The Counterviews; 1-31 Dec 2023; Issue 5:12
-Growing Trust Deficit for World Muslims as Community & Nations;
-Who are Innocent Civilian Palestinians ?;
-चोर मचाए शोर;
-सम्पादकीय : प्रतिमत की समालोचना;
-धारावाहिक: मेरी, तेरी, उसकी बातें: चोर चूहे (भाग-3);
-Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer, Reluctant for Treatment;
-UN Indifference to Recent Islamic Atrocities;
-Climate Butchery by Heavy Space Rockets;
-चलते चलाते :जीवन कितना सस्ता?;
Growing Trust Deficit for World Muslims as Community & Nations
It is no secret that Islamists have covertly waged Jihad in the world thru’ their 175-odd jihadi organisations termed non-state actors. Their atrocities & genocides are creating trust deficit for them the world over.
November 13th, 2023Who are Innocent Palestinians?
It is unfortunate that Palestinians are becoming enemies of their own women and children in not shifting them to south Gaza. No Palestinian speak for the release of innocent civilian hostages of toddlers, children, women and elderly of Israel. Anyone will question these Palestinians whether they are really innocent.
November 10th, 2023चोर मचाए शोर
इन चोरों का शोर चरम पर है।ज्यादातर जनता इनके चाल-चरित्र से अवगत हैं।अभी चुनाव इनके सर पर है और वोट जनता के हाथों में।यही समय है जनता इन चोरों को जोर का थप्पड धीरे से मारे।
November 6th, 2023सम्पादकीय : प्रतिमत की समालोचना
तुम निरंतर कर्मफल के प्रति चिंतन मनन किए बिना ही कर्म करो, कर्म पर हीतुम्हारा अधिकार है कर्मफल पर नहीं, अतः अकर्मण्यता का त्याग कर कर्म करो।
November 29th, 2023धारावाहिक: मेरी, तेरी, उसकी बातें: चोर चूहे (भाग-3)
चूहों ने शायद काफी संख्या में अपने एवं अपने दर्जनों बच्चे के नहाने धोने के लिए साबुन इकठ्ठा कर लिया था, लेकिन इसके बावजूद वे बॉथरूम या घर के अंदर टोह लेने आ ही जाते हैं, उनकी चोरियों एवं उत्पात की कहानी यहीं ख़त्म नहीं हुई है, वह अब भी जारी है। उसके बारे में फिर कभी बताउँगी।
November 29th, 2023Britain Diseased with Islamic Cancer, Reluctant for Treatment
It is up to the British administration to choose whether they want to be corroded/eaten-up by the ever ever-proliferating Islamic cancer or get rid of it to have a peaceful existence through various measures suggested in this rticle.
November 16th, 2023UN Indifference to Recent Islamic Atrocities
In the present Israel-Hamas war, the UN/UNSC/UNHRC is overtly seen standing with the latter. All seem to have forgotten the fact that Hamas indulged in Islamic barbarism on 7th Oct 23 against Jews of Israel and most of the Muslims around the world celebrated it.
November 29th, 2023Climate Butchery by Heavy Space Rockets
While natural spoils by volcanos, are not in our hands greenhouse gasses and particulates being added up by human through aviation and space activities are inexcusable. It includes exhaust gasses, products of vehicular destruction as well as burn-out of rockets, satellitess and other junks during re-entry. It is time for the UN bodies to frame laws to prevent greenhouse effects and be firm against the spoilers without bias.
November 24th, 2023चलते चलाते :जीवन कितना सस्ता?
कहीं युद्ध तो कहीं हादसा,
मानव जीवन कितना सस्ता?नाम दिया मजहब इस्लाम,
अन्यों का कर काम-तमाम।November 29th, 2023