The Counterviews; 1-30 Jun 2022; Issue 4:06
Uyghur Muslims: Progression of Radicalism over Centuries
When I had Covid19…A Doctor’s Views
Factual Islamophobia in the World…
Showing Two Fingers to the Useless UNSC
सम्पादकीय : बाबा बैद्यनाथ
अटपटे अनोखे सपने
Hypersonic Missiles and India
Launch of INS Surat & INS Udaygiri
चलते-चलाते : "बोलता सन्नाटा"
Uyghur Muslims: Progression of Radicalism over Centuries
Was there some injustice done to the Uyghur Muslims? Possibly ‘Yes’ esp in the present context. Who should claim the legitimacy to Xinjiang/East Turkestan/Kashgar/Shule? Why not the original Hans? Why not the Yuezhi? Why not the Buddhists? Why only Muslims? All four share a substantial part of the religious history of the beleaguered State.
May 28th, 2022When I had Covid19…A Doctor’s Views
When a Covid handling doctor suffered the same infection, it is a lesson...both to them as well as all the branches of medicine.
May 11th, 2022Factual Islamophobia in the World…
There is no shame in acknowledging that there is increasing Islamophobia in the world owing to the Islam being a faith of hate and intolerance. Islamic hate towards the believers of other religions and faith started from the days of Mohamed and continues even today.
May 14th, 2022Showing Two Fingers to the Useless UNSC
The credibility of the UN and UNSC is at a very high stake now than ever before. It has failed the world and urgently needs to be reformed or dissolved lest all mightier nations will continue showing two fingers.
May 29th, 2022सम्पादकीय : बाबा बैद्यनाथ
प्रत्येक धर्म-स्थलों को स्वच्छता एवं आवास सुविधाओं के साथ विकसित करना, पर्यटकों को बढ़ावा देना तथा मलेच्छों से मुक्त करना साम्प्रदायिक सौहार्द के लिए भी जरूरी है।
May 31st, 2022अटपटे अनोखे सपने
अजीब बात है ! जो बातें जाग्रत अवस्था में असम्भव हैं वे स्वप्न में कितनी सहजता से सम्पन्न हो जाते हैं।
May 31st, 2022Hypersonic Missiles and India
Hypersonic missiles travel at speeds >5 Mach. At such speeds, it provides a very short reaction time to the adversaries. Further, any conventional or advanced air defence systems are incapable to catch these missiles thus making their strike a sure shot.
May 28th, 2022Launch of INS Surat & INS Udaygiri
Govt of India's effort in upgrading the Naval shipbuilding capabilities will go a long way in making it a force to reckon with. A number of Naval ships being manufactured and commissioned in the last 4 yrs is highly laudable.
May 28th, 2022चलते-चलाते : "बोलता सन्नाटा"
यूँ तो छत पर सौम्य सन्नाटा है,
इमारतें दोपहर में निःशब्द हैं।
May 31st, 2022