The Counterviews; 1-31 May 2022; Issue 4:05
Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease not Symptoms
Zelensky Sacrificing Ukraine for Own Ego
Did Imran fail Pak or Pak Failed Imran ?
60 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Part-1 & 2)
सम्पादकीय : एक कड़वा सच
Imran’s Ouster: A Beginning of Unstable Pakistan ?
जय श्रीराम तथा हनुमान चालीसा से कष्ट क्यों?
चलते - चलाते : बैठो अकेले, आ जाना।
Islamic Hate & Intolerance: Treat the Disease not Symptoms
The treatment of the ongoing Jihad the world over is not only by rapprochement by the different communities but also by removing the root cause, the 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran/Hadith that Muslims call Holy. It cannot be preached in non-Islamic and secular states. A Chinese model of dealing with such hate & intolerance of Quran may be followed.
April 22nd, 2022Zelensky Sacrificing Ukraine for Own Ego
Many of the human rights voices are venting anger equally at Putin and Zelensky for the massacre of civilians and destruction of Ukraine.
Oh God! May wisdom come to the two, to save humanity in Ukraine.
April 4th, 2022Did Imran Fail Pak or Pak Failed Imran ?
It is a composite failure of all Pakistani Govts of past, especially from the late 1980s after they started investing in the terror industry as well as in covert aspirations of a nuclear bomb. Today, any financial anomaly, any terror acts taking place in any part of the world has a Pakistani link. Pakistan is fast heading towards a failed States of the world that is worrisome for international agencies, fearing its nuclear arsenals getting into the wrong hands. It can only be debated whether Imran failed Pakistan or Pakistan failed Imran
April 9th, 202260 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Part-1)
The 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran shown in this article are incompatible for the peaceful coexistence of citizens in Secular and Democratic nations. It must be amended or deleted.
April 2nd, 202260 Hateful & Intolerant Verses of Quran (Part-2)
The 60 hateful and intolerant verses of Quran shown in this article are incompatible for the peaceful coexistence of citizens in Secular and Democratic nations. It must be amended or deleted.
April 2nd, 2022सम्पादकीय : एक कड़वा सच
प्रताड़ित होने के बाद ही किसी गणतांत्रिक देश या ग़ैरइस्लामियों को समझ आता है कि ये जिहादी मुस्लिम कौम इतने खतरनाक, बर्बर और गन्दे हैं कि पूरी दुनियाँ को बर्बाद कर रहे हैं।
April 30th, 2022Imran’s Ouster: A Beginning of Unstable Pakistan ?
We can say for sure that Pakistan is headed towards an uncertain path for both the new govt and the members of the ex-ruling parties. Imran and some of his minister's fates will be uncertain. High profile loots by the politicians are on cards. High pitch rhetorics against the previous govt officials and India could be expected in the period preceding the next elections.
April 9th, 2022जय श्रीराम तथा हनुमान चालीसा से कष्ट क्यों?
हाल में महाराष्ट्र में हनुमान चालीसा के पाठ के खिलाफ लिये गए कार्यवाही ने बता दिया है कि भूत-पिशाच जैसे नेताओं को हनुमान चालीसा के पाठ से तिलमिलाहट होती है ठीक उसी तरह जैसे बंगाल की डाकिन को रामचंद्र जी नामोच्चारण से होती है।
April 30th, 2022चलते - चलाते : बैठो अकेले, आ जाना।
माँ हूँ मैं तुम्हारी,आ जाना ममता भरी मेरी ही गोद में,
सीता की भाँति,शांतचित,सम्मान सहित स्वाभिमान से।April 30th, 2022