, वहीं एक विकृति के शिकार, कलुषित मानसिकता से परिपूर्ण व्यक्ति भारत की छवि को न सिर्फ धूमिल करने का प्रयत्न करता है बल्कि यथासंभव अपनी कलंकित वंशावली की कालिमा की छपाई भी कर आता है।
June 29th, 2023विड़म्बना
एकतरफा सहनशीलता, भाई-चारे के राग, धर्मनिरपेक्षता का छद्म आडंबर करने वाले प्रायः धूर्तता ,धोखाधड़ी के सहारे लूट-पाट, हत्याओं में मशगूल रहने हैं।कोई भी कट्टर इस्लामिक जिहादी समूह मानवतावादी विचारों,धर्मों, एवं शान्ति की चाहत रखने वाले समुदायों के लिए घातक है।
June 29th, 2023Russia-India-China (RIC) Group on a Ventilator
The idea of RIC mooted by mainly Russian leadership in the mid 1990s was to overcome their loss of power after the fragmentation of the USSR. RIC interactions became a mere ritual amidst the individual interests of the founders. In 2020 after the Chinese expansionism into Indian territory was check-meted, there was a golden opportunity for the dragon to give-up petty gains in the larger interest of fostering Strategic strength but they remained penny-wise. RIC block having high potentials, is on death beds, just alive on ventilator support.
June 26th, 2023Kosovo Being Engulfed by Islamic Cancer
Kosovo is an ideal place for Islamic cancer to spread its wings in Europe. There are several vulnerable states in the vicinity struggling with post pandemic and post ‘Russia-Ukraine war” economic devastations that will soon start feeling the Islamic heat. The USA-led NATO is playing a dirty game there.
June 3rd, 2023Space Tourism: First Commercial Flight of ‘Virgin Galactic’
All Space Tourists will have some minimum expectations of fulfilling some as mentioned above esp when you pay fortunes. In Virgin Galactic the microgravity is of limited period, space in the cabin isn’t enough to float freely. The firm isn’t trying to give you glimpses of sunrise or sunset.
June 29th, 2023Induction of Flight Physicians to Combat Aircraft
The present effort in inducting doctors to combat flying is a good step for the IAF. ‘Flight Physician’ will be a boon for the growth of Aerospace medicine speciality as well as for the enhancement of combat performance of the Flying communities.
May 30th, 2023चलते-चलाते : पप्पू की बारात
पटना में बारात सजी थी,
बिन सेहरे का दूल्हा था ,
दुल्हन का तो पता नहीं था
बारात चोर का तगड़ा था।June 29th, 2023